Q&A for How to Write a Fictional Blog

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    I am creating my own world from scratch. I have already started this blog, but I need readers. How can I promote my blog?
    Community Answer
    Start by telling your friends on social media. Ask them, if they enjoy it, to tell their friends to check it out. Join a book club or writing group at your library or community center and tell them about it. Ask for feedback. Tell your friends at school or church or work about it, and ask them to check it out. Put high quality content there, and readers will come.
  • Question
    What if I use an original character for my blog?
    Community Answer
    That will be great. Just make sure to be clear what world your character lives in and how life in that world is.
  • Question
    Do I have to write my blog through my main character's perspective? Is it possible to write it in an omniscient point of view?
    Community Answer
    It's your creative project and you can obviously do whatever you want, but what you're describing wouldn't really be a blog. A blog is like a journal or diary, so by it's very nature it is told from a first person perspective.
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    I'm a first-time blog researcher and have no idea on blogging. How do I stop my fiction from being stolen?
    Community Answer
    You need to include a copyright.
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    I want to start a fictional blog anonymously, but I don't want my work to be stolen. What should I do?
    John Rooney
    Community Answer
    Write under a pen name and keep copies of your work!
  • Question
    Which blog is best for posting a story?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If your story is more fanfiction based, you may want to try fanfiction.net, Archive of Our Own, or even Wattpad. If it's an original story of any genre, usually you can find a few good readers on Wattpad.
  • Question
    I'd like to create a realistic character on my blog. How do I differentiate myself from a "real" person?
    Community Answer
    I would just put a disclaimer on the blog that states that the author is a character and not meant to represent any real individuals.
  • Question
    I want to start blogging about aspects of my life, but not everything. So my blog would be fiction/nonfiction. Do I post that, so my can readers know?
    Top Answerer
    You certainly could. Plenty of people incorporate real events/experiences into their writing, or allow them to influence what they write in some form.
  • Question
    What do you mean by write "as the character"?
    Keith Woodring
    Community Answer
    Write from the point of view of the character. For example, if you had a character called Joseph who is a hunter, you might say, "The hunt was good today. I downed two deer and my fishing lines caught a lot of fish. I'll certainly be eating tonight!" Instead of saying, "Joseph managed to snag two deer and several fish."
  • Question
    Do fictional blogs generate enough traffic?
    Community Answer
    Fictional blogs have the same potential as any other blog, but keep in mind that readers will be more likely to read your posts if they are free-standing. For example, people will be less likely to read a post that’s simply called “Post 64” because that suggests they would have to commit to going back and reading all of your previous posts.
  • Question
    I am new to blogging and I write a whole new concept. I have chapters instead of dates. Is it ideal that I post the whole story at once or should I post it chapterwise? And what websites do you recommend?
    Prakamya Bhuvi
    Community Answer
    Post it chapter wise, because it would be fun to wait for some time before reading the next chapter, instead of doing a bulk reading. As for websites, you can try Blogger, Tumblr, or Wattpad.
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