Q&A for How to Start a Convenience Store

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    How much cash is needed to open a store from the ground up with 3,000 square feet?
    Community Answer
    That depends on many factors, starting with whose 3,000 square feet of property you're purchasing and where it's located. They could be nice and let you off cheap or if they know you're desperate they can raise the price. Then the size and type of building will affect the cost to build, and if you need to purchase a lot of equipment that will also raise the start-up costs.
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    How do I run a convenience store alone?
    Community Answer
    Keep a log book to keep track of supplies, purchases, income, debts etc. Make sure you're not vulnerable to theft, and be alert about everyone in the store. Be nice and courteous to customers since you're the only worker there and the representation of the service. When you have difficulty doing something, don't be afraid to ask help from someone or hire someone.
  • Question
    Can I do this as a kid?
    Top Answerer
    It's possible, but starting is business is very expensive and complicated -- your parents/legal guardian will have to do most of it.
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    How much does it cost in total to open a supermarket?
    Community Answer
    Starting, buying and running a convenience store can carry a hefty price tag. Though the cost to stock and maintain inventory in a convenience store varies widely, even the smallest convenience stores may have as much as $20,000 in inventory. Stocking a typical, even slightly larger convenience store can cost much more. Then there are other factors like rent and utilities, employee salaries and delivery costs.
  • Question
    After I get my MBA, can I open a big supermarket?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Determine a budget for startup costs. This will largely depend on the cost of real estate in your area, and what service and items you plan to offer. Do your research, and consider the costs of businesses in your area to determine your budget.
  • Question
    How do I get money from the government to start a business?
    Community Answer
    You can't get money from the government, only a tax deduction from the IRS.
  • Question
    How do I forecast if my convenience store will be successful?
    Community Answer
    To forecast if you will be successful, take a good look at your foot traffic and ensure you have reasonably priced items and make sure you have a competitive edge over your competitors. Also check your store is in a place without other competitors too close by, as that will dilute your profits.
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