Q&A for How to Stop Letting Ignorant People Bother You

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    How can you stop a woman from being mean to you if you are a man?
    Community Answer
    See How to Deal with Mean People . The genders involved shouldn't make any difference. If you can't resolve the situation with the person, do your best to avoid them or cut off ties with them.
  • Question
    How to deal with ignorant and silent men? In fact, you love him, but you don't know how to get his heart. You don't know how to treat this man. You have tried your best. What do you suggest doing?
    Community Answer
    First off, you may be misunderstanding the word 'ignorant'. An ignorant person is not someone who ignores you. It can refer to someone who refuses to acknowledge facts or inform himself about things, or it can refer more generally to someone who doesn't know about or understand something. As for this guy, you shouldn't give him more of your time and attention if you've tried your best and he isn't responding to you. Find someone who enjoys your company and appreciates you as you are. You can't make anyone like or love you, it has to come naturally.
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    How do I get rid of a nasty person who's always on my case of wanting me to go and her to stay?
    Community Answer
    Stay exactly where you are and demand the same thing, because no one has the right to tell you where you are supposed to go.
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    What do I do when people message me in a rude manner?
    Community Answer
    Kill them with kindness or ignore it. Being the better person and remaining calm is always the best option. It has kept me stress free in that department.
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    What if my brother disturbs me when I'm trying to study? How can I ignore him?
    Community Answer
    Is there a room that you can lock him out of? Otherwise, if he is young, find something that he enjoys to keep him busy. He may just want your attention, so you could explain to him why your studies are important, and offer to play a game with him or give him some other reward when you're finished with your work.
  • Question
    How do I convince someone if he keeps being ignorant after I show him facts and references? Should I just leave that person be and try not to involve myself with him?
    Community Answer
    You should let him figure out the truth on his own, but don't stop associating with him if you really want the best for him. Show him you'll support him even when he is being stupid.
  • Question
    My friend is ignorant and says actors are retarded because they played a certain role and stuff like that. Then when I say he's ignorant he tries to defend himself. How can I deal with this person?
    Community Answer
    You're doing it right already. All you can do is confront him and tell him he's being ignorant. But he is allowed to defend himself.
  • Question
    My sister is 57 years old and I am 48. She is ignorant to the cell phone internet world. She will say almost anything to appear that she knows about phones and such but knows nothing.
    Andrej Bugarinović
    Community Answer
    "The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost." Let her be. Ask her to do something with her phone for you and don't help her, see what happens, then say nothing more.
  • Question
    How should I deal with people who did look up information about one topic, but their information is wrong?
    Benjamin M.
    Top Answerer
    Firstly, make sure that they are in fact wrong and it is not you who is mistaken. Assuming they are wrong, then it is important to understand why they trust the source they did. Bringing another source may simply lead to butting heads unless you can (1) explain why one source is more reliable, (2) look at the methodology that each source used to come to its conclusion (i.e. always ask "how did they come to that conclusion?"), or (3) investigate whether what their source is saying is logically consistent (i.e. ask "if that were true, what else would have to be true?").
  • Question
    What will happen if I cyberbully that person? Would I get in trouble?
    Community Answer
    Don't fight fire with fire. Cyberbullying is not an ethically or logically good solution for dealing with ignorant people.
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