Q&A for How to Set Up a Betta Tank

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    Can I keep my betta fish in a bowl?
    Aaron Bernard
    Fish & Aquarium Specialist
    Aaron Bernard is an Aquarium Specialist and the Owner of Limited Edition Corals in Phoenix, Arizona. With over ten years of experience, Aaron specializes in aquarium maintenance, custom design, manufacture, installation, and moving. Aaron holds a BS in Biochemistry from Arizona State University, where he studied the effects of climate change on coral reefs and began to propagate his corals.
    Fish & Aquarium Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Betta fish can survive in almost any container. However, they'll be much happier in a larger tank with conditioned water.
  • Question
    Is the tetra globe waterfall tank good to house a betta?
    Community Answer
    That tank is a little small for a betta, considering that bettas like 3 gallons or larger to swim around in but it would be good as a temporary tank until you can get a larger one.
  • Question
    Is a betta fish a tropical fish?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is why it is recommended to keep the tank at 77-80 degrees, although if you don't have a heater, room temperature should be fine.
  • Question
    What should the water temperature be, and how high should I fill the tank with water? Are there any suggested brands?
    Community Answer
    The water temperature should be 75° to 82° Fahrenheit, and you should fill the tank 90 percent of the way to have enough space for the fish to jump. There are many great brands of fish tanks, but most tanks for bettas are very small, and I advise against that. Instead, purchase a tank 3 gallons or larger to have a happy fish.
  • Question
    Is a mason jar too small for a betta home?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is way too small. If that is all you can afford, do not get betta fish, or any fish. Get sea monkeys instead.
  • Question
    Can bettas be with other fish?
    Community Answer
    Some bettas will be okay with other fish, but it is risky. The betta needs a fish that does not look similar to itself. You should have a backup tank in case anything goes wrong and stay observant after introducing any other fish.
  • Question
    Do they need a filter and heater?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Bettas are tropical fish, and they need warm water. A filter is recommended to remove impurities from the water; otherwise, you'd need to do a partial water change every few days.
  • Question
    Why won't my new betta eat?
    Community Answer
    It may just be shock, or it may have an illness. Check for other signs of illness, or put pictures on a forum (e.g. Fishlore). However, it is not unusual for a betta to not eat for the first week of settling in; keep feeding and removing all uneaten food regularly until the fish appears interested again.
  • Question
    My betta fish has brown dust on its body, is this Ick? What else could it be?
    Community Answer
    Ick is usually white. If it is brown dust, it might be a fungal disease, or a parasitic disease.
  • Question
    I live in the Philippines, is it necessary to put in a heater?
    Community Answer
    You live in a tropical area where it's very warm, so you shouldn't need a heater.
  • Question
    We are getting a betta fish for a school project. When we set up the tank, the water was all cloudy and we can't get it any cleaner. Is it the gravel?
    Community Answer
    This probably happened because it is a new tank. Wait a few days for the sediment to settle.
  • Question
    How can you tell the sex of a betta fish?
    Community Answer
    Male betta fish usually have longer and more attractive tails that flow when they swim. Females have shorter less attractive tails. A detailed article with some helpful images can be found here: How to Determine the Sex of a Betta Fish .
  • Question
    Can a betta live with goldfish?
    Community Answer
    No. Betta are aggressive and can attack the goldfish.
  • Question
    Is it good that my Betta squirms around when he is in the sunlight?
    Community Answer
    Betta fish enjoy some sunlight coming in from the windows, but they should never be in direct sunlight.
  • Question
    If my betta was gifted to me in a travel container, how would I transition it into a 2.5 gallon bowl?
    Community Answer
    You could prepare a bag according to the directions (leaving it at room temperature), and place your fish in the bag. Then, use the steps to transition the fish from the bag to the tank.
  • Question
    How do I unbloat my betta fish?
    Community Answer
    Fast them for a day or two, and then make sure to feed them the proper amount of food. Betta fish eat insect-based betta pellets and only need two pellets in the morning and two pellets at night. Sometimes they also eat small amounts of blood worms. Just make sure to slowly reintroduce food to them, one pellet at a time.
  • Question
    Can I keep my new betta in its old home (plastic clear cup) for a day until the real equipment arrives?
    Community Answer
    You can, but try for something bigger, like a bowl. You want your betta to be as comfortable as possible.
  • Question
    My betta jumps out of the tank. How do I make sure he's healthy?
    Community Answer
    Your betta may be jumping out of its tank because the tank is too small, so you may need to get a larger one. When the betta jumps out, put it in a separate container with tank water to allow any dust or residue to fall off, then put it back in its tank.
  • Question
    If there are bubbles everywhere in my tank during the fishless cycle, is this fine, or is it dangerous?
    Community Answer
    It just means the filter is pumping air bubbles into the tank. It is absolutely fine!
  • Question
    Is a one gallon tank good enough for a betta fish?
    Top Answerer
    No, that's too small to get filtration or heating that the fish need. A 5 gallon at minimum is recommended, and don't use bowls, vases, or other extremely small and limiting containers.
  • Question
    Will betta fight with sea snails if they are in the same tank?
    Community Answer
    Bettas will almost always ignore snails, as they are relatively slow and definitely can't be mistaken for another betta. You can have them together, but remember that snails will increase the bioload of the tank even though they are scavengers.
  • Question
    Can my betta live in a fish bowl without a lid?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can, though be warned, bettas have been known to jump six inches high! A lid is a good idea.
  • Question
    Should the filter run all the time, or can it be turned off at night? Will it tax the filter to leave it on 24/7?
    Community Answer
    Your filter needs to run all the time, and it should be made to handle such a load.
  • Question
    How long do Bettas live?
    Community Answer
    On average they live from 1-3 years, but they can live even longer with great care.
  • Question
    Where can I find multicolored and healty bettas?
    Community Answer
    Almost every pet store will have some bettas, but just make sure that you are checking for obvious signs of illness.
  • Question
    How long should you have the tank ready and filtering before adding the fish?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how big the tank is. Anything under five gallons only needs to cycle for a day or two.
  • Question
    People say an adult male blue betta is a good choice. Why?
    Community Answer
    Male bettas have beautiful vibrant colors and are very pretty. Female bettas, however, are dull in color. Bettas are also very easy to take care of and are a perfect choice for beginners.
  • Question
    Can I keep a boy and a girl in the same tank?
    Community Answer
    No, the males are too aggressive. In some cases you can keep two females together, but keep an eye on them. Never pair a male with another betta.
  • Question
    How many plants and/or decorations should I have in my tank?
    Community Answer
    it depends on how big your tank is and how big the decorations are. Have enough for your fish to hide and play when needed, but not so much that the fish has no room to move about.
  • Question
    Is 2.5 gallons okay for a betta fish?
    Community Answer
    2.5 gal is the minimum, and it is okay, for bettas are hardy. Five or more gallons is better, though.
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