Q&A for How to Play With Your Hermit Crab

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  • Question
    If I only have one hermit crab, should I play with him a lot?
    Community Answer
    Hermit crabs are social animals and they can get very depressed if they are alone. Even if you play with them a lot, there's still a chance your crab will be depressed, so the best thing you could do is get another crab.
  • Question
    Does my hermit crab curling up when I get near him mean he doesn't like me?
    Community Answer
    He is most likely just shy or protecting himself. Try taking him out periodically and placing him on your open palm. Once he's established his safety, he should come out of his shell. If he doesn't, there are other ways to bond with him. Try hand-feeding or even just talking to him, keeping in mind it will take time for him to get used to your voice. Gradually he should learn not to be so defensive around you.
  • Question
    What if my hermit crab does not eat its food?
    Community Answer
    It might just not be hungry or into its food. Some days crabs are hungrier than others. You can try to give them different options. If they eat a lot of one kind of food, then you know their favorite! Don't be too worried if this happens, your crabby friend might just be eating when you're gone. If worse comes to worse,crabs will eat the coconut substrate ground cover, so they probably won't starve. If it gets serious, you can ask your vet.
  • Question
    What do hermit crabs like to do?
    Community Answer
    They love to climb, dig, knock things over and generally explore their environment.
  • Question
    Why does my hermit crab go into its shell when I go into the room?
    Community Answer
    Your hermit crab might be a little shy. Try talking to your crab and spending time around him, so that he can see and hear you a lot. Plus, he may be lonely, so try getting him another friend and he should be happier, as crabs are social beings.
  • Question
    My hermit crabs have plenty of toys, but they don't use them, or play. Is something wrong?
    Community Answer
    You might have too many toys in with the crab and it is too crowded for the crab, reducing the desire to play. Or, the toys might be too big. Remove a few and check that they're of the right size. Then see how the crab is responding. In some cases, the crab may just not be that interested in playing.
  • Question
    Will my cat eat my hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    It may. I would keep the hermit crab well away from the cat.
  • Question
    Is it normal for them to play when they think you aren't paying attention?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Hermit crabs love to be sneaky. Be sure to keep your eyes on them when they are outside of their habitat.
  • Question
    How many friends do hermit crabs want?
    Community Answer
    At least one. In the wild hermit crabs live in huge colonies, so the more the merrier.
  • Question
    How can I get rescue hermit crabs to get along with each other?
    Community Answer
    Hermit crabs are incredibly social. As long as the home is large enough for everyone, they should all get along fine regardless of where they came from.
  • Question
    What kind of water can I give my hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    Both fresh and salt water are fine for a hermit crab. Just make sure there isn't chlorine in your tap water.
  • Question
    What happens if I drop my hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    Depending on how high up it is when you drop it and where it lands, it could be hurt or even killed. Try to avoid dropping it. You might want to have your crab on a table when you handle or play with it.
  • Question
    What can hermit crabs eat?
    Community Answer
    You should feed it food from your local pet store. However, hermit crabs can eat just about anything, especially foods that are soft and natural/raw, such as bananas or shrimp. They can also eat vegetables and different fruits, so pretty much anything that does not have any spices, salts, or additives. Remember that they are scavengers, so imagine what they would eat in the wild, and give that to them as well. Remember, no junk food!
  • Question
    Do dogs eat hermit crabs?
    Community Answer
    A dog will eat anything that it can get in its mouth on, especially if it's moving.
  • Question
    How can I care for a hermit crab that I just brought home from the pet store?
    Community Answer
    At first, let it get used to its surroundings, which may take a day or two. Then let it get to know you. Wear gloves if you want to hold it because it will probably pinch at first, then eventually let it crawl on your bare hand so it can know you better and like you. Remember to change its food every two days and water it every day, because hermit crabs need to be in a humid environment.
  • Question
    How do you train a hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    Hermit crabs are very tricky animals to train. If you really want to train them, reward them if they do what they are supposed to. Or, if they don't do something they're not supposed to do. However, it is probably unrealistic to expect them to respond to training of any sort.
  • Question
    How long does it take for a hermit crab to molt?
    Community Answer
    Anywhere from a few days to many months. It's completely normal for them to take much longer the larger they are.
  • Question
    Is it normal for crabs to go periods of time without eating?
    Community Answer
    No, and if your crabs stop eating, it is best to consult your vet for help.
  • Question
    Will my hermit crab pinch me if I place it in my palm?
    Community Answer
    Not really. They only pinch of they feel like they're going to fall off. If you get pinched, just put your hand on a flat surface.
  • Question
    How can I help my hermit crab become less shy?
    Community Answer
    Give him some friends! The more hermit crabs you have in the tank, the more gregarious they become. You should also put your hand into the tank more regularly to get him accustomed to your presence.
  • Question
    One of my hermit crabs died, and another one moved into its shell. Is that normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that's normal. The other crab probably thought the shell was a good fit. In fact, I used to have a snail, and when it died, I kept the shell. Years later I bought more hermit crabs and gave them the shell, and one moved in immediately.
  • Question
    Why won't my hermit crab come out of its shell?
    Community Answer
    Your hermit crab might be scared of you. You are humongous to that little guy so it might be a little scary but maybe if you hang out with it every day, then even if it doesn't come out at first, maybe he will start to get used to you more and come out eventually.
  • Question
    Can I have three hermit crabs housed together?
    Community Answer
    Yes! I have three crabs, each with unique personalities, and they get along well.
  • Question
    What materials can be used for hermit crab habitats?
    Community Answer
    Small rocks or sand work really well for the base. You also need a sponge for water, and maybe a little hiding space.
  • Question
    How long can you play with it when it's out of its tank?
    Community Answer
    If the crab is outside of the tank too long, its gills could dry out, causing your crab to have difficulty breathing for the rest of his life. I would say no longer than 10 to 20 minutes, max, at a time. The tank is the most comfortable place for him if it has the correct humidity, temperature, size and "furniture."
  • Question
    My hermit crab keeps getting in small spaces. Can he get stuck?
    Community Answer
    He can. Make sure there are enough safe hiding spots in the crabitat and keep an eye on him.
  • Question
    Is it harder to take care of a hermit crab that you found on the beach?
    Community Answer
    No. Most hermit crabs you can buy in pet stores actually come from beaches because they rarely breed in captivity.
  • Question
    I think I'm getting a large crab how do I get him off if he pinches?
    Community Answer
    Place your hand on a flat surface, such as the ground, so it can climb off and get away from you. Pinching is a defense mechanism for when hermit crabs feel threatened, so try to avoid startling your crab to avoid getting pinched.
  • Question
    How much will it hurt when they pinch me?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the individual person, and how big the hermit crab is. The larger hermit crabs may pinch harder than smaller hermit crabs do.
  • Question
    What materials are bad for hermit crabs?
    Community Answer
    Never use Spanish moss, citrus bark, foods with pesticides, water with chlorine, glue (except for hot glue, which is safe), paint (even painted shells are harmful), dye or anything that you know to have chemicals in it. Also, make sure whatever you feed them is safe, and feed them fresh fruits rather that pre-made food.
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