Q&A for How to Socialize Your Dog

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    My four-year old Siberian husky is blind. Do I use the same methods to socialize him?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    It just as important for a blind dog to lead and rich and fulfilled life as a sighted one, so you are absolutely right to socialize him. Use the methods described here, but be aware that he won't pick up body language clues from other dogs, so you may need to select friendly or gentle dogs for him to meet. Also, he may become overwhelmed more easily since he's more likely to become confused, so take things slowly and never force him into a situation. Try not to change too many things at once, so when meeting a new dog, do this is a familiar place so he knows where to escape to if things get too much.
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    I rescued a dog three weeks ago. She is aggressive to people and also people with other dogs. I pick her up to control her but this morning she nipped me. Please help!
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    Most rescues work with behaviorists who can advise and help you. Aggression is a complex topic and needs careful assessment or you could end up making the problem worse. Often it is due to fear, rather than downright nastiness. If she nipped you, then one way to stay safe is to muzzle her while you work on the bad behavior. It could be she needs to be retrained to feel less threatened, in which case the help of a dog trainer or animal behaviorist is essential.
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    Should I socialize my puppy at a dog park?
    Rendy Schuchat
    Certified Professional Dog Trainer
    Rendy Schuchat is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and the Owner of the largest dog training facility, Anything Is Pawzible, based in Chicago, Illinois. With over 20 years of experience, Rendy specializes in positive dog training and behavior modification to help people build and strengthen their relationships with their dogs. She holds a BA in Psychology and Communications from the University of Iowa, an MA in Psychology from Roosevelt University, and a Certification in Dog Obedience Instruction from Animal Behavior Training and Associates. Rendy was voted one of the Best/Favorite Dog Trainers in Chicago by Chicagoland Tails Reader’s Choice Awards multiple times and was voted Chicago Magazine’s “Best Dog Whisperer” in 2015.
    Certified Professional Dog Trainer
    Expert Answer
    I don't think the dog park is the best place to teach your dog to be social. It's better to have a playgroup that your dog can get to know one-on-one. If they do well, you can add multiple dogs to that, and eventually get to the dog park scenario.
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    I have a one year-old golden. I spend a lot of time with him and I am a petite 63 year old. I want him socialized. Is it too late?
    Community Answer
    No. He's still a pup until two, so you have time. Try to take him to places with other dogs, like beaches, if there are any near you. Take walks around the neighborhood, and invite any friends with dogs to come play. Also try to invite neighborhood children to pet him. Goldens are naturally social and love children.
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    I have an 18 month-old pitbull mix. He is fine with people, but despises other animals. What can I do?
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    Your best bet would be to contact a reputable animal behaviorist to work with you and your dog on this issue. At 18 months, your pet's habits are fairly ingrained, and it will likely take professional-level training to reverse this behavior.
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    My five-month-old rottweiler gets super excited on the leash when she sees other people on our walk. How can I get her to calm down?
    Community Answer
    The answer is very simple. You have to expect her to stay calm. If you expect her to get excited, you'll start tensing up and she senses that. Dogs do what their owners do. Just like in a pack, the other dogs follow the alpha. You are the alpha. Therefore, set an example. When she gets excited, don't pick her up. Calm her down with smooth, calm strokes on her back. Don't try to stop her. Just stroke her. If she still doesn't stop, continue walking, keeping her by your side. Don't look at her. Just keep walking straight. Remember, you are the alpha. You are in charge.
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