Q&A for How to Stay Focused on God

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    I know God will never leave or forsake us, but what should I do when it feels like God is quiet no matter how much I pray?
    Community Answer
    This is when you need to be strong and steadfast in your faith. Although God won't answer your prayers straight away, bear in mind that He is working on a plan for you. You just have to trust that He is guiding you even in His silence.
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    How can I help my daughter to know Christ as her Savior?
    Community Answer
    All you can do is guide her. I know it's hard when you see a loved one struggling with faith, but only God can change the person's heart. Try reading a devotional or a Bible verse every morning with her. Go to church, and if she's old enough, let her go to youth group there. Support her through her journey, and try not to judge her beliefs or opinions. If you disagree, tell her so in a gentle way; if not, she will only harbor more anger and slowly distance herself. Try reading 'Leading Your Child To Christ' By Marty Machowski. It details sharing the word with your child, and how to maintain a Christian household.
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    How do I tell friends who are sinning to consider repentance without them feeling judged?
    Community Answer
    We can never really tell anyone anything about sinning or repentance, as it's a very touchy topic. We can however, live by example and practice what we preach; this is the most effective way of helping our friends understand the importance of the love of God. Seeing you with the inner peace the Holy Spirit gives will motivate them to live as you do and inquire more about the beauty of living in the embrace of God.
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    What can l do when my soul loses focus on God due to pornography?
    Community Answer
    Pray and ask for his forgiveness. Maybe go to confession too, and/or talk to a priest, pastor, etc. about your struggles. As long as you're repenting your sins and trying to do better, God will forgive you.
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    Is emotional and verbal abuse grounds for divorce?
    Community Answer
    Yes; this falls under "cruelty", though the abuse will have to be proven in court.
  • Question
    How can I stay focused on God?
    Community Answer
    Try to pray a prayer like twice a day. During the day, if you need to do something, ask God for help. If you have a problem, ask God for help. If you are happy, thank God. If you are sad, cry in front of God and ask God for help. And build up slowly. Pray to God.
  • Question
    My question is all about tithing. Is it compulsory for Christians today to pay tithe?
    Starland “Chewy” Seay
    Community Answer
    No. I don't think Jesus ever forced people to tithe. The Jews practiced tithing as part of the Mosaic law. Muslims are obligated to tithe as well, but contrary to what many will tell you, Christians may tithe if they want but they are not obligated to do so.
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    I want to get closer to God so that depression won't affect me and many other things I struggle with. I love my savior and Lord Jesus Christ so much, I ask for peace.
    Community Answer
    God is always there for you, and don't just carry all that depression, anxiety, etc. by yourself. Give it to God, since He is always there for you, and talk it through by prayer. And see a therapist or talk with a trusted person from your family, workplace or friendship circle.
  • Question
    How can I really pray to God in faith and avoid too much eating and learn how to fast and pray? I do not pray at all nor read my Bible and my heart can not rest.
    Community Answer
    Jesus prayed sometimes and His disciples prayed during testing times. Reading the bible is for you to know what is right and wrong. It strengthens you. If you can do your work without sinning and you can think of God at all times and during every circumstance, He is with you. Don't be guilty of not praying or reading. Act according to Him and follow His commandments.
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    How I know God will help me in my troubles?
    Community Answer
    God helps those who help themselves and those who walk His path. Ask Him to help you see His path and to help you know that He is helping you. His help keeps us strong against all evil.
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    How can I influence my friends and peers to face towards God?
    Community Answer
    God calls His true believers. You cannot pull too much. But being a true follower, if by watching you, your friends like you for something like being strong or helpful, they may automatically try to do what you are doing. Be an example and be kind.
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    My faith is struggling. How can I overcome resentment that I feel in my heart towards God and other people? I have gone through many hard times and I feel judged and lacking in love, peace and joy.
    Community Answer
    Think of Job. He lost everything in a single hour. All of his family, his children, his wealth. He had nothing. But he didn't do anything wrong. God wasn't punishing him. Satan was trying him. Sometimes there are trials in our lives to help up become stronger in the faith. It's up to the person whether or not it helps them or pushes them away. Often you have to work hard to recover the faith lost.
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    In the beginning of the year, I had a good schedule going with God but lately, I've been facing some troubles. How can I get back to the groove of things with God and keep my faith alive?
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    Sometimes it can be hard to maintain a good prayer life. Motivate yourself. To start, pick a chapter in the Bible. Give yourself one month to memorize. Reward yourself. Keep doing this until it becomes a habit, and you begin to enjoy it. Then, slowly stop rewarding youself, because you won't need to.
  • Question
    How can I understand Christianity when there are so many opinions and views on it?
    Top Answerer
    The Bible is easy to interpret in different ways. Ultimately, if you cannot find a denomination that appeals to you, read through the Bible yourself, and interpret it how you wish.
  • Question
    I'm a Muslim. Should I be proud knowing that I will not go somewhere bad?
    Top Answerer
    If that is what you believe, yes. Do understand that there is a difference between pride and snobbery.
  • Question
    How can I overcome loneliness?
    Community Answer
    Loneliness can be very depressing, but faith can help you to overcome it. 1. Don't try to overcome loneliness by filling your life with lots of material possessions, they can be just as depressing - getting a pet, growing some plants, or buying/borrowing books/audio books that you can immerse yourself in may help. 2. Try to develop your relationship with God - “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” Matthew 6:33. 3. Try not to indulge in self-pity; it's a downward spiral. If you feel lonely and you're sitting there thinking sad about being lonely, you will feel even more lonely. 4. Meet some new people! Church can be a great place to do this, but you could also join a book club or a gym, sign up for a class, etc.
  • Question
    I have a problem of doing things l decided not to do anymore, to the extent of swearing on myself, but l sometimes do them again and later have great regret. How can l live by my words?
    Community Answer
    A verse in Ecclesiastes, Chapter 5 reads: "It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfil it. Do not let your mouth lead you into sin." Likewise, in Proverbs 20:25 "It is a trap to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider one’s vows." However, God loves us all & is merciful to those who repent. Remember the parable of the prodigal son. Instead of vowing that you will never do something again, ask Him to help you to stop sinning. Ask Him to increase your faith & to help you avoid temptation. Try to live according to God's word to show Him that you love him, confess your faults to Him when you stumble.
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