Looking to operate your Google Home or Nest device in Japanese? It’s not hard to do at all, and learning how to say “Ok Google” in nihongo is a great first step. We’ve got you covered with all the translations and pronunciations that you need. Not sure how to configure your device to a new language in the first place? We’ve got you covered there, too. We’ve also included some handy Japanese commands that you can try, so you can get the most out of your Google Home device.

Section 1 of 5:

How do you say “OK Google” in Japanese?

  1. “ね” (ne) is a Japanese particle that means “hey,” “look,” or “listen.” [1] When paired with “guuguru” (グーグル), the Japanese word for Google, you’re essentially saying “Hey Google,” which will activate your device.
    • Even though it’s not technically the same as “OK Google,” it’ll still get your device working.
  2. “Oke” (オケ) isn’t technically a Japanese word, but it’s the closest phonetic equivalent to the English word “okay.” When combined with “guuguru” (グーグル), the Japanese word for Google, you’re literally saying “OK Google.”
    • “Oke, Guuguru” (オケ、グーグル) is spelled using katakana , which is a Japanese alphabet mostly dedicated to loan (non-native) words. However, the official Japanese Google Home site spells it as “OK Google,” using English words. [2]
Section 2 of 5:

Does your Google Home automatically understand Japanese?

  1. If your Google Home or Nest device is only set to English, it won’t recognize any Japanese questions or sentences you say to it.
    • Similarly, a Google Nest or Home device that’s only set to Japanese won’t understand English commands.
Section 3 of 5:

How to Change Your Google Assistant’s Language (Android and iOS)

  1. Hit your account on the screen, which is in the top-right corner. Click on “Assistant settings” and select the “Languages” option. Then, select Japanese (日本語). [3]
    • Language changes can take up to a day to apply to your Google account, so don’t worry if your settings don’t adjust right away.
    • Double-check that your phone or tablet is hooked up to the same Wi-Fi as your Google Home device, or else the changes might not go through.
Section 4 of 5:

How to Add a Second Language to Google Assistant (Android and iOS)

  1. Tap on your account in the top right-hand corner of the screen, and then hit the “Assistant settings” option, followed by “Languages” and “Add a language” buttons. In this new menu, select Japanese (日本語) to configure your devices with a second language. [4]
    • Any language adjustments you make will apply to every Google Nest or Home device attached to your Google account.
Section 5 of 5:

Other Japanese Google Home Commands

  1. What’s the weather? Curious about the forecast for the day? Say “Ne, Guuguru” or “OK Guuguru,” followed by “Kyou no tenki wa?” Your device will then share the current weather for your area.
    • Japanese Translation/Spelling: 今日の天気は?
  2. Netflix, play ___. In the mood to watch a particular TV or movie? Start up your Google Nest or Home device with “Ne, Guuguru” or “OK Guuguru,“ and follow up with “Netflix de ___ wo saisei shite.” [5] Feel free to switch out “Netflix” with another streaming platform of your choice, too!
    • Japanese Translation/Spelling: Netflixで___を再生して.
  3. What’s the status of today’s commute route? About to head out for work? Wake up your Google Home or Nest device and ask “Kyou no tsookin rooto no joukyou wa dou?” to get the lowdown on the local traffic. [6]
    • Japanese Translation/Spelling: 今日の通勤ルートの状況はどう?
  4. Add this to my shopping list. Maybe you’re heading out to the grocery store later, or you’re swinging by the mall to pick up a few things. The command “___ wo shoppingu risto ni tsuika shite” is a quick, easy way to assemble whatever items you need to get on your digital shopping list. [7]
    • Japanese Translation/Spelling: ___をショッピング リストに追加して.
  5. Wake me up 20 minutes after taking a nap. Didn’t catch a lot of zzzs last night? Hop into bed for a little while and say “Hirune shite nijuu-bu tattara okoshite” to get your Google Home or Google Nest device to wake you up in 20 minutes. [8]
    • Feel free to replace “nijuu-bu/20 minutes” with the time amount of your liking!
    • Japanese Translation/Spelling: 昼寝して 20 分たったら起こして.

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