Q&A for How to Survive in the Desert

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    What's the best desert shelter?
    Community Answer
    Your best bet would be a cave. Another alternative would be to find or create shade of any kind.
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    What should be included in a first aid kit?
    Community Answer
    Band Aids, gauze bandages, triangular bandages, safety pins, gloves, tweezers, scissors, alcohol wipes, and painkillers are some of the items you should include in a first aid kit. More detailed lists can be found in various places online.
  • Question
    How long can you survive without water?
    Community Answer
    The average human can survive without water 3-5 days, but this isn't recommended. Once the body is deprived of fluids, the cells and organs in the body begin to deteriorate.
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    What do I do if I get attacked by scorpions?
    Community Answer
    Although scorpions don't usually "attack" humans, they will sting if they feel like they are trapped or in danger. It's best to stay away from scorpions and areas that you may find them. If, however, you are stung, drink water, as it will dilute the venom in your blood. If you seem to be having an allergic reaction, take allergy medicine if you have it and seek help. Either way, you should rest for a day or two in your current shelter or at the nearest water source. Ultimately, it's just better not to get stung.
  • Question
    What if I cut a cactus in half?
    Community Answer
    It's a misconception that cacti contain a reserve of water. Inside most is a woody, fibrous substance.
  • Question
    What should I do if I run out of food? Should I eat animals?
    Community Answer
    If you know it's safe to eat and you have a weapon to kill it with, yes. However, if it's a large, dangerous animal, hunt from a distance.
  • Question
    What if I get really injured, like a broken leg or cracked rib?
    Community Answer
    Try to keep moving, and bind what you can. Your only chance is to get somewhere you can get help.
  • Question
    What should I do if the desert doesn't have a cave to live in?
    Community Answer
    If you don't see a cave anywhere, look for shade behind big rocks.
  • Question
    How do I survive in a polar desert?
    Community Answer
    Bring heavy and cold resistant gear like winter jackets, face coverings, and scarves. Pack non-spoilable foods like beef jerky, granola bars, etc. Make sure you have water. Seek out shelter or make an insulated one yourself. Lastly, seek civilazation immediatly! A polar desert is no place for someone who doesn't have some serious survival skills.
  • Question
    How do get I rescued by fire and smoke when in a desert?
    Community Answer
    The smoke will spread and be visible from the sky, so passing planes and jets will be aware of you. Also writing an s.o.s or 'help' with objects could also help.
  • Question
    What if a snake starts to chase me?
    Community Answer
    It is very unlikely a snake will chase you. In most cases it will bite you and disappear again. If you see a rattlesnake, get out of there as quickly as possible.
  • Question
    What if I saw an injured camel?
    Community Answer
    If you think you can help the camel, do so. (Maybe you could bandage its wound, for example.) Otherwise, you could just leave it. If you were really desperate, you could also kill and eat the camel.
  • Question
    What if I cannot walk any further in a desert and I cannot make a smoke as well?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you have plenty of nutritious food to take with you and take shelter. Replenishing energy is vital.
  • Question
    Would a car be a good place for shelter from the desert if it had tinted windows?
    Community Answer
    No, because black can absorb heat, causing it to likely be hotter inside the car than out.
  • Question
    How can I get out of quicksand?
    Community Answer
    Quicksand is not found in desert environments. The sand in most deserts is so coarse and dense that it won't move under weight. It's usually only a threat in marshy areas.
  • Question
    Where would I go if I ran out of water?
    Community Answer
    Expose a plastic bag to the sun so it sweats. Then gather those drops of water and drink from the plastic bag. If you do not have a plastic bag, then you could also dig a hole in the ground and put rocks in that hole. Cover the hole with something like leaves so the sun makes the rocks sweat and you get drops of water.
  • Question
    What should I do to warm myself in the night?
    Community Answer
    Carry some matches with you and use those to build a fire. You can also try finding a shelter, which might be warmer than being exposed, or you could possibly bury yourself in sand to retain heat.
  • Question
    What if I can't find a cave?
    Community Answer
    Then you should make a shelter using leaves, plants, or even dead animals such a camels.
  • Question
    How do I make a fire in the desert without twigs or branches around?
    Community Answer
    You could carry around fire starters in your backpack like striking stones, or a lighter and some cotton balls covered in petroleum jelly.
  • Question
    Can I eat scorpions or spiders if I cut the poisonous part off, like the fangs and stingers?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can eat scorpions if you cook them, this will burn off the poison and any poison left will most likely have no affect on you. You can eat tarantulas if you cook them as well (if 8 fuzzy legs sound good to you), but smaller spiders would be too much of a danger to consume.
  • Question
    Should I stay in once place, or should I keep moving?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you have a way to survive where you are, i.e. water source, food source and shelter, and if someone knows where you are and will miss you and come look for you before your supplies run out, then you might consider staying where you are. If you have no water, then don't stay. Same for shelter, food, etc. If you decide to move, leave markings pointing toward your direction of travel.
  • Question
    If I am with a child, how do I keep them safe?
    Community Answer
    Tell the child to follow these steps and try your best to comfort them. Stress is harmful, especially in a life-or-death situation. You should also try your best to make sure the child's needs are put first. If they're old enough to understand what to do, make sure you teach them. If something happens to an accompanying adult, the child may still have a chance to be rescued.
  • Question
    What if I run into a coyote
    Community Answer
    Coyotes typically pose no threat to larger animals, including people. Just leave it alone.
  • Question
    How would I purify water in the desert?
    Community Answer
    Purification tablets can be found at some stores or online. Use those, according to the instructions.
  • Question
    What animals are edible in the desert?
    Community Answer
    Many animals in the desert will be poisonous to avoid being eaten.
  • Question
    How can I build an effective shelter?
    Community Answer
    If you can find at least three sticks and a shirt, you can make shade to stay cool. You can also use your shoelaces and leaves.
  • Question
    What if I get bad leg wounds and can't walk?
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do is be ready for anything. That way, if you had a bad leg, you would be ready.
  • Question
    What should I do if I run out of water to drink?
    Community Answer
    Find some as quickly as possible. You can only last a few days without water.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm out with my dog with no food or water? Would it be best to sadly kill the dog for food?
    Becca Roberts
    Community Answer
    No, you should not eat your dog. It can help you find your way out of the desert. Also, your dog can protect you from snakes and other animals.
  • Question
    Can I take board games?
    Top Answerer
    You could to keep yourself or whoever else occupied, yes. But remember, they are not a main priority.
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