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Q&A for How to Perform Nikah
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QuestionHow do I perform Nikah as a Female Qazi?Shaykh Mekaeel is an Imam at the Islamic Community of Salinas in Salinas, California. He is the founder of the Voyagers of Knowledge YouTube channel, which creates Islamic educational content. He attended the Islamic University of Madinah and earned a degree from the school of Da'wah and Usuluddeen.So, Nikah, for it to be done, there's condition number one: she needs to give her permission. She has authority in this; if she says no, the wedding's over. Number two, the groom also needs to want to get married. Number three: it needs the permission of the guardian of the bride. And number four, it needs two witnesses. These are the preconditions. But once these happen in a marriage, what needs to be done? So the father of the bride is going to say I would be with you, my daughter. And the groom will then say, I accept the marriage of your daughter while two witnesses are there, and that's it.
QuestionCan my in-law collect Mahr on behalf of my wife because she was not able to attend the ceremony due to her work restriction order?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerMahr doesn't have to be given to the bride at the ceremony. It can be deferred to any time in the future. It can even be deferred indefinitely if the two of you agreed to that (although it would become payable immediately upon death or divorce). But yes, it would be possible for her family to collect it on her behalf, if that was her wish.
QuestionCan I marry a Muslim man without converting to Islam?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerAssuming that you are a woman, it is possible for you to marry a Muslim man if you are a Christian or Jewish woman, provided you are willing to agree that your children will be raised Muslim. If you are of any other religion (or if you consider yourself agnostic or atheist), however, then no—you cannot marry a Muslim man without converting to Islam.
QuestionDo you have to declare the Mahr in public?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt will be a part of your contract, but it might not be stated publicly as part of the Nikah—especially if the couple doesn't want to. However, you do have to declare that it exists. You just don't necessarily have to go into detail about what it is.
QuestionCan a Nikah be done in absence of the groom?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerNo, the groom must be present to accept the Nikah. Technically, the Nikah can be performed without the bride's presence (with only her male representative, usually her father, there on her behalf). However, this is seldom done. Most imams want both the bride and groom to be present.
QuestionIf the bride wants to go to her parents' house for 4 to 5 hours after the nikah in the mosque, can the groom come to the bride's house?SobiTop AnswererAfter the nikah, the couple are now, Islamically, officially married. They are allowed to be together.
QuestionI have no male relatives and am a revert. Who can act as witness for me?MudarroCommunity AnswerContact an imam at a local mosque; tell him your situation. He will act as your wali.
QuestionIs my nikah still valid if my maternal uncle gave me away in marriage and my paternal uncle witnessed the whole process?Community AnswerOf course! Allah understands why you may have chosen to do this and accepts all.
QuestionCan I marry a Hindu boy?SobiTop AnswererNo. Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men unless they convert to Islam before the marriage.
QuestionCan an Imam marry a couple via phone if one of them is in another country, and one is there in person?SobiTop AnswererThis is permissible. According to the Hanafi school of thought, the proper procedure would be that one of the two parties select an individual to be their representative in the physical location of the other party.
QuestionCan I perform a Nikah without permission from my parents?Community AnswerYou will need a wali, which is usually a father but can also be a brother or imam. Marrying without your parents knowing (secret marriage) is a not permitted and may break family ties. The Prophet said that a nikah without a wali is "invalid". So, you cannot marry without a wali.
QuestionWhat happens if the husband's family are Muslims and the wife's family are Christians and they don't believe in giving their daughter in an Islamic way; how do I solve this situation?SobiTop AnswererYou can have the wedding however you wish, as long as the core Islamic parts are fulfilled. Try to compromise between both families, and don't let the issue of religion get in the way of the marriage.
QuestionCan imam perform nikah of a Muslim woman and Christian man?SobiTop AnswererNo. This nikah will never be valid, because a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man.
QuestionCan I perform my own Islamic marriage?Community AnswerNo, you need an imam to perform the nikah. There must also be witnesses present. If you are female, then you also need a wali.
QuestionCan I make nikah with a girl I have children with?SobiTop AnswererPremarital sexual intercourse is a major sin in Islam. Allah says in the Quran, “And do not come (even) close to adultery, for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).” (Surah al-Isra, V: 32). As far as the child is concerned, if the child is born six months or more after the time of marriage (nikah), paternity will be established and the child will be attributed to the husband. However, if the child is born before six months have elapsed, it will not be attributed to the husband. You can (it's strongly recommended) get married to her, but your child will be an illegitimate child and there will be further laws regarding inheritance and the like due to this.
QuestionCan the father be a wali when performing Nikah?Community AnswerYes, he is your guardian and the closest male figure to you, therefore he can serve as your wali.
QuestionCan my parent be my witness when performing nikah?Aufa Dwi PutrantoCommunity AnswerYes, but if your father is still alive and present in nikah, he is obliged to be a wali rather than a witness.
QuestionIf I am separated from my husband and my current boyfriend wants to make a Nikah for us, will it be valid?Community AnswerYou will need to get divorced from your husband before you can marry your boyfriend.
QuestionI'm Christian, but my Muslim partner and I are planning for a nikah after our third baby is delivered. Are my children halal according to Islamic law?Community AnswerSince you are a Christian, your kids and your relationship should be halal according to Islamic shari'ah rulings.
QuestionHaw much does it cost to do a simple nikkah at the mosque?Community AnswerThis will vary depending on the mosque. Some might even be free of cost. Check out the local ones near you and ask.
QuestionCan I be married to someone not of my religion if I'm Muslim?Community AnswerYes, and no. A Muslim man can marry a (Christian or Jewish) woman from the People of the Book, but not vice versa (a woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man.)
QuestionHow do I know if a Nikah is valid?Community AnswerA Nikah is valid when all of the requirements are fulfilled by Shari’ah. The key requirements are the Imam, two male witnesses, the contract, and the bride and groom. The marriage must be public, also, not secret.
QuestionCan a woman be a Wali for me to perform Nikah?Community AnswerA Wali is a male relative or guardian traditionally, and otherwise this would most likely be impermissible.
QuestionHow much should I pay the imam sahib for my nikkah? I need to know how much it is in case we decide to get married.Community AnswerThis depends on the imam and the mosque. Some might even be free of charge.
QuestionMy mother is Muslim and my father converted to Islam, but he didn't change his non-Muslim surname, so the name and religion listed on my birth certificate are both non-Muslim. If I have a child, will he be considered Muslim?Community AnswerYes, if he's raised as such. The name of a Muslim in Islam does not determine the person's faith; practicing the faith does.
QuestionCan a Non-Muslim man marry a Muslim woman?7e12 7e12Community AnswerA marriage between a Muslim woman and a Non-Muslim is considered invalid. If they have children, then their children will be considered bastard children.
QuestionIs it acceptable for a couple to kiss at the end of their marriage ceremony?7e12 7e12Community AnswerThis is considered zina (adultery) and is haram to do in public. Kissing in private is permissible though.
QuestionI want to do nikkah with my girlfriend to make our relationship halal. Would it be valid if we do it without the consent of our parents and tell them once we done with our education?Ayisha A. GillCommunity AnswerShe cannot do that without the permission of her parents. If she does Nikah, it will not be valid.
QuestionCan a friend of mine take place as my wali?Ayisha A. GillCommunity AnswerWali needs to be closest blood relative alive. If you don't have any blood relatives or they are not your guardian, then you need not to have a wali.
QuestionWhat do I do if the parents do not give there blessings? Due to my past and when asking forgiveness for things I have done before I met her, her mom feels it's unforgivable e.g. tattoos, so no blessings given.Ayisha A. GillCommunity AnswerAsk forgiveness from Allah. Your past is a matter between you and Allah. For people, ask for forgiveness. It does not matter if they do not forgive you as long as you have not done anything wrong to them personally.
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