Q&A for How to Pronounce the Dutch 'g'

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    How would I pronounce the Dutch name Wikje?
    Community Answer
    Wik like sick, j like y as in yogurt, e like uh or ah.
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    Why do the spelling and pronunciation of colors change, depending on what is being referenced? For example, a car or a horse?
    Community Answer
    Dutch has 2 articles for "the", namely "de" and "het". When the article for a word is "de", all adjectives get an "e" added and changed accordingly (geel - gele, dom - domme, etc.). When the article is "het", the adjective is normal when you use "een" (a), "één" (1) or "geen" (not a). Het bruine paard / een bruin paard / 1 bruin paard / geen bruin paard (the brown horse / a brown horse / 1 brown horse / no brown horse). Note: There's a lot of exceptions; for example, when pointing at something related to a function, you might keep the normal adjective - een belangrijke man (an important man), een belangrijk man (same).
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    Would I pronounce the S in the name Sjoerd?
    Community Answer
    The name Sjoerd is pronounced: sj = sh like shoe, oe = oo like book, rd = rd like bird (but in some Dutch dialects the r is 'rolled').
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    How do you pronounce 'girl' in Dutch?
    Community Answer
    'Meisje' is the Dutch word for girl.
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