Q&A for How to Tell if a Bird Egg Is Infertile

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    What does an infertile egg look like?
    Roger J. Lederer, PhD
    Dr. Roger Lederer is an Ornithologist and the founder of Ornithology.com, an informative website about wild birds. Dr. Lederer has spent over 40 years teaching, studying, and writing about birds. He has traveled to over 100 countries to study birds. Dr. Lederer is an Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences at California State University, Chico, and has been a Department Chair of Biological Sciences and Dean of the College of Natural Sciences. He has written more than 30 research papers and 10 books on birds and a textbook entitled “Ecology and Field Biology.” Dr. Lederer has consulted the BBC, National Geographic, National Public Radio, ABC News, the Guinness Book of World Records, and numerous other organizations and publications.
    Expert Answer
    If you hold a strong light up behind an infertile egg, you won't see any embryo developing inside.
  • Question
    A mother cardinal began sitting on her eggs a two and a half weeks ago with no evidence of hatchlings. Is there still a chance the eggs will hatch?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there is still a chance of hatching. Check after 30 days.
  • Question
    What does does it mean when you shine a light through the egg but there's a black mass or blob you can't see through?
    Community Answer
    If the whole egg is black, it's dead, but if there is just a dark mass inside, it's most likely the embryo developing.
  • Question
    My lovebirds mated and produces 5 eggs. However, the male was able to open the cage and flew away. The female remained inside the nest with eggs. Will she be able to hatch her eggs without her mate?
    Ellie Field
    Top Answerer
    She may, but it will take more toll on her to incubate and raise the chicks. Ensure she has food and water close to the nest so she has quick access to the when she comes out to toilet, and offer a millet spray in the box so she can eat without leaving the nest. Keep a close eye on the chicks and be prepared to hand-raise if she appears to be struggling or neglecting any.
  • Question
    Can you hatch store-bought eggs?
    Community Answer
    Generally, no. In very rare cases, it has happened, but that egg must be fertile and kept at a warm enough temperature for the embryo to survive.
  • Question
    So if the egg stays floating, it means it's alive, or dead?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    An egg that floats in water indicated that it has gone bad. You shouldn't attempt to incubate it or eat it. It's a rotten egg.
  • Question
    If the egg sinks but I can't see the embryo, is it dead or alive?
    Community Answer
    The egg is most likely dead, but I would still incubate it just to be sure.
  • Question
    Can a bird egg get too hot?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Yes, but only in extreme cases. An egg cannot get too hot from the mother sitting on it or the weather.
  • Question
    I found an egg, and I don't know if it's dead or alive, but all the fluids looks like they are laid to one side. Is it still alive?
    Community Answer
    Are the fluids moving? If they are, then keep the egg warm! If not, the bird's probably dead.
  • Question
    What should I do when my cockatiel lays an egg?
    Community Answer
    Is it fertile, or infertile? Do you have a male cockatiel or no? All of these factors can help you decide what to do with the egg.
  • Question
    What if my egg floats, but when I hold it up to light, I can see the embryos?
    Community Answer
    If you can see the embryos, then it sounds like your egg is fertile.
  • Question
    My society finch hen died in an accident and only the male is left. There are three eggs in the nest and the male is staying with the eggs. What should I do?
    Sage Aspen
    Community Answer
    Take an LED flashlight and shine it behind the eggs. If you see red and veins then it is fertile. If it is yellow and yolk-like then it is infertile. Keep the eggs for at least 23 days to be sure. If they do not hatch, then they are infertile.
  • Question
    I found a bird egg outside. Is it most likely dead or alive?
    Community Answer
    If you have found it on the ground, it is most likely not fertile or it has gone bad, so the mother has disposed of it.
  • Question
    I have six birds. They hatched their eggs, but no chicks came out after 24 days. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Just wait and see. It can take a little longer for some birds.
  • Question
    We have a turkey living in our yard. It has laid eggs but does not sit on them. Does this mean they are not fertile?
    Ellie Field
    Top Answerer
    They need to be incubated to truly become fertile. Any egg that has been introduced to sperm is fertilized, but they need constant warmth to be fertile. If the eggs aren't over 2 weeks old, there is the potential they could yield chicks if incubated. If the turkey hen is not broody she may not sit on them at all.
  • Question
    How do I tell if a chick is a boy or girl?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    You can't tell until they reach maturity.
  • Question
    What do you do with eggs that have no babies inside? Once I get rid of them, will my female be mad at me?
    Community Answer
    No, she won't be angry. Try to keep your female away from her nest and take out the eggs without her knowing.
  • Question
    What if I don't know how to take care of an egg?
    Community Answer
    Do some research on what your particular bird's eggs require, and if you have any questions, call a vet and ask them.
  • Question
    Will it hurt the baby to put the egg in water?
    Ellie Field
    Top Answerer
    Eggs are porous; air and water can seep through the shell. Floating eggs can be done safely if the water is lukewarm and the egg is left in no longer than 60 seconds. Pat dry with paper towel and replace back in the nest gently.
  • Question
    When should I take an egg from a hen?
    Community Answer
    After they leave the egg.
  • Question
    My society finches laid the first egg 59 days ago and completed a batch of 5, then again after 33 days it laid another 5 eggs; now today it laid 2 more. What am I supposed to do?
    Ellie Field
    Top Answerer
    Do you want her to continue nesting? If not, remove nests and separate her from any males to give her a break. Covering earlier of a night and uncovering later of a morning as well as keeping her surroundings cooler should help break her of her laying cycle.
  • Question
    Will keeping fertile eggs above room temperature but below 30 degrees Celsius. Will it keep the eggs dead or alive?
    Community Answer
    Never store eggs at temperatures about 75°F and at humidity lower than 40%. These conditions can decrease hatch ability dramatically in a very short period of time. Slant or turn the fertile eggs daily while they are being stored. Store the eggs small end down and slanted at 30-45 degrees.
  • Question
    Should I separate my male Turkey from female Turkey when it was laying eggs?
    Jannah Abouzeid
    Community Answer
    If you separate the male from the female, then the eggs won’t hatch, because the male has to fertilize the eggs and if he doesn’t, the eggs won’t hatch.
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