Q&A for How to Protect Coral Reefs

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    Why should people work to protect the reefs?
    Community Answer
    Coral reefs provide food and shelter for a variety of marine life. They're also important for people who live near the water and rely on the corals for food. Corals are also used to produce medicine, generate tourist revenue, and serve as a barrier against tropical storms for some communities.
  • Question
    How will global warming affect coral reefs?
    Community Answer
    Rising temperatures due to global warming increase water temperature, bleaching coral.
  • Question
    What does less water consumption do to assist coral reefs?
    Jeanette D
    Community Answer
    Less water consumption means that there is less runoff. Less runoff naturally leads to less wastewater finding its way into the sea and affecting the coral reefs negatively.
  • Question
    If the coral reef is so damaged, why do people continue to see it instead of trying to help revive it?
    Community Answer
    People keep coming to see its beauty because not everyone understands the trauma that they are causing when they go. People also want to see what it looks like when it is dying and may not be around much longer.
  • Question
    What will happen if we do not do anything about the current situation with coral reefs?
    Community Answer
    In addition to providing habitat and shelter of some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, they also protect coastlines from the damaging effects of wave action and tropical storms.
  • Question
    How do I fix bleached coral?
    Community Answer
    Reduce CO2 emissions, which helps to prevent rising ocean temps, which causes corals to not bleach. Bleaching occurs when coral do not have time to adapt to rising temps of the ocean, which causes them to release the algae in them that provides the coral with nutrition.
  • Question
    How do I stop coral bleaching?
    Community Answer
    Conserve water. If you use less water, there will be less runoff and wastewater that will eventually find its way back into the ocean. Volunteer in local beach or reef cleanups. If you don't live near the coast, get involved in protecting your local watershed.
  • Question
    How do I stop people from throwing plastic into the oceans?
    Community Answer
    You can't really stop people from littering but you can teach and inform other people around you the damage they are doing and help them have a better lifestyle. Perhaps make YouTube videos which discuss the perils of plastic, and have a website that provides more information about it. Then you could have social media that promotes your anti-plastic message and give great reasons for protecting coral reefs. And be a good role model by using less plastic and helping others see what substitutes work best for you.
  • Question
    When did the coral bleaching start in the Great Barrier Reef?
    Community Answer
    The bleaching started in about 2006. It was slowing down for a time, but it is now back and destroying many coral species. Marine and climate scientists are concerned that if the ocean heatwaves and ocean acidification continue unabated, the GBR might be irreversibly damaged by the 2030s.
  • Question
    How can poor water quality affect coral reefs? How do we stop poor water quality?
    Community Answer
    Oceans are made more acidic by pollution, which humans cause. The acid bleaches the coral and kills it. This is a huge problem for the animals that live there. 60% of the Great Barrier Reef has been destroyed, and it is because of us humans. We need to stop burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), stop burning our rubbish and plant more trees. We also need to stop wasting water.
  • Question
    What are coral reefs made of?
    Community Answer
    Coral reefs are made of coral, which is a skeleton for polyps; tiny, soft animals that relate to jellyfish. There are millions of them on coral.
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