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Q&A for How to Play Minecraft
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QuestionCan endermen get into my house?Community AnswerIt depends on the height of your house. If it is less than 3 blocks high, you will be safe. The endermen could only start teleporting when you look them in the eyes though. They will not spawn in water or in a well lit house.
QuestionHow do you make a brewing stand?Community AnswerYou need 1 blaze rod and 3 cobblestone to craft a brewing stand. Place the blaze rod in position 5 and the cobblestone in positions 7, 8, and 9.
QuestionHow can you make things to protect you?Community AnswerThe best way to protect yourself is armor. Like tools, you can make different armor out of different materials. However, unlike tools, you can only make leather, iron, gold, and diamond armor. There is also chain armor, however this is only attainable through villager trading. There are other, less common ways of protecting yourself. You can make structures, walls, and barricades to prevent hostile mobs (monsters) from coming into your home. You can also get a friend in the game to help. A rare but efficient way to protect yourself is create a beacon -- it can give you a resistance boost.
QuestionIf I sleep in a bed what happens?Community AnswerYou can sleep in a bed at night. Sleeping changes the time to morning, but does not speed up processes such as smelting. Sleeping in a bed will set your spawn point to the bed's location.
QuestionIs Minecraft a computer game?Community AnswerMinecraft is available for computers, smartphones, and video game consoles. The computer version for Windows, Mac, and Linux has the most features.
QuestionHow do I build highly-detailed and complex structures?Community AnswerWith Minecraft, you're only limited by your imagination. You may find it easier to build complex buildings while in Creative Mode. This mode gives you access to unlimited building supplies, including hard-to-find materials like Obsidian. Once you're done constructing buildings in Creative Mode, you can switch over to Survival and play with your creations.
QuestionWhen playing Minecraft, if I die in creative mode, will I fall into the void?Community AnswerThere are only two ways to die in creative mode (keeping in mind that the version is 1.9 survival). The only way you can die in creative mode is 1) falling into the void or 2) doing the /kill (player) command. There is no really other way to die. And if you do die in creative mode, you will not go straight to the void, you will simply be given the "You Died" Screen. Just press respawn and you are good to go.
QuestionHow do you make a working portal in Minecraft?Community AnswerThere are two types of portals in Minecraft: Nether Portals, and End Portals. A Nether Portal requires an Obsidian frame which will activate when lit with Fire. The End Portal can only be created in Creative mode, as it is premade in Survival mode. To make an End Portal in Creative Mode, you'll need to make a frame from End Portal Frame blocks, each activated by an Eye of Ender.
QuestionHow do you move around?Community AnswerIf you're playing a computer, W will move you forward, S will move you back, A will sidestep to the left, and D will sidestep to the right. You can look around with the mouse. If you're playing on a video game system, use the analog sticks on your controller to move and look. If you're playing on a smart phone, drag your finger in the lower left corner to move and in the lower right corner to look.
QuestionAre there only wooden tools or can we upgrade these tools?Community AnswerThere are wooden, gold, stone, iron and diamond tools. Gold tools are essentially the same as wooden tools, but they break faster. Stone tools are generally better, as they mine faster and can mine more blocks than wood can. Iron is used by many players, as it can mine anything except for obsidian. Lastly, diamond tools are the best-they do not break easily and can mine obsidian. You cannot upgrade these tools, you have to re-craft them using the desired material. An example would be an iron pickaxe crafted from three iron ingots and two sticks. An exception is stone tools, which are crafted using cobblestone instead of stone.
QuestionWhat is a level below ground?Community AnswerThe levels are as follows: y=62-y=0; y= 62 is sea level; y=0 is the bottom of the world. A level below ground is y=60-y=0.
QuestionHow do you play inventor style?Community AnswerGet redstone, which is a red dust you find in caves. Watch Let's Play videos of other using inventor style, as there are many possible variations.
QuestionHow do you find Herobrine?Community AnswerHerobrine does not exist in vanilla Minecraft; he's a creepypasta, basically an Internet urban legend. To see him you'll need to download a mod of some sort.
QuestionHow do you remove blocks?Community AnswerPoint at the block you want to remove, and hold the left mouse button in survival mode. In creative mode, left click the block. Note that in survival mode, some tools can help you to remove blocks faster, and sometimes the blocks will drop nothing if you mine them with the wrong tool!
QuestionWhere do I find cobblestone?Community AnswerWhen a stone block is broken with a pickaxe, it will drop cobblestone. Cobblestone also spawns naturally in dungeons and villages as parts of different structures.
QuestionHow do you use a wrecking ball?Community AnswerThere is no wrecking ball in vanilla minecraft. You may be able to find it using mods though.Try searching in youtube "PopularMMOs wrecking balls" and see if anything of interest comes up.
QuestionCan I die in creative mode?Community AnswerYes, but only in two ways. The first is by falling into a void. When you dig down and hit bedrock, you can only break it in creative mode, and once you hit it, you will fall into the void and die, if you don't fly back up just in time. The other way is to kill yourself by cheats. If you have cheats on, open up chat and do /kill to kill yourself.
QuestionHow do I breed a unicorn in Minecraft?Community AnswerIt is not possible to breed a Unicorn in the regular version of Minecraft, though you may be able to add them by installing a mod.
QuestionHow do you craft a sword?Community AnswerYou'll need one stick and two wooden planks. Open up your crafting table and place a stick on the bottom slot of the center column and put two wooden planks on top of the stick. A wooden sword will appear on the slot on the right. You can also make iron and diamond sword; just replace the two wooden planks with iron or diamond ingots.
QuestionHow do you get a pet in Minecraft?Community AnswerYou can tame certain animals with their favorite food items. Once tamed, the animal will follow you. You can tame an Ocelot by feeding it Fish. You can tame Wolves by using Bones. Horses can be tamed by riding them often using a Saddle. Cows, Pigs, and Sheep can be tamed with Wheat, and Chickens can be tamed with Seeds.
QuestionHow do you make a map?Community AnswerMaps are generated randomly when you start the game. You can share these files with others by finding the map file in your "saves" folder. If you want to create a custom map, WorldPainter is a popular map building utility.
QuestionHow do I download and play Minecraft on an iPad?Community AnswerSearch "Minecraft" on the app store. You should see "Minecraft: Pocket Edition" on the list of apps. Download it like you would any other app. Minecraft does cost money, so you will need to have an Apple account with your credit card/bill information. To play it, simply open the app.
QuestionCan you use chests to get OP items and mods?Community AnswerNo, OP (over-powered) items can only be made by using Command Blocks. Mods have to be downloaded and installed separately.
QuestionHow to make a brewing station?Community AnswerYou can craft a brewing stand using three cobblestone along the bottom of the crafting grid, and one blaze rod (dropped by blazes in nether fortresses) in the center.
QuestionHow do I get coal?Community AnswerYou have to go mining. It is the most common ore, so usually you can find it just sitting in a little dip.
QuestionHow do I get Elytra Wings?Community AnswerYou must go inside the airship in the end city. You can get there by killing the ender dragon and finding the tiny portal and using an ender pearl.
QuestionHow do I kill myself in Minecraft?Community AnswerThere are several ways to kill yourself in the game. Here are some of the many options: jump from a high place; set the game to hard and get attacked by mobs; suffocate yourself with gravel, sand or concrete powder; drown yourself in water; starve yourself on any level but peaceful; get attacked by wolves on any level but peaceful; jump in lava; get attacked by an iron golem on any level but peaceful; make somebody attack you; poison yourself with potions.
QuestionHow do I milk a cow?Community AnswerYou must have an empty bucket or two with you. Click the place button on the cow to get milk.
QuestionHow can I get horses in the Minecraft pocket edition?Community AnswerNo. Horses are not compatible with the pocket version, as they are more advanced. If you try to hack the system, it will most likely crash and give you lots of glitches.
QuestionHow do I tame a cat on Minecraft PE?Community AnswerYou must sneak in and hold raw fish to a ocelot. When the cat comes towards, you walk back very slowly and try and feed it the fish. After a while, you might be able to tame it. Sometimes it won't work so try with different ocelots.
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