Q&A for How to Ride an Elevator

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    If I want to get in the elevator, how do I make it stop at my floor so I can get on?
    Community Answer
    If you are waiting for the elevator, there is sure to be an up and down button, depending on what floor you are on. If you are going up, push the top one, and when going down, push the bottom one. When inside the elevator, press the button for the floor you want to go to.
  • Question
    Should I use a lift in earthquakes?
    Community Answer
    The elevator could stop because of the earthquake waves, which could leave you trapped inside. It is better not to use an elevator during an earthquake, use the stairs instead.
  • Question
    How do you use the button on an elevator?
    Community Answer
    If you want to go to a different floor of the building, press the button with the number of the floor you want to go to. For example, if you want to go to the 4th floor, press number 4. If you are outside of an elevator and want to go up or down, most elevators have buttons with triangles. If you want to go down, press the button with the upside-down triangle.
  • Question
    When I enter the elevator and press the floor I want to go to, will it automatically open or will I have to press the open button?
    Community Answer
    Unless the elevator somehow breaks, the elevator doors will automatically open on newer elevators.
  • Question
    If the buiding fire alarm goes off, will the elevator automaticly stop, leaving people trapped inside?
    Community Answer
    The elevators normally will not stop/lockdown; however, never use the elevators to evacuate in an emergency. Use the stairs.
  • Question
    What if a cable snaps on a lift?
    Community Answer
    There is more than one cable, so just stay calm and press the emergency button in the elevator. They will be able to get you out and repair the broken cable.
  • Question
    Are there instructional signs in elevators?
    Community Answer
    In the U.S., there are no instructional signs.
  • Question
    What if my pet jumps out just as the door closes?
    Community Answer
    Press the door open button (marked as ). This will allow you to briefly step out of the elevator and collect your pet.
  • Question
    What is the difference between a lift and an elevator?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    There is no difference between a lift and an elevator. "Lift" is what an elevator is called in Europe.
  • Question
    Is it possible for all the cables to snap at once? That's my biggest fear, and that's why I always take the stairs, no matter how many floors there are.
    Top Answerer
    Yes, but the chances of that happening are .00000001%. Statistically speaking, elevators are much safer than taking the stairs or escalators.
  • Question
    When I want to use an elevator with a baby in the stroller, who should walk inside first - me or the stroller?
    Community Answer
    You should be the first one in the elevator, backing the stroller in. That way you don't have to maneuver to get out, you can just push forward to leave.
  • Question
    How do I use a fire service key on elevators?
    Top Answerer
    In the US, you either need to put the fire alarm on test mode and activate it, or insert a key into the elevator bank and turn the switch to the "ON" position. Then, you can turn on fire service on the inside of the elevator by turning that to the "ON" position. In the UK, you will need to insert the key into the fireman's switch and rotate it to the "ON" position.
  • Question
    Why do so many people not know how to ride an elevator?
    Community Answer
    Some may come from an area that doesn't have elevators, and it teaches those already familiar with their use how to have a better elevator experience.
  • Question
    What would happen if the electricity goes off while in the lift?
    Community Answer
    Just stay calm and press the emergency button. There are plenty of fail-safes to prevent you from plummeting to the bottom.
  • Question
    Is it safe to use an elevator when I'm in my wheelchair?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Elevators, or lifts, were originally meant primarily for wheelchair users/the handicapped. The only instance where it isn't safe is if there's a fire or some kind of electrical problem, etc. with the elevator.
  • Question
    Do I need to press my floor again when someone alights on a floor or joins and presses another floor?
    Community Answer
    No. The call will not disappear. In some elevators, double-pressing a lighted button will cancel the call.
  • Question
    Are there signs that may lead me to where the elevator is when I enter a building?
    Community Answer
    Typically a pictogram of a rectangle with people inside it accompanied by up and down arrows indicates an elevator.
  • Question
    How do you know if you are on the floor you want to go to?
    Community Answer
    Some elevators have screens near/above the doors that say which floor the elevator is currently at, but if not, the elevator should stop on its own once it's reached your selected floor, and at that point the doors will open.
  • Question
    Which button should I use if the elevator in which I am writing only has three buttons? It is a two-story building and these three buttons are: an upside-down triangle, and two buttons numbered 11 and 7.
    Community Answer
    That looks like mislabeled buttons. Common on cheap installs. Try them to see what they do. However, it's probable you are well and truly out of that elevator by the time you read this.
  • Question
    After entering the elevator it automatically closed or we choose button to close the door?
    Community Answer
    Normal elevators will close automatically. If it doesn't close, you can press the closing button to close it manually.
  • Question
    When you're inside an elevator, how do you recognize that it has reached the selected floor?
    Community Answer
    There is usually a screen above either the buttons or door that shows the floor the elevator is on and which way it is going (up or down).
  • Question
    What will happen if I put my hands on the elevator door?
    Community Answer
    Nothing except that it might feel cold or warm and it might vibrate. When the door actually opens or closes your hands might go with it until you pull away from the door.
  • Question
    What does the button for closing the elevator door look like?
    Top Answerer
    The button has an icon like >|< which, when pressed, will close the elevator door. Note that its functionality depends on the current mode the elevator is operating in as well as ADA requirements such as minimum opening times to allow for loading in wheelchairs.
  • Question
    How to use a manual elevator?
    Top Answerer
    Upon the elevator arriving, you will have to physically open the doors and close the doors. Very few elevators still have lever arms used by lift operators to move the lift.
  • Question
    What if I get trapped?
    Top Answerer
    If you get stuck in the elevator, press different floor buttons until the elevator starts moving. If that fails, press the door open and close button to see if the doors open. If that also fails, hold down the alarm button to notify others that the lift is stuck; this may or may not also activate the emergency phone/intercom which can have its own separate button.
  • Question
    What do the elevator buttons do?
    Community Answer
    They open the door and move the elevator up or down.
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