Q&A for How to Report a Dangerous Dog

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    Should I report a dangerous dog in my area?
    Shawn Riley
    Canine Trainer & Behaviorist
    Shawn Riley is a Canine Trainer & Behaviorist based in Tualatin, Oregon. With over 40 years of experience, Shawn trains people to properly establish and maintain leadership roles with their canine companions. Shawn has trained with several acclaimed canine experts and refined The Dog Way training methods through experience and observation of dogs' natural interactions within their groups. Shawn has appeared on several local TV shows and was recruited by National Geographic as the on-set Behavioral Advisor for a national video series called “My Dog Ate What?”
    Canine Trainer & Behaviorist
    Expert Answer
    Absolutely! Everyone has a responsibility to report dangerous dogs to the authorities. If the dog attacks someone afterward and you didn't do anything about it, that attack will be on you.
  • Question
    Who do I call if I know of a vicious dog and negligent owner?
    Community Answer
    You can call animal control. They can deal with both the dog and the owner.
  • Question
    My neighbor's dog gets out. I know it has killed other dogs, and I have seen it kill cats. Today, it went after a child walking with mother and another neighbor chased it off with a rake. No one was bitten. Should I report this?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should report this incident to the police, who can contact the owner and animal control.
  • Question
    The neighbor's dog has gotten out twice and attacked my dog. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Call animal control or the police. It is better to get the authorities involved.
  • Question
    What if I know about an aggressive dog but I am afraid of retaliation from its owner?
    Community Answer
    Report it anonymously, or evaluate what situation is most dangerous and act accordingly. If you do nothing and that dog ends up hurting a child, how will you feel about yourself?
  • Question
    How can I protect myself?
    Community Answer
    Do not threaten a dog, but if he attacks you, shout for help. If help is slow to arrive, kick or aim at the dogs face in an attempt to make him leave you alone. If possible, bring bear spray with you when out on evening walks or any time one might attack you. Try to report the dog first if you knew about his behavior beforehand to try to prevent this from happening.
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    The pit bull who lives across the street has attacked other dogs five times in six months. Animal control never did anything. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Instead of calling animal control try calling the local animal shelter or the police. If you call the animal shelter, they may be able to give you the number of an animal behaviorist you might recommend to the owners. If, however, the dog is also hostile to humans, consider simply calling the police. It would be terrible for a child (or adult) to suffer harm because neither the owners nor their neighbors acted on the warning signs.
  • Question
    There is a dog living near my home and has chased everyone passing by including me. The dog is collared but is left to its freedom and the owner doesn't care about complaints. What should I do?
    Ghengis Kong
    Community Answer
    Call animal control. If this dog is repeatedly causing trouble and the owner is doing nothing, then animal control will have to be employed.
  • Question
    What do I do when my neighbor's dogs keep coming into my yard and acting aggressive towards me and my animals?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The dog owner is responsible for all damages they cause. Their owner is also responsible for limiting their access. I.e., you don't have to pay for a fence, the dog owner must pay for a fence. Dogs are almost nowhere allowed to just roam free. If they are in your neighbor's yard and they find ways to enter yours, it's up to your neighbor to prevent this by any means necessary. You have the right to protect yourself and your belongings against aggression up to the level of the aggression.
  • Question
    How do I report a dangerous dog that is an illegal dog breed in my area?
    Community Answer
    If the dog is aggressive, then call the authorities (police, animal control, etc.). If it’s only because of the breed that you believe it’s dangerous, then let them be.
  • Question
    What do I do if my neighbor has a dog and it keeps getting out? How do I keep my children safe from my neighbor's dog?
    Community Answer
    Ask the neighbor to secure their dog, and if they refuse, contact animal control or a no-kill shelter and inform them of the issue.
  • Question
    What can I do about a neighbor's German Shepherd that is aggressive and tries to jump the fence when I walk my kids to the bus stop? My daughter is terrified to even walk past the house. The dog almost got out once, who can I contact to get it under control?
    Community Answer
    Report it to the local sheriff's department, they usually handle animal control. They will know how to deal with it in a professional manner.
  • Question
    After reporting my neighbors aggressive dog that keeps coming into my yard, my neighbor has reported on my dog numerous times in retaliation. What can I do about this?
    Community Answer
    You can secure your yard so the neighbors dog cannot get into it. If it does get into your yard, you can also film the aggressive dog. If all else fails, you can alert the authorities.
  • Question
    I saw a dog trying to harm one of my neighbors, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Call animal control, the police, or a no-kill shelter. If you see it happening again, try to get a safe distance away from the dog and loud noises (i.e. shaking a can of pennies) to scare the dog and give your neighbor an opportunity to get to safety.
  • Question
    Can I legally shoot my neighbor's dog if it gets into my yard?
    Community Answer
    It is unlikely. Courts generally find landowners don’t have a right to kill dogs just because they’re trespassing.
  • Question
    Who do I talk to about a neighbor's dog coming in my yard and killing my cats?
    Community Answer
    If you haven't already, talk to your neighbor about their dog. If that hasn't helped, call animal control. Keep your cats inside until this gets sorted out.
  • Question
    There's a dog that keeps getting aggressive when I go through the local park. The council and the police keep passing the buck. What can I do?
    Ghengis Kong
    Community Answer
    Try to find the dog's owner and tell them what happened. Hopefully, the owner can deal with their dog. The last option is calling animal control and reporting a ‘vicious dog’ in the area. Keep in mind that this option is a last resort.
  • Question
    How do I tell my friend they have a dangerous dog?
    Community Answer
    Say: "I want to ask you a question: Do you think your dog is dangerous?". And then say: "Because I only tell you this because I think it's the right thing to do and I'd feel terrible if I said nothing and something happens, but I think your dog is a danger to people or animals. And you have a huge liability for anything your dog does in damages, not to mention any injury or worse could happen." And then maybe have a solution to offer him, like "I found this behaviorist or this rescue group that works with dogs like yours and I didnt report you or anything but they are willing to take him for you", or something like that.
  • Question
    My German shepherd jumped next door fence today for the first time ever. My neighbor claims he’s aggressive but he’s not, the only one who showed any aggression was my neighbor. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Build a bigger fence, apologise and control your dog. In effect, it is you who has invaded your neighbour's space and made him fearful. It is possible your neighbour ran at the dog to shoo it away, maybe yelled at it, and the dog responded aggressively. He does not know your dog as you do and your dog will not respect him. Always realize that while your dog appears a saint to you as the owner, it may well behave less kindly around people it does not know, especially when you are not present.
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