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A simple guide to making the background of your image invisible
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When you open or create a new image in Paint 3D, which comes pre-installed on Windows 10 and 11, you can make the background transparent. To remove the background from an existing image in Paint 3D, you'll just need to use the Magic Select tool to select the foreground and then delete the parts you don't want to keep. This wikiHow article teaches you how to remove the background from an image in Paint 3D.

Quick Steps

  1. Click the Canvas menu and enable "Transparent Canvas."
  2. Click "Magic Select" in the toolbar at the top.
  3. Adjust the highlighted area around the object you want to keep and click Next .
  4. Use Add and Remove to adjust the image cutout and click Done .
  5. Remove the cutout off to the side of the canvas.
  6. Highlight the background with the Select tool and press Delete .
Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Turning the Background Transparent

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  1. Paint 3D comes pre-installed on Windows 10 and 11. It has an icon that resembles a paint drop with different colored stripes. Use the following steps to open Paint 3D.
    • Click the Windows Start menu.
    • Type paint 3D .
    • Click the Paint 3D icon.
  2. To create a new project, simply click New . To open an image, click Open and then click Browse Files . Select an image you want to edit and click Open .
  3. You'll see this above the project area next to Effects and Text . A menu bar will then slide out from the right.
    • If you don't see it there, you'll find it in a drop-down next to Menu .
  4. This will add a transparent canvas behind your current image instead of white space.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Selecting the Foreground Object

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  1. It's in the secondary menu bar at the top of the page.
  2. To do so, click and drag the white circles on the image's top, bottom, left, right, and corners inward. Create a highlighted square around the object(s) in the image you want to keep.
  3. It's in the menu bar to the right. Paint 3D will automatically detect the object(s) in the image and trace a blue highlight around it.
  4. If any parts of the object you want to keep aren't highlighted, click Add in the menu bar to the right. Then, trace around the parts of the object or sections of the image you want to keep.
  5. If there are parts of the image that are highlighted that you don't want to keep, click Remove in the menu bar to the right. Use it like an eraser and erase the parts of the image you don't want to keep.
  6. It's in the menu bar to the right. This will create a cut-out of the object you want to keep. You can now click and drag the foreground object you want to keep. The area behind the object is now filled in using AI.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Deleting the Background

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  1. To do so, click the Select tool in the menu bar at the top. Then click and drag the foreground object you want to keep off the canvas.
  2. Make sure you still have the Select tool selected in the menu bar at the top. Click and drag over the entire canvas background to highlight the background.
  3. This will erase the background.
  4. Use the Select tool to click and drag the foreground object back into the white canvas outline.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Saving the Image

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  1. It's the icon that resembles a folder in the upper-left corner.
  2. It's in the menu bar to the left.
  3. It's the first option below "Save as Copy."
  4. Use the menu bar in the upper-right corner to select an image type. The two image types that support transparency are "PNG" and "GIF."
  5. It's below the box that says "Pixels" in the menu bar to the right.
  6. It's at the bottom of the menu bar on the right.
  7. Enter a name for the file where it says "Filename." Then click Save .
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      Article Summary X

      1. Open your project in Paint 3D.
      2. Click Canvas .
      3. Click the switch next to "Transparent Canvas" to enable it.
      4. Click Select .
      5. Press Ctrl+X .
      6. Save your document.

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