Q&A for How to Speak Gibberish

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    Can I add a translator for gibberish?
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    What benefits does speaking gibberish have?
    Community Answer
    It's like speaking in code. You can talk about private things with others in the room, and they won't be able to understand you.
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    Are there different forms of gibberish language?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there is pretty much an unlimited number of versions of gibberish, as people tend to just make up their own rather than follow any traditional system.
  • Question
    How can I write gibberish?
    Community Answer
    Just write the same things you would speak. For example, if you wanted to write "tree", it would be "tridigee".
  • Question
    Is there more than one way to speak gibberish?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can experiment with different types. You can also make up your own gibberish.
  • Question
    Are their different varieties of gibberish?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as many as you can invent. The initial idea is that you want to form a system that can be deciphered easily by those in-the-know, but to bystanders will be complete nonsense.
  • Question
    How would the person you're talking to know which variant you are using?
    Community Answer
    You can just tell because of the infix that they're using. If you were using the -idig- variant, for example, it would be easy to tell that they were using -idig- mainly because you would just hear -idig- a lot. It does take some listening, so maybe you could ask them to just spout off some stuff and pay close attention! Also, look up the Irigi variant, it's a good one.
  • Question
    Do I only add the "idig" to the beginning of the first vowels in words or to all of the vowels?
    Community Answer
    You can do it however you want! It's gibberish, after all. Not everyone will understand you!
  • Question
    How do I speak gibberish correctly?
    Community Answer
    There isn't a correct way to speak gibberish. Almost nobody else will understand what you're saying, so just make it up on the way.
  • Question
    I am a little confused -- is dogoro the gibberish word for do?
    Community Answer
    In short:,yes. That is the gibberish word for 'do' in Irigi. If you don't know what an -Irigi- variant is, you can look up some videos on YouTube.
  • Question
    Is there always 'dig' in a gibberish word?
    Community Answer
    No. Some gibberish words do not have 'dig' in them.
  • Question
    Who would want to do this?
    Community Answer
    If you want to talk about something privately, or just want a new thing to do with your friend, it’s cool. It's just a fun activity and a cool way to use your imagination.
  • Question
    Why do people need to learn gibberish? You just roll your tongue around and make sounds.
    Community Answer
    If you establish an official form of gibberish, you can talk in code with others that know the language you are using. If you just make random noises, no one will know what you are trying to say. If you don’t want to communicate anything, you don’t need to learn gibberish. People who learn gibberish have a sort of secret code so they can communicate without others knowing what they are saying.
  • Question
    How can I understand when someone is speaking gibberish?
    Community Answer
    You probably can’t totally understand what they’re trying to say, but you could use things like vocal inflection and body language to help figure it out.
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    How would I speak pig Latin?
    Top Answerer
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    Is pig latin better than gibberish? Because I learned that in 6 minutes.
    Community Answer
    Yes, pig latin is WAY better than gibberish in my opinion, and also much easier to learn.
  • Question
    How do I find a translator for gibberish?
    Community Answer
    You can't really find a translator. Everyone's version of gibberish is different.
  • Question
    How do I pronounce “one” in gibberish?
    Community Answer
    Idigonidige or irigionirigie.
  • Question
    What is the difference between irigi and idig in gibberish?
    Community Answer
    They are different variations of gibberish. It is your choice which one you want to use. They will make your gibberish sound different.
  • Question
    How do I speak gibberish to other people? How do I teach it?
    Community Answer
    Speaking gibberish to others is just how you would normally speak to others, like saying "Hey!" or "How are you?", but you would speak them in gibberish! If you would like to teach it, you can simply send them this article.
  • Question
    Why can't i just say 'exubcgdunux'?
    Community Answer
    That would be hard to decipher. Of course, if you are just speaking random gibberish and not trying to speak words in gibberish, then go right ahead!
  • Question
    Not the correct subject but how do you speak cursive?
    Community Answer
    You can’t speak cursive. It’s just a fancy way of writing letters. You can learn to write cursive by printing out practice sheets online if you want.
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