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Q&A for How to Ripen Peaches
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QuestionDo peaches need to be refrigerated?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerRipe peaches can be refrigerated and will stay good for about 2 to 3 days in the fridge. Unripe peaches should not be refrigerated until ripe because chilling disrupts the ripening changes in a negative way and can cause the peaches to become mealy or "spongy." Wait until they’re ripe before chilling them.
QuestionWhy do peaches get pasty?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerPeaches can become "pasty" or mealy on the tree or at home. At home, this can happen if the peaches are refrigerated before fully ripe, as this disrupts the ripening process and cannot be fully restored once the peaches are chilled too early. If it happens on the tree, this may have been caused by the tree's defense mechanisms to ward off insect pests or excessive moisture (to prevent rot).
QuestionCan you ripen a peach in the microwave?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerUsing the microwave will only work to help start the ripening process; it isn’t a case of putting the unripe peach into the microwave and having it come out ripe. To start the ripening process, place the peach on a microwave-suitable plate. Put into the microwave oven, set to medium heat and microwave it for 15 seconds. Remove the unripe and now heated peach and place into a paper bag, with a banana or an apple. The ethylene released from all the fruit in the bag will ripen the peach and it will work a little faster thanks to the zap in the microwave oven.
QuestionHow do you ripen peaches and nectarines?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerPeaches and nectarines can both be ripened in the same way. One easy way is to place the unripe fruit inside a paper bag to which you’ve added either a banana or an apple. Close the top of the bag down and leave in a dry place at room temperature to ripen. The fruit should be ripened in 24 hours. Note that placing peaches in the fridge before ripening interferes with the ripening process and can cause them to become "spongy"; nectarines are hardier and can handle being refrigerated before being ripened.
QuestionWhat can I do with unripe peaches?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf you can't wait for the peaches to ripen, or you've got a glut of unripe peaches, there are various recipes for using them in their unripe state. For example, unripe peaches can be poached for dessert dishes as poaching brings out some of their sweetness and makes them soft. Or, you can turn them into peach pickles for long-term preservation and a tasty condiment. Or, do an online search for Bill Smith's Green Peach Salad, reputed to go well with cheese.
QuestionCan peaches ripen after being picked?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, peaches ripen after picking, they are among the group of fruits that continue ripening after being picked from their parent plant. To speed up the ripening process, refer to one of the methods explained in the article above.
QuestionWith the paper bag method, does the bag remain open or do you shut it to keep light out?Community AnswerKeep the bag closed - not necessarily to keep the light out, but to hold the ethylene gas in which is what ripens the fruit.
QuestionHow do I keep my roommate from eating all my peaches?Community AnswerPut them in a bag marked "Prunes" or something you know your roommate doesn't like. You could also just speak to your roommate about it.
QuestionShould peaches be ripened before refrigerating, or can I pull them out of the fridge and ripen them later?Community AnswerWhy not both? Ripen the peaches while they are in the fridge by using either of the two methods. Works great for me! However, to answer your question, you could refrigerate the peaches first (although they will still ripen slowly in the fridge).
QuestionHow do I keep fruit flies away from my peaches?Community AnswerPut lemon-scented things around them. Lemon is strong-smelling and repulsive to flies.
QuestionIf I use the paper bag method, will the number of peaches in the bag change how fast they ripen?Community AnswerIt's possible. Avoid overcrowding the bag with peaches.
QuestionCan you ripen peaches after they've been cut?Community AnswerYes, but the inside of the peach will look brownish and may not taste as good.
QuestionDoes it affect the ripening process if I wash the peaches first?Community AnswerWashing the peaches doesn't affect the ripening process.
QuestionHow do I put a peach in a microwave?Community AnswerI wouldn't do that. The peach is likely just going to explode and make a mess.
QuestionIs it safe to eat peaches that aren't ripe?Community AnswerUnripe peaches are safe to eat but may taste slightly bitter.
QuestionA branch on our peach tree broke and it had about three dozen peaches on it that are very green. Will the paper bag still work?Community AnswerYes! Just place a couple peaches in brown bag and let them sit. It may take longer if they're very green.
QuestionWill a peach taste like an apple if ripened in a bag with one?Community AnswerNo, there will be no cross-contamination in terms of taste.
QuestionAll the nocturnal critters are eating my peaches. The peaches are red and greenish in color. If I pick them now, will they ripen in a paper bag?Michael ThiessenCommunity AnswerThe more unripe the peach, the longer it will take. Too soon and though they may ripen eventually, they might become shriveled and unappealing.
QuestionWill unripe peaches ripen if placed in sunshine?Michael ThiessenCommunity AnswerThe gas will escape, slowing the process. The solar heat may also cause them to mush out and flies will land on them, so it's not a good idea.
QuestionCan I omit the banana or apple from the brown bag and still get a ripened peach? Or does that defeat the purpose?Community AnswerYes, the apple and banana just speed it up, they give off a lot more of the ethylene gas, which causes the ripening process to occur.
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