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Find out which rising sign is your perfect match
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What is your rising sign, and how does it factor into astrological compatibility? While you’ve probably heard a lot about sun signs and moon signs, your rising sign says a lot about the first impression you give off, and people you tend to attract, and what you might be looking for in a partner—in other words, it says quite a bit about you. Read on for a complete guide to rising sign compatibility! We’ll tell you which zodiac signs you’re most compatible with based on rising signs and explain which rising signs might not complement each other so well.

Section 1 of 2:

What is a rising sign?

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  1. In astrology, your rising sign (also called your “ascendant”) says a lot about the first impression you tend to give off when other people meet you. While your Sun sign is all about your core personality, your rising sign is the persona you tend to have around others, especially those you don’t know well. Your rising sign can also tell you quite a bit about the kinds of people you’re most likely to hit it off with and what you may be looking for in a partner. [1]
    • Your rising sign is determined by the time, date, and location of your birth.
    • On your star chart, your rising sign essentially represents the sign rising in the east when you were born.
    • Not sure what your rising sign is yet? Find your rising sign to better understand how rising sign compatibility affects you!
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Section 2 of 2:

Compatibility Guide for Rising Signs

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  1. Bold, assertive, and independent, Aries rising matches best with other rising signs that share their inner fire: Leo and Sagittarius ! Aries rising individuals are natural leaders with a ton of drive and ambition, though they can also be quite impulsive. [2] Leo and Sagittarius rising are fire signs like Aries, mirroring Aries rising’s courage, optimism, and energy. In short, they can easily keep up with an adventurous Aries rising.
    • Honorable mentions: Libra rising—though Aries has good compatibility with any of the air rising signs. Libra rising can teach Aries to chill out from time to time.
    • Incompatible: Virgo and Pisces rising. Aries’ self-centered nature clashes with a selfless Pisces rising, and Virgo rising has a tendency to give constructive criticism that might bruise an Aries rising’s ego.
  2. Patient, practical, and very reliable, it’s almost impossible to find someone more loyal than a Taurus rising ! They’re most compatible with rising signs with which they can establish a strong, lasting relationship—namely, Capricorn , Virgo , and Scorpio rising . Scorpio rising’s depth and mysteriousness can easily catch a Taurus rising’s eye, while Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo are all earth signs; they get along because they share a practical, honest nature.
    • Honorable mentions: Pisces and Cancer rising. Water signs like Pisces and Cancer rising can help Taurus rising get in touch with their emotional side.
    • Incompatible: Sagittarius, Aries, and Libra rising. All 3 rising signs are too impulsive for a calm, methodical Taurus rising; their energies tend to clash.
  3. A witty, curious, and energetic air sign like Gemini rising can entertain just about anyone, but their most compatible matches are Libra , Aquarius , and Sagittarius rising . Gemini rising individuals are super charismatic, love making new connections, and match up best with rising signs that share their free-spirited love of adventure. [3] Open-minded Gemini rising is always hungry for new, interesting experiences, and so are Libra, Aquarius, and Sagittarius rising.
    • Honorable mentions: Leo and Aries rising. Both rising signs share Gemini rising’s childlike sense of fun, passion, and energy.
    • Incompatible: Taurus and Scorpio rising. They’re fixed signs, meaning they’re set in their ways. Gemini rising, a mutable sign, is flexible—so Taurus and Scorpio might make Gemini feel a little constrained.
  4. Sensitive and sympathetic Cancer rising is most compatible with Scorpio and Pisces rising. Cancer rising individuals can be moody and emotional but are also extremely kind and caring toward everyone around them—which means they’re most compatible with rising signs that can understand and empathize with their deepest emotions. As water signs, just like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces can give Cancer the emotional support they need.
    • Honorable mentions: Capricorn rising. Capricorn rising is more emotionally reserved than Cancer and is often drawn to Cancer rising’s warmth and affection.
    • Incompatible: Aquarius, Gemini, and Sagittarius rising. Sagittarius rising is much more independent than Cancer rising, while Aquarius and Gemini rising are very intellectual and may not know how to relate to Cancer rising emotionally.
  5. Bright, confident Leo rising is most compatible with Aries , Sagittarius , and Aquarius rising . Leo rising is a fire sign; they’re loyal, warmhearted, have tons of natural magnetism, and love to be in the spotlight. [4] Leo rising is most compatible with other rising fire signs (Aries and Sagittarius) because they share Leo’s passion and energy. Aquarius rising is also a good match because Aquarius admires Leo rising’s strength and vigor.
    • Honorable mentions: Gemini and Libra rising. Gemini and Leo rising share a playful nature, while Libra rising is enchanted by Leo’s boldness and enthusiasm.
    • Incompatible: Cancer and Capricorn rising. Leo rising may be a bit too playful and cocky for Cancer rising, while Capricorn rising may be too rigid and cold for fiery, passionate Leo.
  6. Clever, practical Virgo rising is compatible with Capricorn , Taurus , and Pisces rising . Virgo rising individuals are often patient, calm, and intellectual. They also have a keen sense of justice and lots of practicality. Pisces rising is a strong match because they can coax a reserved Virgo out of their shell and encourage them to express themselves; meanwhile, fellow earth signs Taurus and Capricorn rising share Virgo’s practicality and reliability.
    • Honorable mentions: Cancer rising. Like Pisces, Cancer rising is a water sign capable of helping Virgo rising to understand and express their emotions more often.
    • Incompatible: Aquarius and Leo rising. Aquarius and Virgo rising are both very intellectual and may not have enough emotion in their relationship. Leo and Virgo rising can learn lots from one another but may clash over their conflicting perspectives.
  7. Libra rising individuals are charming to the core and tend to be most compatible with Aquarius , Gemini , and Aries rising . Because they know how to win people over, Libra rising tends to be pretty popular with rising signs who have complementary energies. Gemini and Aquarius are fellow air signs, both intellectual and curious, just like Libra, while Aries and Libra both love to be the life and soul of the party.
    • Honorable mentions: Leo rising. Leo rising signs are attracted to Libra’s calm and charm, while Libra rising signs appreciate Leo’s confidence. Overall, this pair is well-matched!
    • Incompatible: Virgo and Pisces rising. Libra rising may be a bit too emotionally detached for a deeply emotional Pisces rising, and Virgo rising’s critical nature might hurt a sensitive Libra’s feelings.
  8. Scorpio rising signs want to be able to fully know and trust someone when they make a connection, which is why they’re most compatible with Taurus , Cancer , and Pisces rising . Scorpio rising is mysterious, intense, and protective; they may seem cold on the surface but are passionate and strong-willed at their core. [5] Like Scorpio, Taurus rising is super trustworthy and sensual to Scorpio, while Cancer and Pisces rising resonate with Scorpio emotionally.
    • Honorable mentions: Virgo rising. Both Virgo and Scorpio rising are supportive, loyal, and dependable; they’ll easily win each other’s trust.
    • Incompatible: Libra and Aries rising. Aries rising can be too blunt and brash for sensitive Scorpio rising, while Libra rising may struggle to win Scorpio’s trust if they don’t open up emotionally to Scorpio rising.
  9. Adventurous, philosophical Sagittarius rising pairs well with Gemini , Aries , and Leo rising . Sagittarius rising individuals have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and exploration; they love to travel and are super independent. That’s why they’re a great match for fellow fire signs Leo and Aries rising, who can both keep up with a restless Sagittarius. Gemini rising is attracted to a Sagittarius rising’s energy—and Sag loves Gemini’s curiosity and cleverness.
    • Honorable mentions: Libra rising. Libra rising individuals are easygoing and fun to be around, which makes them a solid match for Sagittarius rising.
    • Incompatible: Scorpio and Taurus rising. Sagittarius rising is so fiercely individualistic that it can be tough for Scorpio and Taurus rising to establish trust with them.
  10. Responsible, ambitious Capricorn rising is super compatible with Cancer , Taurus , and Virgo rising . Capricorn rising signs are known for their intense discipline and desire to succeed in life, though they’re also very reliable. [6] Rising signs like Cancer, Taurus, and Virgo are good matches because they understand (and appreciate) Capricorn’s seriousness and drive. As fellow earth signs, Taurus and Virgo rising also understand Capricorn emotionally.
    • Honorable mentions: Scorpio rising. Scorpio rising’s depth, mysteriousness, and reliability are all super intriguing to a Capricorn rising individual.
    • Incompatible: Sagittarius and Gemini rising. Sag and Gemini rising aren’t very grounded and may find a methodical, down-to-earth Capricorn a little stifling—while Capricorn rising may want a more dependable partner.
  11. A visionary Aquarius rising is most likely to hit it off with Leo , Gemini , and Libra rising signs. Aquarius rising is an air sign dedicated to creating meaningful changes in society. They tend to have bold, revolutionary ideas—and mesh well with signs that respect how their mind works. Air signs Gemini and Libra rising understand (and match) Aquarius’ intellect, while Leo rising can bring out Aquarius’ individuality and shine a spotlight on their grand ideas.
    • Honorable mentions: Sagittarius rising. Sagittarius rising individuals are very philosophical and likely to appreciate Aquarius rising’s unconventional ideas.
    • Incompatible: Cancer and Capricorn rising. Both Cancer and Capricorn rising might be a bit too traditional for forward-thinking Aquarius rising; their worldviews will likely clash.
  12. Dreamy, creative Pisces rising is an emotional water sign and is most compatible with Virgo , Cancer , and Scorpio rising . Pisces rising signs are very connected to their emotions; they’re sensitive, intuitive, and thoughtful. Thus, fellow water signs Cancer and Scorpio rising match Pisces well since they share Pisces’ emotional nature. Virgo rising, on the other hand, is very attracted to Pisces rising’s strong imagination.
    • Honorable mentions: Capricorn rising. The stability and trustworthiness of a Capricorn rising sign are sure to excite and captivate Pisces rising.
    • Incompatible: Leo and Aquarius rising. Both Leo and Aquarius rising are more ego-driven than Pisces rising, so it can be hard for Pisces rising to communicate with these signs.
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