Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Making Edits

  1. If you are using Microsoft Word, then do your editing using track changes. Go to the Review tab and click on the Track Changes button. Your changes will show up in red, and the other side’s will show up in a different color. You can swap the document back and forth. [1]
    • Microsoft Word also lets you add comments, which can be helpful if you need to explain your reasoning behind an addition or subtraction.
  2. Some changes are a given. For example, if you’re working off a template, you’ll want to change business information, such as the name of the parties, pricing, dates, etc. [2]
    • However, you should take a more careful approach when reviewing all other terms.
    • Avoid changing entire sections of the contract. This could anger the other side, which is not what you want to do. Instead, you could simply highlight the section and share with the other side why you want to change it.
  3. You should have hammered out the key terms of your contract orally. However, you might realize you never reached agreement on some important terms, such as your right to a refund or right to cancel the contract. You can certainly add these terms in, but check what is common in industry contracts.
    • At this point, you might want to consult with a contract attorney or lawyer familiar with your industry. Alternately, you can search online for sample contracts to see what is the industry standard. [3]
  4. A good redline will only change what is necessary. You don’t want to change too much and jeopardize the deal. For these reasons, take a moment to anticipate how the other side will respond to your changes.
  5. Take your time redlining the document so that you don’t forget to include something. Once you send a redline to the other side, you shouldn’t follow up with additional changes until you receive their redline. Slow down and get your draft just right. [4]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Going Back and Forth

  1. Send a clean copy and one copy with the track changes. [5] The clean copy will be easier for the other side to read, but you want them to see exactly what you changed and your comments why.
    • In your email, tell the other side when you are available for discussing your proposed changes. [6]
    • It might also be a good idea to explain why you made changes, if you didn’t include comments throughout the document.
  2. Don’t have a kneejerk reaction where you automatically reject any change proposed by the other side. Instead, take a moment to reflect. Then take another. Is the change completely unreasonable? Or is it something you can live with? [7]
    • Avoid arguing about every little change. You can sink the deal at any point in the redlining process, so try to be flexible.
    • However, you should certainly clarify anything that is unclear. You don’t want to agree to a contract you don’t understand.
  3. Avoid going back and forth over small details. At some point, one of you needs to pick up the phone and discuss the issue. You’ll resolve your disagreements much faster by talking. Make sure all relevant parties are involved in the phone conversation.
    • Phone calls are great for avoiding miscommunication and hurt feelings. [8]
  4. 4
    Write down any major details discussed over the phone. If you have an important conversation or decide on big changes to the contract over the phone, make sure to get it down in writing. Take notes during the call or ask the other person to have any changes mapped out in writing and sent to you to get your official OK.
    • You can use these notes for reference, and in case of any future disputes.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using a Lawyer

  1. Make sure the lawyer is experienced in your field. For example, if you are drafting a manufacturing contract, hire a lawyer who has experience with those types of contracts.
    • Begin by getting a referral from your nearest bar association. Call up the lawyer and ask about their experience. Don’t worry if they aren’t qualified to help you. You can ask them to refer you to an attorney with the necessary experience.
  2. Every contract contains business terms and legal terms. Legal terms include things like warranties, liability if something goes wrong, and whether you can assign the contract to someone else. If you want to negotiate these legal terms, you’ll probably need a lawyer’s help. [9]
  3. If you reach an impasse with the other side, you can always use your lawyer as an excuse. Call up the other side and say, “I think the contract generally looks good, but my lawyer is worried about the following.” This is a good way to maintain a positive relationship with the other side while still rejecting certain contract provisions. [10]
  4. During the redlining process, you might discover that you can’t reach an agreement that is acceptable to all parties. If not, you might need to walk away from the deal. Talk with your lawyer about your options.
    • Sometimes walking away—at least temporarily—is a good bargaining strategy. [11] The other side might realize it is afraid of losing your business and agree to your demands.

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      • James Powell

        Feb 24, 2022

        "It was very helpful with the negotiation of my contract."

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