Q&A for How to Play the Cello

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    I've played violin for about 3 years, will that help me learn cello?
    Community Answer
    Knowing how to play another instrument will help. However, you should still get a teacher because when you go from violin to cello, there will be a drastic change in tone.
  • Question
    Is the way I hold a cello bow any different than the way you hold a violin bow?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is very different. When you hold the cello blow, let your hand relax over the frog, and do not place your pinky on top of the screw, like you would on the violin.
  • Question
    Is it possible to learn the cello if I already play the piano and violin?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. You may have an advantage learning the cello if you already know how to play the violin.
  • Question
    How long does it take to become a cellist?
    Community Answer
    This depends on skill, time, ability and effort. If you are experienced on another instrument, then it may be easier to become a good cellist. However, if you have never touched an instrument before, it may take many hours just understanding the basics.
  • Question
    I've been playing the upright bass for about four years now and I'm thinking about switching to cello. Should I? Is the transition easy?
    Community Answer
    The transition shouldn't be hard, but it takes some time to get used to. I play the violin and I can play the cello just fine, but I have to adjust to the different finger positions on each string.
  • Question
    How do I play 16th notes?
    Community Answer
    This answer depends entirely upon the speed of the piece, how well you can subdivide, and how capable you are with a bow. You play them like any other note as long as you understand the how they work in relativity with the rest of the piece. A 16th note is 2x faster than 8th notes, 4x faster than quarter notes, 8x faster than half notes, and 16x faster than whole notes.
  • Question
    I have been playing for awhile, and my teacher told me I've been holding my bow wrong. How can I fix it?
    Community Answer
    Focus on only your bowing when practicing to build muscle memory, do not worry about the notes. Once you have the proper bow technique established, then focus on the notes.
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    How do you play a E flat?
    Community Answer
    To play E flat, you put two fingers on the C string (the last string), and you then pluck it if you are doing pizzicato, or you bow it if you are bowing the cello. To tell if the piece wants you to do pizzicato or bow the instrument, look and see if your music has "pizz" or "pizzicato" written anywhere. If it does, you start playing pizzicato on the note the "pizz." or "pizzicato" is above. If it is between two notes, listen to someone playing it on YouTube, or ask your teacher to play it,and see where they start doing pizzicato.
  • Question
    How do I play an open A?
    Eve Wolvington
    Community Answer
    To play open A, you need to put the bow - or if you are playing pizzicato, your finger - on the string. Pull the bow away from the cello for a down bow, and toward the cello for an up bow.
  • Question
    I've been playing cello for nine years and my thumb just can't bend under the frog of the bow. I've tried numerous exercises, but my thumb seems to want to stay flat. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    In order to keep your thumb bent, try practicing with slow songs that you already know. This way, you can monitor and hold your thumb in the correct position. It’s natural for it to want to bend.
  • Question
    How do I play G natural?
    Community Answer
    If you want G Natural, use 4 on the D String in 1st position.
  • Question
    How can I do vibrato?
    Community Answer
    Vibrato is a relatively advanced thing to learn. Start by shifting your hand up and down the neck, and then catch your finger on the note you want to play. Keep trying to shift up and down, and your hand will vibrate (or wiggle). Keep doing this exercise until you are ready to play the note.
  • Question
    How to play 'Mary had a Little Lamb' on the cello?
    Stardust Rain
    Community Answer
    The actual note sequence would be, in it's most basic form, 4/4 time, all quarter notes, and in the key of D Major: F# - E - D - E - F# - F# - F# - E - E - E - F# - A - A - F# - E - D - E - F# - F# - F# - F# - E - E - F# - E - D.
  • Question
    How do I play the letter B flat?
    Community Answer
    Either halfway between the first tape on the A string, or between the first and third tape on the G string (or the second finger tape if you have one).
  • Question
    How do I stay in tune with a lot of cellos at the same time?
    Raga Raga
    Community Answer
    It would be useful if you tuned to exactly the same thing, whether it be the same app or the same piano.
  • Question
    Isn't that bow hold wrong?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The thumb should be bent, and the fingers are too far forward.
  • Question
    My bow broke the first time I played. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    A bow can break if you tighten it too much. Typically, you should stop tightening it before the wooden part bends outward. Pick up a bow only by the frog. Don't store the bow in a humid place.
  • Question
    Why are cello players always white people?
    Community Answer
    That is most certainly not true. There are many great cellists that aren't from Europe or America, like Yo-Yo Ma.
  • Question
    Will a girl of 1.5m height be able to play a cello?
    Community Answer
    Yes! A number of people shorter than you play the cello perfectly. If your cello is too big, buy a smaller one (smallest is half size) or adjust the endpin to be shorter.
  • Question
    Does playing piano help with playing the cello?
    neon vapour
    Community Answer
    Yes, it helps with clefs and note familiarisation. You can also practice playing in tune by pressing piano keys, which should be in tune.
  • Question
    Is the cello harder to learn than the violin or the viola?
    neon vapour
    Community Answer
    It’s less experience demanding than violin and viola, but all string instruments are around the same difficulty. The only difference is space sizes, clefs and the complex news of the average sheet music imposed for the instrument.
  • Question
    Did Mozart ever write cello concertos?
    Community Answer
    Mozart doesn’t have any cello concertos, but he wrote numerous concertos for piano and violin. If you are an advanced cellist looking for concertos to play, some popular options include the cello concertos by Haydn, Dvorak and Elgar, and the Variations on a Rococo Theme by Tchaikovsky.
  • Question
    I have played the cello for 4 years, and the violin for 5, is it possible to learn a new instrument while continuing my other instruments?
    Rebekka Rian
    Community Answer
    Playing multiple instruments is a great idea. If you have a good understanding of a lot of instruments, your overall musical ability will most likely get better.
  • Question
    I have been playing the violin for 11 years, and I was wondering if it would be easy to learn the cello for me?
    MP220 GAMING
    Community Answer
    It would be easier to play cello because you have previously played a string instrument. However, you have to drastically change your technique because a cello is larger than a violin.
  • Question
    I have played violin for a some time. I do not have much time for a tutor since I have a busy schedule, but can I teach myself how to play the cello?
    Community Answer
    If you have learned the violin, learning cello on your own shouldn’t be too hard. You can find good tutorials for cello online. It is always better to get a teacher to help guide you though.
  • Question
    How do I play music if I can't find it?
    Community Answer
    You can find cello music in varying difficulty levels and genres by going to Google Image Search and typing "cello sheet music".
  • Question
    Why does the cello not play C string?
    Community Answer
    We don't normally use the "c" string because in a common orchestra, the bases would have that covered. The "c" string still is used, though, for much lower notes.
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