Q&A for How to Take Care of Swords

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    How do I care for an autographed sword?
    Community Answer
    Avoid touching or rubbing the autograph. Cover the autographed area in Saran Wrap, hold it in place with electrical tape, then just clean the blade like you normally would, and remove the tape and Saran Wrap when you're done.
  • Question
    Will olive oil work to use on my sword?
    Community Answer
    Olive oil and other food oils are not recommended for use on swords. Stick with mineral oils, like gun or sewing machine oil.
  • Question
    What kind of oil should I use?
    Community Answer
    Use WD-30 or 3-in-1 oil. Any kind of rust preventing oil should work, and there are oils specially made for swords that you can buy online that can get rather expensive.
  • Question
    Do I have to oil and clean a sword?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Without proper care, your sword will rust and break.
  • Question
    Where can I find metal polish and metal abrasive pads?
    Community Answer
    Try hardware or automotive stores. They should have some for pretty cheap.
  • Question
    What can I do for a hilt that might be ivory? It is either that or bone.
    Community Answer
    As little as possible, really. Wipe t off with a damp cloth every now and then. Occasionally use a bit of lemon juice to remove discoloration.
  • Question
    What kind of oil is used to preserve the leather scabbard?
    Community Answer
    Oils may not be the best option; furniture or leather wax would be a much better option.
  • Question
    How should I maintain my wire or metal handle?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to care for your metal handle by occasionally buffing it with a Scotch-Brite pad. This should keep the metal looking rust-free and shiny.
  • Question
    Where would I find these oils? If so, are they cheep?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to find these oils at your local hardware store, and they shouldn't be too expensive. You can also purchase them online.
  • Question
    What should I use to polish the handle of the sword to get rid of stubborn gunk and factory grease?
    Community Answer
    I would use a product like Goo Gone, which can be purchased online or from any similar retail store.
  • Question
    Will Johnson's Baby Oil work for oiling my sword?
    Community Answer
    This won't provide the optimal protective coating. Use mineral oils for best results.
  • Question
    How do I clean a wooden sword?
    Community Answer
    Wipe it down with a damp cloth and let it dry. Once dry, wipe some boiled linseed oil on it to protect the wood. Then store in a place where it won't get knocked or drop.
  • Question
    How can I remove rust from the blade and hilt of a sword?
    Oliver Twist
    Community Answer
    For minor rust, gently massage the afflicted areas in a circular motion using fine-grade iron wool (steel wool) or a rust eraser. Hard rubbing can harm the metal or destroy the blade's finish, so be careful and patient. Once the rust has been removed, clean the sword with a dry towel to get rid of any leftover dirt.
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