Q&A for How to Pretend to Faint

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    What if I'm at school and they tell the principal?
    Community Answer
    If you have successfully tricked people into thinking that you have fainted, people will get the nurse, not the principal. if you are discovered to be faking, then you will most likely be disciplined, but probably not by the principal. A faint, even if it was faked, is not really a criminal offense, and the principal likely has better things to do.
  • Question
    Would I still breathe?
    Community Answer
    Yes! You should continue to breathe, otherwise you would be dead. When you are unconscious, your breathing becomes shallow; you don't stop breathing altogether.
  • Question
    What will happen if I am out for, let's say 1 hour. What will happen?
    Community Answer
    Someone will probably call an ambulance if you don't "wake up" within a few minutes. A medically trained person will know that you're faking it, so if an ambulance does come to pick you up and they find out it's just a prank, it will probably be treated like prank calling 911. People may be mad at you, lose trust in you, and there may be other unpleasant repercussions. (Tip: Don't stay out for more than 20 seconds.)
  • Question
    What if I hit my head and really lose consciousness?
    Community Answer
    You won't be pretending anymore. You still should try to fall safely.
  • Question
    How do I make it look like I am fainting because I am terrified?
    Community Answer
    Hold your hand over your chest with slightly widened eyes. Then let your eyes flutter a few times before actually fainting. (Be sure not to seem too dramatic or rehearsed.)
  • Question
    How should I breathe when I'm "unconscious"?
    Community Answer
    Breathe shallowly through your nose, and try not to move your chest so much. It might help if you leave your mouth open a little bit as well.
  • Question
    Should I breath while I am pretending to faint?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Breathe shallowly through your nose, and don't move your chest too much.
  • Question
    What will happen if I'm out for one minute or more?
    Community Answer
    It is not safe to faint for longer than about 20 seconds. If you are out for more than that, emergency services should be called.
  • Question
    I am planning on doing it at school, but my school makes a huge deal out of stuff like that, and what if somebody calls an ambulance?
    rose johnson
    Community Answer
    Don't do it when you around any teachers, or do it with lots of kids around, so they crowd and the teacher can't get through or get a friend to help.
  • Question
    How do you fall without looking fake?
    Community Answer
    One way to get a good idea of what fainting looks like is to check out videos of people fainting for real, Use what you see to practise at home and record yourself while doing so. In, time you will have perfected your fake faint.
  • Question
    How can EMTs tell if I'm faking?
    Community Answer
    Breathing rates differ when you are awake versus asleep. Asleep, you breathe much slower and rhythmically. You can be visually convincing, but as soon as the stethoscope comes out, the truth will be known.
  • Question
    How do I look when I'm doing that?
    Community Answer
    Just keep a blank expression on your face. You don't necessarily have to close your eyes for it to look authentic.
  • Question
    How do I fall over without getting hurt?
    Community Answer
    Fall on one knee to the side, then use your arm for support so that you don't hit your head.
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    How do I fall without hurting myself?
    Community Answer
    When you fall, try to keep complete control of your legs. Land on your knees, and then fall either onto your stomach or your side. Don't land on your arm or your hands, and keep your legs bent while on the floor. Don't forget to go completely limp once you're on the ground.
  • Question
    Should I still breathe when pretending to faint?
    Community Answer
    Yes! You should continue to breathe. It's dangerous to try to hold your breath, and even when someone faints for real, they continue to breathe.
  • Question
    What if someone smaller tries to catch me?
    Community Answer
    If you can stop yourself from falling, do it so you don't squash them, then pretend you're still feeling dizzy but don't faint yet. Wander around for a few more seconds until you're a little further away from that person and then do your fake faint.
  • Question
    There was a time when I almost did this, but I stopped because I was scared. Got any tips on how to convince myself to do it right before?
    Community Answer
    Do it before you can change your mind, otherwise there is no way you will be able to get it done. Just say to yourself, "Get it over with," and then do it.
  • Question
    Where is the best place to do it?
    Community Answer
    Do it at a friend's house if you are pulling a prank on them. Do it at school or work if you want it to be public.
  • Question
    Whenever I pretend to faint, I end up hurting myself during the fall and people can tell it is fake. Any tips to create a safer and more convincing fall?
    Community Answer
    Drop slowly. You should drop slowly so that way, people will think you fainted like a sculpture.
  • Question
    What will happen if I'm really not breathing and I'm not faking it?
    Community Answer
    Assuming someone nearby knows how, they will begin CPR in an attempt to resuscitate you, and hopefully they will also call 911 so emergency personnel can come and help if needed.
  • Question
    I have attempted this before, and people just think I tripped. How do I make it realistic?
    Community Answer
    Act like you don't know what happened. Don't just say anything, just act more tired than normal (or weak).
  • Question
    What would happen if I was unconscious for two days?
    Community Answer
    You would be in a coma if you were unconscious for that long, in which case you would require immediate medical attention.
  • Question
    Would you try to hold on or grab some thing when you fall?
    Community Answer
    No. When you fall, your body goes completely limp (sometimes though, people fall flat forward/backward and that's usually from prolonged standing/locked knees). However, right before fainting, you might fumble for something to steady yourself on, if your fainting spell is only mild (namely, you barely fall or you just stay unconscious for a couple of seconds).
  • Question
    How do I convince some one I wasn't faking a faint?
    Community Answer
    Tell them a lie. Tell them you've been feeling dizzy all morning and that you were dehydrated and didn't eat anything since last night.
  • Question
    What if someone tickles me to see if I'm faking?
    Community Answer
    They normally wouldn't do that right away. If they do, very slowly roll onto your stomach. Then push yourself into a seated position, grab your side and your head and begin to ask for water.
  • Question
    Does a person's mind stop thinking during a fainting spell?
    Community Answer
    When you faint, your mind is unconscious. It's basically the same as being asleep. It's even possible to dream during a faint.
  • Question
    What's the safest way to fall on a hardwood floor?
    Community Answer
    Crouch down until you are in as low a squat as possible. Gently roll yourself down onto your butt, letting your feet fly out in front of you. From there, lean yourself back until you are flat on the ground, OR roll yourself onto your side, being careful not to end up in a position that will be painful to hold (such as lying on your tailbone). Practice all this VERY slowly in the beginning so that you do not rush and hurt yourself. Your head should be the last thing to touch the ground. This may sound like it won't look real, but when you are able to put it all together as a fluid motion, it will look very realistic.
  • Question
    How do I stop myself from blinking when my eyes are closed?
    Community Answer
    Imagine looking down at your nose. Take deep breaths and relax.
  • Question
    I have orthostatic hypotension. Can I use that as my excuse?
    Community Answer
    Yes, because orthostatic hypotension includes blood pressure dropping while lying down.
  • Question
    What happens after people find out it was a prank?
    Community Answer
    Just say, "oh wasn't that funny" or "I was felling really dizzy though" or if it was a long time ago you could say you don't remember it.
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