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Q&A for How to Steam Tamales
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QuestionCan I reuse tusks after they have already been boiled?Community AnswerYes, tusks can be boiled again, but they will be very hard on the teeth. Try using corn husks instead.
QuestionHow much water do I need for tamales?Community AnswerYou want the water up to but not over your steaming baskets. The tamales shouldn't get wet. Remember to check the water level periodically.
QuestionCan I freeze prepared tamales before they've been steamed?Community AnswerYes you can. That way they are freshly steamed when you cook them for dinner. And they are not being reheated. Actually I prefer them that way.
QuestionMy masa won't cook in the oven. What am I doing wrong?Community AnswerYou shouldn't cook them in the over. They are supposed to be steamed.
QuestionHow do I steam frozen tamales? Can I steam them frozen or do I have to thaw them out?Community AnswerYou can steam them frozen because as it is being steamed they will thaw and the excess water will help the steam.
QuestionHow long should they cook on electric stove?Community AnswerYou should cook them for 30 to 60 minutes, until the masa gets a firm solid texture. It should not be mushy.
QuestionIs it supposed to smell like the bottom husks are burning?Community AnswerNo. If you smell burning at all, check your water level. As you are not using a large amount of water, it can evaporate quite quickly.
QuestionHow long does it take to cook frozen tamales?Community AnswerThree hours in a crockpot. Set it to low-medium heat and cover it with an inch of water for best results. Season with a pinch of salt or your favorite spice for a truly savory dish.
QuestionHow are sweet tamales made?Community AnswerYou can mix the masa with cinnamon and sugar and spread onto husk. You can fill the center with chocolate or jellies, then steam as normal.
QuestionAm I supposed to put leaves on the bottom of the pot when cooking tamales?Community AnswerYou can if you want, but it's optional. It's often done so the water doesn't rise though.
QuestionWhat if the outside turns solid but the inside is watery?Community AnswerThe chile may not have been thickened enough, which could cause the inside to turn watery.
QuestionIf I'm freezing tamales, should I do so before or after steaming them?Community AnswerYou could freeze them either way, but if you freeze them before you have steamed them, then you have the option of steaming them from their frozen state.
QuestionCan tamales be stacked on top of each other in a large, deep tamale pot?Community AnswerYou can, but you run the risk of your filling spilling out, and it will take a lot longer to cook. It's not recommended.
QuestionCan I lay them down on stackable steamer?Emma Hall1Community AnswerYes, spread the tamales across the steamer and stack up to 2 layers at a time.
QuestionI steamed my tamales for 2 hours and it looks like the masa oozed out. Even though I stacked them upward. What happened?Emma Hall1Community AnswerIt is likely that the tamales were over-filled. Next time, try putting less masa in the tamales.
QuestionWhat are good toppings for tamales?Community AnswerSome common toppings include sour cream, Colorado sauce, and guacamole.
QuestionDo I put the corn husk at the bottom of the steamer?Community AnswerNo, as that would prevent the steam from reaching the tamales. You can, however, use them at the top of the steamer to keep the steam inside.
QuestionMy tamales came out salty. Can I fix this? I only added as much as the recipe called for.Community AnswerUse a topping, like crema fresca, queso, guacamole, molé, fresh salsa, etc. This will mask the saltiness of the tamales.
QuestionHow can I keep my tamales warm?Community AnswerKeep them in a crock pot on warm with a damp cloth over the top of the tamales.
QuestionMy pot holds 7 dozen tamales. How long does this need to cook on stove top?Emma Hall1Community AnswerThe tamales should be cooked in about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Leave them to rest in the steamer for a further 30 minutes.
QuestionIs the pot not to be filled totally with tamales or should there be room in the pot?Emma Hall1Community AnswerStack the tamales in 1 or 2 layers. If you do more layers it results in the middle layers not steaming properly.
QuestionHow do you eat a tamaleEmma Hall1Community AnswerEat the tamale by itself or enjoy it with your favourite Mexican side dishes, such as corn chips, guacamole, or beans.
QuestionAm I supposed to eat the corn husk?Community AnswerNo, the husk is there only to help shape the tamales. Discard the husks in your compost or trash bin.
QuestionIs it possible to steam the tamales and then keep them warm in a crock for a couple of hours?Community AnswerYes, but they may dry out. Try putting damp paper towels in with the tamales and keep on the warm setting.
QuestionHow long can the tamales stay in the pot after they are cooked?Community AnswerTamales can stay in pot and put into refrigerator, as long as they are not touching water. Strain water out. Freeze tamales that will not be eaten in 2 - 3 days.
QuestionCan I wrap tamales in aluminum foil before I cook them?Community AnswerYou can do that, but only after you have wrapped them in the banana leaves.
QuestionShould frozen tamales be thawed prior to steaming?Community AnswerNo, you can go from the freezer to the pot. Cooking time will increase by 30 minutes or so.
QuestionWhat happens if the water does rise on the bottom of the tamales? Will they be ruined?Community AnswerYes, the tamales will be soaked with the water and get too wet. Avoid the boiling water directly touching the tamales.
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