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Q&A for How to Water Plants While You're Away
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QuestionI returned home to find my outdoor plants unwatered and so dry they looked almost dead. I immediately soaked them and they came back to life. Did I do the right thing?Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.If your plants came back to life then you did the right thing! You came home at a good time. Any longer and your plants probably would have died. Avoid this problem by using one of the methods detailed above to water your plants while you’re away.
QuestionCan I water on a tray of water?Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.Yes this can work if you are leaving for less than a week. This will work best with terracotta pots. Place the pots on a tray of shallow water.
QuestionThe string that I am using to water my plants dries out, and my plants are dry as well. What am I doing wrong?Community AnswerThe string or cord that you use must be able to "hold" water. Usually that means that some part or all of it is cotton. The Dollar Stores sell synthetic twisted cord that cannot transit water. The round braided cord often has a cotton outside braid with a nylon or other synthetic core. These WILL transmit water. The way to test is to drop 6" of the end of the cord length into water in the sink for 30 seconds, then lift it out and see if you can squeeze water out of it easily. If you can, then this is the cord to use.
QuestionWhich is the best method?Sourish AcharyaCommunity AnswerThe 5th method is best for plants in a pot, but the 3rd method is best for a garden outside.
QuestionHow long can succulents live without water?mikkel julCommunity AnswerIt depends entirely on what type and, most importantly, temperature. The higher the temperature the plants have, the more water they evaporate to regulate their own temperature. But generally, most succulents can manage without water for at least 3 weeks.
QuestionWhich method would be best for plants producing fruit?Community AnswerMethod 5 would be best for plants producing fruit because fruit plants need a lot of water.
QuestionWhat's the best method to water plants for a month when I'm away?Community AnswerUse the cotton string method. Just use a big jar, as this can usually last over 2 months.
QuestionHow long will Method 2 last for?Community Answerit depends on how big your jar is. An average-sized jar will last up to 2 months.
QuestionI have tried using strings and tested this for a day, however the plants were over watered. What am I doing wrong?Danielle HusbandCommunity AnswerYou might try using a thinner string or not inserting the end of the string so far into the dirt.
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