Q&A for How to Pronounce Meme

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  • Question
    How do I get my normie friend to learn how to pronounce "meme" and not be an embarrassment?
    Community Answer
    Teach them how to do it with your newfound knowledge, and/or show them this article before they engage in another conversation.
  • Question
    Are others way of pronouncing "meme" acceptable on the internet?
    Community Answer
    Of course not.
  • Question
    What is a dank meme?
    Community Answer
    A dank meme is a meme that has been used so much that it has surpassed all other memes.
  • Question
    Will my friends think I'm cool if I talk about the latest memes?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If the “meme” you are talking about doesn’t resonate within your social group, it could be a miss. You have to know your audience in order to entertain them.
  • Question
    What is the average life span of a meme?
    Community Answer
    Depending on whether or not the meme is dank, memes can survive a few years. Less dank memes tend to die out after anywhere from 1 week to 2 months. All in all, the danker the better, my dude.
  • Question
    Is Nicolas Cage a dead meme?
    Community Answer
    A meme is never truly dead, it just loses power. Although Nicolas Cage is not as powerful as he used to be, he is still a wonderful meme.
  • Question
    Why is this a wikiHow? Who can't pronounce meme?
    Community Answer
    Those who may have read the word, but not heard or used it in conversation.
  • Question
    How do you pronounce 'meme'?
    Community Answer
    'Meme' is pronounced 'meem.'
  • Question
    My daughter has an addiction to memes. Should I be worried?
    Community Answer
    No, I wouldn't be worried. This is pretty normal for young kids.
  • Question
    What if the meme has ascended? Will it be pronounced differently?
    Community Answer
    If by this you mean that it is a "dead meme," then call it a dead meme and make fun of people who still use it.
  • Question
    Why is it pronounced "meem" instead of "maymay" or "meemee?"
    Community Answer
    It is pronounced "meem" because this is how the internet prefers to pronounce it. I do not recommend pronouncing other ways because the internet and other people will become upset if you do.
  • Question
    Is this article a joke?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely not. There are some people out there who base their lives around memes, and it is critical that they be able to pronounce "meme" correctly. Others who have read the word but not heard it can also benefit from this helpful article.
  • Question
    Are memes bad for your health?
    Banana Head
    Top Answerer
    Absolutely not! Memes have almost no effect on your health. The only way they can affect you is if you spend too much time creating or viewing memes, and you'll spend too much time indoors and staring at a computer screen. And if you have an obsession and don't think about school/work/family anymore, that's not healthy. Other than that, memes don't affect your health at all. Create and view as many as you want!
  • Question
    Why do I need to know how to pronounce meme?
    Community Answer
    Some people like to talk about memes in public and would like to know how to properly pronounce the word so they don't get made fun of or anything. If you don't think you need to know, then don't worry about it.
  • Question
    What if I pronounce it as "mean"?
    Old School
    Community Answer
    You can, but you might embarrass yourself in front of others. The real pronunciation (as stated above) is "meem."
  • Question
    How do I make my friends stop using dead memes?
    Community Answer
    Try to explain to them that they aren't good anymore.
  • Question
    Will this make me hip?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! Bringing up the latest memes will make you super cool, especially around teens.
  • Question
    How do I send this to a friend without it being awkward? He always says, "Meme" pronounced like "Mehm?"
    Community Answer
    Just do it in a joking manner to not hurt his feelings.
  • Question
    How can I increase my social status?
    Community Answer
    If you post funny memes, it will raise your social status.
  • Question
    Can I call it a "may" ironically?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but make it clear to everyone around you that it's ironic or you will be shunned by society.
  • Question
    How do I create a meme?
    Community Answer
    Think of an idea and find a meme generator such as imagechef.com. Then select a picture you would like to put your meme to and add your top and bottom text. If you think others would like your meme, then screenshot it and upload it to the internet.
  • Question
    Why does this need to be explained in a long article as opposed to one sentence?
    Community Answer
    This not only provides several reminders, but also the origin of the word.
  • Question
    How do I pronounce "memer"?
    Community Answer
  • Question
    Do you think memes will die?
    Community Answer
    Every meme has a different lifespan. Some memes last a week, while others last years. Only the dankest survive. As for your question, I hope they wont', but perhaps the coming generation will have no need for memes. It's impossible to say.
  • Question
    What is a meme and how is it pronounced?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    A meme is an image or digital graphic on the internet that can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be funny, political, serious, and motivational. There are a ton of ways you can use a meme and popular ones will get shared around the internet. Really popular meme "formats" are templates that can be used to make your own meme. The correct way to pronounce meme is "meme" not "mee-mee."
  • Question
    What is meme short for?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    The origin of the meme goes back to Richard Dawkins, who described a concept, belief, or idea that could spread from person to person quickly to be rapidly disseminated. The original term was mimeme, which became shortened to meme. Over time, the concept has been applied to images and graphics that are shared online and spread quickly through the internet. Memes can be funny, sad, informative, and many other things.
  • Question
    What is the difference between a meme and a GIF?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Technically, a GIF can be a meme. A meme is an image or graphic that gets circulated around the internet and is viewed by lots of people. They can be funny, sad, political, motivational, or anything else. GIF stands for "Graphics Interchange Format," and is a short, 2-3 second video clip without volume. They can be anything from a short reaction of someone being surprised or a piece of moving graphic art. So, a GIF can be spread around so much that it becomes a meme.
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