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Q&A for How to Use a Kindle Fire
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QuestionHow do I keep screen from rotating?Community AnswerSlide your finger down the screen. There should be a "lock" button. If you press it, your screen will stop rotating.
QuestionHow do I delete a book when I have finished reading it?Community AnswerGo to Amazon, and then go to Digital Content. Select "manage your content and devices." Search for the book your want to delete, click it, and then select "delete from cloud." Do not click "delete from device."
QuestionWhat does the arrow, circle, and box mean on the Kindle Fire (5th generation)?Community AnswerThe arrow is to go back to the previous page, the circle is to go home/main menu, and the box is to see all the apps that you have open.
QuestionHow do I turn up the sound on my Kindle?Community AnswerThere's a button on the side of the device that either increases or decreases the volume.
QuestionCan I use Google on a Kindle Fire?Community AnswerYou can. Click on the button to search the Internet, and input Google's web address.
QuestionHow do I move apps around on the screen?Community AnswerHold your finger down on the screen, then move it where you would like it to be placed. You can move the app the same way to place it in a folder.
QuestionHow can I get page numbers rather than percentages when reading a book?Community AnswerOnly some books offer page numbers on their books. Some books only display percentages and locations.
QuestionCan I get Facebook on a Kindle Fire?Community AnswerYou can. You can also download the Messenger app just like on any tablet device.
QuestionHow do I use the Kindle camera?Community AnswerGo to the the camera lens app. Once accessed, you can take all the pictures and videos you want.
QuestionHow do I highlight in a book on my Kindle Fire?Community AnswerPress and hold the area you want to select. You can then drag your finger to highlight the portion of the text you want to save.
QuestionHow do I get the volume to work?Community AnswerThere should be two buttons on the side of your Kindle that can be used to control the volume. If those buttons don't work, then you may need to replace your Kindle.
QuestionWhat do buttons on a Kindle Fire do?Community AnswerThe one on the right turns the tablet on. The buttons on the left adjust the volume.
QuestionCan I use it as phone?Emma MiklášováCommunity AnswerUnfortunately, a Kindle Fire is only meant for reading and buying ebooks, and it does not function as a tablet or a phone.
QuestionWhen I make a video, can I pause it and then start recording the video again?Community AnswerI currently have an Amazon Kindle Fire 7, and I've discovered you can't pause videos. I brought this up with Amazon and they said they might change this in the future, but for right now we're out of luck!
QuestionCan I get data for a Kindle fire?Community AnswerCertain Kindle Fires do have 3G data capabilities, but the newer versions are Wi-fi only.
QuestionHow do I use headphones with my kindle fire?CarmillyCommunity AnswerYou would just plug the headphones in the headphone jack. Keep in mind that not all Kindles have the option to make sound.
QuestionHow do I bookmark a page in a book I'm reading on my Kindle Fire?Community AnswerClick on the bookmark icon. It will then save it to your bookmarks, and all you need to do is go into you bookmarks and it will be there.
QuestionHow do I transfer photos to my computer?Community AnswerUsually, you can just use any USB cable that can run from your device into your computer. If this doesn't work, your device may not be adaptable to the computer you are using.
QuestionHow do I make my screen light again if I accidentally made it dark?Community AnswerSwipe down from the top, and move the dot with the sun icon farther right. That makes it brighter.
QuestionHow do I check out books from my local library on my Kindle Fire?Community AnswerYou must have a current library account in good standing with your local library then download the HOOPLA App and sign in to your local library then borrow items by using the same library access code that you use to check out items from the physical library.
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