Q&A for How to Study for a Social Studies Test

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    Does this apply to elementary school children?
    Emily Listmann, MA
    Academic Tutor and Life Coach
    Emily Listmann is a Private Tutor and Life Coach in Santa Cruz, California. In 2018, she founded Mindful & Well, a natural healing and wellness coaching service. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. Emily also received her Wellness Coach Certificate from Cornell University and completed the Mindfulness Training by Mindful Schools.
    Academic Tutor and Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Of course! Elementary school students may need more guidance from a teacher or parent with the above suggestions, but the approach for studying is the same.
  • Question
    How do I increase memory?
    Community Answer
    Repetition is your answer. Try and memorize as much as possible through repeat reading/studying. The more you train your brain to memorize, the easier it becomes.
  • Question
    What is the best way to learn long answers?
    Community Answer
    Divide the long answers into shorter sections and memorize those. Then put everything together for your long answer.
  • Question
    What if I can't concentrate?
    Community Answer
    If you can't concentrate because of some disturbances, you can take your headphone and put on a white noise track. Sometimes it also happens that while studying sometimes you float away to another world. For this, you can note down the points on a paper that make you lose concentration. Stick that paper somewhere in your study place so you can see it all the time you study to remind you to take special care to concentrate on those topics.
  • Question
    How can I master the material in time for my final exam?
    Community Answer
    You need to make a timetable and follow it . This will help you to know what you have covered and what is left as you near your exam date.
  • Question
    How can I make sure I do not forget anything during the test?
    Community Answer
    Read each question carefully before you answer and double-check your work.
  • Question
    How can I really get a hold on topics in depth instead of forgetting them?
    Community Answer
    Read the topic three to four times, to really ingest it. It is recommended that you don't learn it by heart, as that encourages parroting back, not learning and thinking. Underline anything you don't understand and either research it further or ask your teacher or tutor for advice. Highlight keywords and main points to act as triggers for your learning and more in-depth understanding.
  • Question
    Is making notes an effective way of revising?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Someone can test you on the subject - kind of like flash cards.
  • Question
    Does this apply to middle/intermediate school final exams that are really difficult?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is applicable too for middle/intermediate school children.
  • Question
    What if I do not have the textbook with me?
    Community Answer
    If you do not have access to your textbook, look through your notes and review all of your previous assignments. This includes homework and classwork.
  • Question
    What is an easy way to memorize the dates in history?
    Community Answer
    Make flashcards with an event on one side and the date on the other. Review the flashcards until you have the dates memorized.
  • Question
    How do I study a night before the exam?
    Community Answer
    Highlight the key details in your notes, so you don't spend time memorizing information that you won't need. Also, skim the textbook (if you have one).
  • Question
    Can I get up in the morning and study for a test I'm going to take later?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you should also study for a few days before the exam.
  • Question
    Should I wait to study until the day before the test?
    Community Answer
    No, study every day after school to better learn and remember concepts and avoid cramming before the test.
  • Question
    How do I study my notes and vocabulary from class?
    Community Answer
    During the class, it is best to take down running notes while the teacher is explaining the concepts and ideas. Then, go through the notes and pull out the main themes to use as headers for your revision notes. Under the headers, write down class note content and your additional research learnings. Add the vocab to the headers where it seems most appropriate. Then read through and study these notes as often as you can.
  • Question
    When should I start studying?
    Community Answer
    Study each day. Take time to review the day's material and look ahead to new concepts. By studying this way, you will never have to cram for a test and you will really understand the information.
  • Question
    Is listening to classical music helpful?
    Community Answer
    Classical music can help you focus by blocking out any distracting background noise. It has also been shown to improve efficiency, which will help you memorize more quickly.
  • Question
    How can I manage time?
    Community Answer
    Schedule your day into blocks, making time for studying before you see friends or pursue hobbies. Set aside time each day to study and review.
  • Question
    What if all I have to study for is a textbook and a few notes?
    Community Answer
    Then that is great! Make sure that you use all your time to get into those few things.
  • Question
    What is the best way to study a large amount of notes?
    Community Answer
    Study a little every night leading up to the test. Don't try to take it all in at once, or it'll be overwhelming. Make sure to highlight the important parts of your notes so that you aren't memorizing unnecessary information.
  • Question
    What is the easiest way to memorize the definition of a word?
    Community Answer
    Speak the definition out loud several times. Try to relate the word to something in your life to help you remember what it means.
  • Question
    My social studies test is tomorrow and I didn't study. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Break up studying sessions into small sections rather than one binge session. After 50-60 minutes of studying, go on a ten minute walk around the block to rest your mind. Focus on the basic concepts, and avoid wasting time on small details..
  • Question
    How can I learn to map point easily and quickly?
    Community Answer
    For that kind of skill, repetition is key. Make flash cards with the name of each country, city, etc. that you want to memorize. Practice picking up those flash cards and pointing to those locations on the map. Do that over and over until it becomes second nature.
  • Question
    What if I'm not able to memorize social studies because it is too much?
    Community Answer
    Don't look at social studies as a Mount Everest of notes - break the subject down into small chunks of important material so you don't feel overwhelmed and to make each topic easier to focus on. For instance, you could focus on studying just one topic each day.
  • Question
    What do I do if I know all of the answers, but when I start the test my mind goes blank?
    Community Answer
    Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. Try to clear your mind of all your worries and anxiety. Then just take one question at a time. Go slow and don't panic.
  • Question
    How can we get study help from teachers?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your teacher about concepts you don't quite understand, and ask them if they have any test-taking tips. If they give out a study guide, circle questions you're struggling with to bring up in class.
  • Question
    What if just don't like the subject so nothing sticks in my head?
    Community Answer
    Having no passion for a subject can make study prep difficult. Try focusing on the study techniques that best capture your attention. If flash cards help stave off boredom better than outlining your textbook, do what works.
  • Question
    How do I elaborate on answers?
    Community Answer
    Explain your thought process and provide support for your answer. For example, if a question asks you to take a side on an issue, explain why you think that's the case. You can explain some of the relevant background pertaining to the issue, provide historical or current examples that support your claim, explain what's wrong with the other position, and generally use logic.
  • Question
    All my lessons are very big, how can I study it in a very short time?
    Community Answer
    Just make sure you study every single night of that short time. Study for as long as you need each night, but remember to take breaks. Don't stress and remember that everybody else in your class is having the same lessons and the same exam. Remember to ask any questions you don't understand during class. When you're studying at home and you have questions, write them all down so that you don't forget.
  • Question
    What is the best way to concentrate on a topic?
    Community Answer
    Have only the pages of notes on that topic in front of you, or just find a way to make sure that you don't just start reading your notes on the next topic. You can use the methods from above to learn that material, but work on that one topic for about 15 - 30 minutes, take a break, and come back refreshed and see how much you remember. This way you can also easily see what your struggling with, and you can work on those sections.
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