Q&A for How to Remember Henry VIII's Wives

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    Why was Anne Boleyn beheaded?
    Elizabeth Ann Juengling
    Community Answer
    Henry VIII falsely accused her of adultery, witchcraft, incest and conspiracy against the king. In reality, he was done with her because she failed to produce a desperately wanted male heir.
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    Why did he want a boy? If he had a girl, she could have married a boy!
    Community Answer
    A king is always looking to give the throne to another king. Kings do business marriages to acquire land and wealth, while kings of other nations practically sell their daughters into these marriages for peaceful diplomatic affairs. If he had a daughter, she would have become someone else's queen, and their nation could acquire wealth (or nothing, depending on what he thought his daughter or her mother were worth). The last name is passed through the male, for the bloodline to continue. So for preservation of the royal family, a king must produce another king.
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    Why did the last wife of Henry VIII survive?
    Community Answer
    Katherine Parr, Henry VIII's last wife, survived because Henry was old and in bad physical health at the time, while she was young. When he died, she continued to be alive.
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    What did Tudors do with their children?
    Community Answer
    The children were often sent off to big houses in the country, where other nobles took care of them. They had tutors and lots of people looking after them.
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    Who did Henry Vll defeat to become the king of England?
    Community Answer
    Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field on August 22, 1485. By doing so he started the Tudor dynasty and effectively ended the Wars of the Roses.
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    What was Henry the 8th famous for other than having six wives?
    Community Answer
    He broke with the Roman Catholic Church and had Parliament declare him supreme head of the Church of England, starting the English Reformation, because the pope would not annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
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    Why did Henry VIII marry when he was so old?
    Community Answer
    He needed a wife to be the stepmother of Edward VI. Her death was the reason Edward was on the throne at a very young age. He died at a very young age, too!
  • Question
    Did Catherine Howard truly have an affair, or was it a misunderstanding on Henry's end?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Catherine Howard did have an affair and Henry saw them. Catherine cheated on Henry because she saw Henry as evil.
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