Q&A for How to Swim

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    How do I become a competitive swimmer?
    Alan Fang
    Former Competitive Swimmer
    Alan Fang swam competitively for over 7 years, through high school and into college. He specialized in breaststroke events, and participated in events such as the Speedo Championship Series, the IHSA (Illinois High School Association) state championships, and Illinois Senior and Age Group state championships.
    Former Competitive Swimmer
    Expert Answer
    Start swimming as early as you can and practice consistently so you can become your best. One of my old coaches used to say, 'If you don't swim for a day, your progress goes back 2 days, but if you don't swim for a week, you have to start over again.' This is an exaggeration, obviously, but it's true to some extent. But if you just want to swim for fun, or for survival, that consistency isn't as important.
  • Question
    I am not able to kick with my feet and claw with my hands, what do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You'll get there, just keep practicing. Use kickboards under your hands and arms. They will float and you won't need to use your arms, so you can focus on your legs. Practice using your legs separately. Then switch, floating your legs and practicing with your arms. Do this often enough, and very soon you'll be able to put the two together.
  • Question
    How do I stay above deep water?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The depth of the water does not change the technique of staying afloat. Swimming, floating, or any other technique in water is the same, regardless of how deep the water is.
  • Question
    How do I retrieve an object from the floor of the pool?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    Take a deep breath and go underwater. Use your arms and legs to "frog-kick" (similar to breaststroke) your way to whatever you're diving for. Grab the object and push off the bottom of the pool with your feet. This will propel you upward quickly so you can reach the surface faster.
  • Question
    Is it bad if water gets in my ear? Sometimes my ears get blocked, but is that necessarily bad?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There's a membrane in the inner ear that closes that opening to air and water. Your ears also take care of themselves. Just tilt your head to the side to let any water run out.
  • Question
    When I start to swim, my legs get tired. What can I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Try practicing with floating devices to isolate just the legs and focus on the correct technique so they don't bump into each other, breaking your stride. Keep training. Build up distance and time gradually, and before you know it, you'll be able to swim longer.
  • Question
    Is it good to use a floatation device when swimming?
    Community Answer
    It will be useful for when you are learning to swim, as it will keep you above the water. When you get more advanced and ready to swim on your own, you can start swimming without one.
  • Question
    How many minutes can a person stay underwater?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    This varies from person to person and can be increased through practice and training. Anyone should be able to stay under water for 30 seconds. With a few good breathing techniques, this can be quickly extended to 45-60 seconds.
  • Question
    How can I swim underwater?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The breaststroke works at the surface as well as under water.
  • Question
    What if I can't float?
    Community Answer
    You can try kicking faster and use a float to help you stay above water. The more you practice, the easier it will be to float on your own eventually.
  • Question
    Can I jump into a well if wearing life jacket?
    Community Answer
    You could, but jumping into a well is neither fun nor safe. Stick with a pool, pond or the ocean.
  • Question
    Is it good to grab on to a sturdy branch if I am being swept downstream?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as you have somewhere to go after holding on to that branch.
  • Question
    Doing taekwondo has made my muscles have high density. I have tried, but I can't float on water. Is there any way I can learn to swim?
    Community Answer
    Stretching a lot or doing similar exercises to stretch out those rock-hard muscles of yours probably will make them softer and more relaxed. But swimming makes you gain muscle as well, and having more muscle helps you power through strokes much better. Have you tried taking in a lot of air before entering the water, or spreading yourself out flat on top of the water? Also, it may be hard for you to float because you do not have a high percentage of body fat.
  • Question
    How do I stand up when floating in my back in shallow water?
    Lauren Lebuck
    Community Answer
    Bend your legs while floating, which will allow you to curve your back. This will give you a sudden weight change and make you sink in, after which you can unbend your legs and stand up.
  • Question
    I have been learning to swim for the last two months, but I am not able to keep my body straight. Because of that I start sinking when I do freestyle swimming. What should I do to keep my body straight?
    Community Answer
    Keep kicking, because the kicking keeps you straight. The faster you kick the higher you stay above water. The slower you kick the faster you will sink.
  • Question
    How do I swim if an unexpected tornado occurs?
    Community Answer
    Swim quickly to the closest safe exit of the water, get out, and find shelter immediately.
  • Question
    Do they make men's bathing suits that cover the top of the body?
    Community Answer
    You can purchase a full body suit, or a swim shirt and swim trunks to have your top and bottoms covered as well.
  • Question
    If I'm around 5', should I stay in my comfort zone area so I can feel safe?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Stay in your comfort zone, but do it often. The more you do it, the more comfortable it will feel, even at the edges of your comfort zone. If you can do a standing jump of two meters, don't try a five-meter jump, but keep doing two meter jumps until you feel the feeling "hey, I think I can do 2.10 m jump". Then, try that.
  • Question
    I have had problems with water in my ears. How do I deal with that?
    Community Answer
    Go to a swim store and buy or order online swimming ear plugs.
  • Question
    How do you keep water out of your nose?
    Community Answer
    You could breathe out of your nose while you are underwater, or you could use a nose plug.
  • Question
    I can come up from the bottom of a pool, but nothing I do seems to keep me afloat, I always sink back into the water. How can I stay afloat?
    Community Answer
    You could try learning the eggbeater kick, which will help you stay afloat. Ask someone who knows how to swim well if they can teach you, or look up a tutorial on YouTube.
  • Question
    What stroke is good for relaxing swimming?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    If you want to swim to relax, try a gentle breaststroke. Don't let your head go under the water and just glide along.
  • Question
    It's my second day in water and the water is just below my chin and the coach is generally not around. Is this water level safe for beginners?
    Community Answer
    If the beginner can stand with head above water and there are lifeguards or a coach nearby, then it is safe.
  • Question
    I am 10 years old, and I want to learn how to swim. My mom has tried to help me, but every time she lets go, I panic. What can I do to learn how to swim?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    Ask your mom if you can take swim lessons. That way a trained coach can help you learn how to swim well. In the meantime, consider getting a pool float (like a noodle, kickboard, etc.) to help when your mother lets you go and you begin to feel panicky. That way you don't have to worry about going underwater.
  • Question
    How do I swim the butterfly stroke?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    Take a look at the wikiHow article Swim the Butterfly Stroke . It should give you a good idea on what to do.
  • Question
    If I am in middle of the pool, and I've run out of energy, how do I get to the other side of the pool?
    Community Answer
    Turning over into a back float will allow you to rest. You could then backstroke to the other side or turn back around and swim freestyle.
  • Question
    I barely ever get to go to a place where I can swim. How can I learn how to swim if I can barely ever go to an environment where it is possible?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you could find a place locally that gives lessons, like a YMCA. It doesn't take long to learn the basics of swimming, and, like riding a bike, you shouldn't forget how to once you learn.
  • Question
    I start to panic and my chest starts to tighten if I hold my breath longer than 5 seconds. How do I deal with that, if I really want to swim?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Panic is a normal reaction, and the antidote is knowledge. Learn about the different stages of drowning, then realize that it takes a lot more than 5 seconds. It's OK to panic as long as you remember that you won't die after 6 seconds.
  • Question
    How can I get out to deep water?
    Community Answer
    You can just swim out to deep water as normal. Where the deepest part of the water is located will depend on the body of water you're in. For example, pools will usually have their "deep end" marked with signs. Just be extremely careful when swimming in deep water, even as an experienced swimmer.
  • Question
    Is swimming the best exercise for obese females? Does it help to reduce weight?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Swimming is a great way to workout your entire body, and yes, lose weight. Don't go swimming like a grandma, at zero point any miles per hour, actually gain some speed, OK? You want to increase your heart rate for an extended period of time. Go swimming once or twice a week. It's great for the body, and has no impact on joints like running does. However, exercise is but a small part of weight loss. You will gain see more results from eating well, drinking water, and most of all, having a regular sleeping pattern. Sleep the same hours every night, even on weekends.
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