Q&A for How to Solve Marriage Problems in Islam

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    My husband drinks alcohol every day. I'm very tense and depressed. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    In Islam alcohol is haram (forbidden). If this continues, tell him that you are thinking about divorce.
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    My uncle and his wife always fight, and I have no idea how to stop them. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Suggest the idea of a divorce to them. That may shock them enough that they'll cut back on their fighting.
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    As Salaam Alaykum, my spouse won’t stop lying and cheating and this has caused so much hurt and anger in me that I don’t know what to do. What’s the best advice on how to handle it?
    7e12 7e12
    Community Answer
    Wa Alaykum Salam, it is best that you divorce your spouse as they are causing you pain and suffering.
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    In Islam who (wife or husband) is responsible for repairing things at home or more "building" work? Ex. Install kitchen shelf, painting, repair sink etc like repair work and building things for home.
    7e12 7e12
    Community Answer
    The wife can build things and repair things at home even if she is biologically a man.
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