Q&A for How to What Is a Therian

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    Is it possible to find my parents if they died with me?
    Community Answer
    It is very unlikely to find people that were in your past life in this life. They possibly regenerated as animals, which is much more likely. If they did regenerate into humans, there are so many people on the earth it would be almost impossible to find them. Almost, though. There is a small possibility.
  • Question
    I know I have multiple theriotypes, but I'm not one hundred percent sure what they are. How can I find out?
    Community Answer
    If you don't know what your therian types are then how do you know you have many? Research therian type to find out.
  • Question
    Is it okay if I accidentally mistaken a theriotype?
    Community Answer
    Yes. that is okay. Next time, try to research about that theriotype and others.
  • Question
    If you identify as a fairy are you a therian?
    Community Answer
    That would be classified as Otherkin! I recommend you do research on Otherkin, or fairy things!
  • Question
    Why do people bully therians? We are doing nothing to them.
    Community Answer
    In the final analysis it comes down to insecurity. Those who don't feel great about themselves may lash out at someone they see as different or weird.
  • Question
    I'm an Alaskan black wolf Therian, but why don't I have great jumps while doing quads?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to do quads as a Therian. Plus not all Therians have to have the same features as their theriotype.
  • Question
    Hi, I want to be a part of the Therian community but my parents don't support me, people bash me at school and they judge me. I am starting to think I shouldn't become one. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You cannot choose to be or not be a Therian. It is not a choice. You can always join online communities, and sites like scratch and YouTube have communities you could join. Lots of people's parents do not support, it's best just not to mention it around them. Same with at school.
  • Question
    What if you feel like you might be a Therian but don’t really know if you are or what animal you are?
    Community Answer
    Do some research, meditate, and keep a journal. Record any sort of animalistic behaviors. Look up some animals that seem related to what you feel like. For some it takes years to find their theriotypes.
  • Question
    I am a dementor Therian. How do I deal with the urges of eating souls? It's giving me great dysphoria.
    Community Answer
    You cannot be a dementor Therian. Therians identify as REAL animals. You are probably a dementor Otherkin. Maybe you should try taking deep breaths or intensified breaths like imitating eating souls?
  • Question
    Are you a Therian if you only feel like it when you have a mask but doesn't have any past life😥?
    Community Answer
    Not all Therians had a past life and it is normal to get euphoric (a better connection with theriotype) when wearing gear. You might still be a Therian, even if you don't think you had a past life.
  • Question
    If I identify as a dragon, would I be Otherkin? I'm guessing yes, but I wouldn't want to call myself one while I'm not.
    Community Answer
    Yes. Otherkin identify as animals as well as fictional creatures. I am also a dragonkin!
  • Question
    Thanks a lot. I think I actually am a therian. All the signs that I might be one were things I did/had done or had happen. But what do you mean by it feels like they have tails ears or claws?
    Community Answer
    The article meant if you feel a different limb AKA a phantom limb. I recommend doing research on phantom limbs.
  • Question
    What are the best places to research therianopy? (I'm questioning and want to make sure I do the best research I can)
    Community Answer
    Scratch is a great place, YouTube, and a website called Therian Guide. YouTube accounts that might help: Therian Territory and Pink Dolphin. Scratch, mit.edu has a whole lot of Therians that would love to help you out, as well.
  • Question
    What if you don't know if you are a Therian and you want to know if you are one, how would you do that?
    Community Answer
    Start a journal to write down Therian like experiences. These can include: unintentional animal behavior, animal like wants, shifts, dreams of being an animal, etc. You might want to look up resources, and meditate.
  • Question
    I have urge to walk in four and sometime fells like I have tail and it felt weird, am I a Therian?
    Community Answer
    Sounds about right! It seems like you've had a shift or phantom shift before. This is okay! You are most definitely a Therian.
  • Question
    How do I find others that are Therians and what are some crafts that I can make to try and feel more like a wolf fox?
    Community Answer
    Try participating in find a Therian day, where you howl at 5:00 pm on every 4th of the month. You could go to Scratch and YouTube communities. Some crafts you could try: making a den, making ears, making a yarn tail, making paw paintings, etc.
  • Question
    There isn't that much research about fox Therians. Yet I feel like one. Are fox Therians rare?
    Community Answer
    No, actually. There are a whole lot of fox Therians, you just have to look online for them. In general, there is not a whole lot of research on Therians.
  • Question
    Sometimes I feel like I have a tail or when I put a fake tail on I really like the feeling.
    Community Answer
    That is a phantom shift. Lots of therians get that a lot. Putting a fake tail on can help feel like you really have a tail.
  • Question
    Can Therians ever get closer to being the animal they feel they are? I always feel so uncomfortable being human.
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, the closest we can get to actually being our animal is wearing gear or a suit of our animal. But even just walking around 24/7 wearing your gear can be enough to make some people happy! Try it!
  • Question
    What if I am a wolf and a valkyrie? I am Therian and otherkin? Am I polytherian or something else entirely?
    Community Answer
    That is a Therian and an otherkin. I myself have multiple theriotypes as well as kintypes.
  • Question
    I don’t have the beliefs that a Therian would, nor a connection to an animal but I find myself acting and thinking like one. And enjoy wearing a fake tail and ears, but I’m unsure. Am I part Therian?
    Community Answer
    Nope. Just your standard level weirdo. That's fine. Be weird but there isn't a thing called a Therian. It's made up nonsense.
  • Question
    Should I seek mental health treatment for my kid if she thinks she's a therian, seems very unhealthy to think that you're an animal of any sorts or to believe that you've had past lives!
    Community Answer
    No, therianthropy is a very real thing and it is also something you should respect and embrace in your child. It's not unhealthy, and it's not just what she thinks. If she is a therian, that means her soul is the soul of an animal's. This is special and rare and you should respect this, not get her help she doesn't need!
  • Question
    Is it okay for me to identify as a black cat therian? Because people always complain about it being common?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course you can. Don't listen to people, do whatever you like! From a person trying become a therian.
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    Can I identify as a fictional animal and a real animal? (For example: identifying as both a unicorn and a cat)
    Nah bro
    Community Answer
    Yes! Identifying as a fictional being is called Fictionkin and it’s completely valid to identify as a fictional animal and a real animal. Make sure to do a lot of research before you identify as that though.
  • Question
    Does it mean I'm a therian if I feel like I have paws, a tail and ears, and if I have dreams about being a cat?
    Community Answer
    Most likely how I became a therian was I shifted but it could also mean something else. Just try to study theranthropy before you jump to conclusions.
  • Question
    When I was a kid, I always acted like a wolf or a lion when I was alone. I stopped acting like that because people though I was weird. But does that possibly mean that I am a therian?
    Community Answer
    I recommend doing some research, because what you are saying is not enough evidence to confirm or deny you being a therian. I recommend going on therian wikis, and watching Therian Territory's "What is a therian" video because it gives more detail on therianthropy than here.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone calls me a furry but I'm actually a therian?
    Community Answer
    Kindly correct them, because it is a common mistake for most non-therians. However, if they repeatedly do this in a insulting and noticeable way, call them out.
  • Question
    I felt like a cat and then I fell asleep. Then I had a dream about my past life. I fell from an abounded building in my dream. Was it a shift?
    Community Answer
    Depending on if you saw your body in your past life (like if you saw your paws, or your tail, etc), instead of fingers and limbs, it is possible!
  • Question
    Is this the first wave of Therians? Will we see them be incorporated into the alphabet community? Will they demand we address them by their preferred?
    Community Answer
    No, most Therians do not demand to be called an animal (for example, a rat), or used preferred pronouns that go with their theriotype (like for example, rat/ratself). It depends on whom you talk to.
  • Question
    How can this not be a mental illness when they are clearly human and not some other animal?
    Community Answer
    The only way it can be labeled as a disorder is not as a therian but as clinical lycanthropy, which is where a person believes they physically (not mentally, physiologically, spiritually, etc.) are an animal, unlike therianthropy, where a person believes they are a non-human creature on earth on all levels besides physically.
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