Q&A for How to Serve in Table Tennis

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    How do I hit a fast serve?
    Community Answer
    You hit the ball harder while still having control. Throw the ball up as usual, and try hitting the ball harder. For backhand, you can use a little topspin.
  • Question
    Do I have to throw the ball in the air to serve or can I simply drop it on the table and then hit? Must the ball hit my side of the table first? Lastly, must the serve be opposite corner as in a regular tennis game or can it be served toward any corner?
    Community Answer
    It Is compulsory to throw the ball up while serving, and bouncing it will be counted as a foul. Yes, in a serve, the ball must first bounce on your table, and then on the opponent's side. The ball must only be served to the opposite corner in a doubles (2x2) match.
  • Question
    How can I do a side spin or a backspin serve?
    Community Answer
    To get a side spin serve, brush across the back of the ball with the bat. To achieve a backspin serve, brush the bottom of the ball with the bat.
  • Question
    What happens when you serve in table tennis and the opponent is hit by the ball?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the situation. If the opponent gets hit by the ball he does not necessarily get the point, only if you miss the table.
  • Question
    What is the proper way to hold a paddle?
    Community Answer
    There is no "proper" way to hold a paddle. You have to experiment with different holds/grips and see which one is right for you.
  • Question
    What happens when the ball hits the sidelines? Is it still a point, or is it out?
    Community Answer
    The ball can hit the white lines marking the edges of the playing surface. This would be a point. If it hits the vertical sides (the very ends of the table), it's out.
  • Question
    Does the serve have to bounce and reach the end of the table?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The serve must hit both your side and your opponent's side of the table. Every hit after that must go over the net and onto your opponent's side of the table.
  • Question
    Exchange of service happens in table tennis after how many services by an opponent?
    Community Answer
    Typically, after five serves in recreational play. However, it is two in tournament play.
  • Question
    Is a serve considered a foul if it bounces twice on the oppenent’s side before reaching the end of the table?
    Gerard Tran
    Community Answer
    If your opponent lets the ball bounce more than once on his/her side during your serve, then the point is awarded to you.
  • Question
    How do I create a difficult loop against my opponent when tossing?
    Community Answer
    You can't loop a ball when you're tossing it for a serve. You can however, set up the serve in a way for the opponent to return it and give you an opportunity to attack it.
  • Question
    What are serving strategies for using flat serves?
    Gerard Tran
    Community Answer
    If you're using flat serves, I suggest you make long and fast deep into the forehand or backhand corners.
  • Question
    How do you slice a ball so that it stays on the paddle a bit longer?
    Community Answer
    Don't move the paddle forward while it's contacting the ball. Move it only up or down. Experiment with the angle of the paddle in order to create the shot you want.
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