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Beautiful, intelligent, and compassionate, the free-spirited Libra is quite a catch—but how do you hold onto her? This air sign is big on deep conversations, so you’ll actually find you can seduce a Libra woman through text. If you want that lovely Libra in your life, read these tips to learn how to woo her and win her over!

The Best Ways to Seduce a Libra Woman via Text

  1. Start with a friendly and polite greeting.
  2. Ask smart and engaging questions.
  3. Send a picture that tells a story or reminds you of her.
  4. Ask her for her advice or guidance.

Start off friendly and polite.

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  1. Since a Libra is a “cardinal” sign, she’s used to being the leader, so she’ll feel more at ease if you don’t come on too strong. [1] All you need is a simple hello to kick things off and get her to notice you. You can send her a chill text like: [2]
    • “Hey! Thanks for your number. 🙂 How was your day?”
    • “It was nice meeting you! 👋🏿 It’d be cool to pick up where we left off last time.”
    • “You were hilarious at the Laugh Shack. 🤣 Write any new jokes?”
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Send a pic that tells a story.

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  1. Her sign is ruled by Venus, a “guardian planet” that draws her to the beauty that’s all around her. Since she’s inspired by how artists express themselves, try your hand at some quick but thoughtful photography. Grab a camera or a phone and capture something like: [3]
    • A seagull sailing over a beach and a map of local spots laid out on the sand.
    • A street magician shuffling cards in front of a crowd.
    • A colorful collection of candy in a store’s window display.

Spark a convo about brainy subjects.

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  1. Ignite the convo with questions that let her take the lead. She’ll love topics that most people answer with their feelings—since she’s used to weighing all the data, she’ll enjoy the mental challenge. Once you get her going, it might be difficult to get her to stop—that’s great, because you’ll learn so much about her! [4]
    • “So, SETI—the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. 👽 What do you think? Resources well spent?”
    • Do you believe in the power of manifestation? ✨ Why or why not?”
    • “Can people actually predict the future or do they just make educated guesses? 🤔”
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Compliment everything about her.

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  1. Make sure you point out all her wonderful traits, from her radiant looks to her sparkling intelligence. [5] She’ll be blown away by all of your attention, and she’ll naturally focus on everything she loves about you. Make her smile with some sweet words like these: [6]
    • “Your eyes are bewitching! 🪄 I totally lose myself in them.”
    • “Your hustle is incredible! 😲 I’ve never seen anyone work so hard.”
    • ”Your heart is such a treasure. 💖 I love how much you care about others."

Take an eye-catching selfie.

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  1. She puts a lot of weight on romance and the “chase”—if you want to show her you’re serious about making her swoon, put as much effort into a selfie as you would for a first date. You can work up her appetite with something like:
    • “Just hit the gym and wanted to show you some of the ‘progress’ I made. 💪😉”
    • “New jeans. I wanted your opinion on them. 😇”
    • “Curled up in bed with a book. 📚 Wish you were here.”
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Pay attention to her opinions.

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  1. Check in about any special observations or about what makes her stop and think. Since an air sign is usually lost in their own world, also express interest in any passion projects of hers. [7] You can start off the chat with something like: [8]
    • “Were the usual suspects at the coffee shop? ☕ What’d you notice this time?”
    • “Hey! How was the movie? Did you spot a common theme? 🎥 🧐”
    • “What’ll be the message of your next series of paintings? 🎨”

Ask for her wisdom and advice.

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  1. Talk about how to solve a problem or about a choice you want to make. Tell her where you’re a little stuck and she’ll think over all your options. Because of her love for harmony, she’ll even devote herself to discovering the best outcome for you. You can seek out her guidance by saying something like: [9]
    • “I feel like my work-life balance is kind of a mess right now. Any ideas about how to fix it? 🔧”
    • “They said that gifts are appreciated but not required. What does that mean?! 🤔”
    • “I don’t know if I should apply to this contest now, or if I should wait until next year…😅”
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Talk about fairness and justice.

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  1. Her sign is associated with the dove of peace and Lady Justice, two symbols that show the true nature of her heart. To really win her over, join forces and discuss how you can help others. Focus on those that have less than yourselves, and think about how to bring some abundance to their lives. Send some texts with kind intentions like these: [10]
    • “I’m planting an extra row in my garden so I can donate some veggies. 🥦 Wanna join me?”
    • “Volunteering to read some fairytales at the local library! 🦄 You should come! You would really pull off the part of the magical princess.”
    • “Putting some care packages together for a senior care home. 📦 I could use a helping hand!”

Give her a safe space to open up.

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  1. Since she’s an air sign, her moods can change like the weather—just go with the flow and she’ll appreciate how much you care. If she tells you she doesn’t feel like “herself,” or if she admits she’s had a rough day, tell her you always want to hear from her. You can comfort her with words like: [11]
    • “I love seeing every side of you. 💎 Thank you for trusting me.”
    • “I’m so glad you reached out. 🫂 I’m here for you, especially on tough days.”
    • “I’m honored that you shared that with me. 💖 How can I help?”
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Respect her perspective when differences come up.

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  1. Use disagreements as an opportunity to learn more about each other. Pause, ask how she’s holding up, then check in about how to strike a balance between the two of you. Remind her that what’s most important is that her boundaries and needs are respected. You can keep your bond tight with comments like: [12]
    • “I just want to slow down here. What’s coming up for you?”
    • “Can you say more about that? I’d like to understand your point of view here.”
    • “I am with you on that. That’s a very valid point.”

Embrace her free spirit.

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  1. You’ll prove you’re really secure if you can notice her effect on other people and just stay happy for her. Praise her for the special magic she has and the way she can dazzle anyone she meets. [13] You’ll definitely stand out from her sea of admirers if tell her something like: [14]
    • “You charmed the socks off everyone at the party! You’re a rockstar. ⭐”
    • “You light up a room! It’s amazing to watch. 😍”
    • “Of course they noticed how gorgeous you are! Who wouldn’t? 😏”
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Give her a little space.

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  1. If she feels like you two are always around each other, she’ll spot an imbalance in both your lives. Since she finds independence really important, make sure you focus on yourself sometimes. She’ll feel super relieved that both of you can take care of yourselves, and she’ll see the potential for a strong partnership. Here are some tips to show off your self-reliance: [15]
    • Make sure not to double-text. If you can handle an unanswered message, she’ll love that you’re patient and have ways to occupy yourself.
    • Avoid long texts. She prefers to wait to have in-depth convos in person.
    • Tell her when you need to recharge, and respect when she needs a couple days to herself.


Be honest with her about your feelings.

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  1. This air sign already has incredible intuition, so she’ll probably pick up on your emotions right away. Still, what matters most to her is that you open up about them. She adores people who have the bravery to be a little sappy, so admit to something sweet like:
    • “I’ve developed such a strong connection with you. 🔗 I cherish it.”
    • “You really warm my heart.🕯️I’m so glad we met.”
    • “You’re so much more than a friend to me. 🤩 You light me up.”
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Express your passion for her.

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  1. Her ruling planet guides her toward a strong and committed partnership, so she’s on the lookout for that special someone. If you tell her how serious you are about her and how you feel the potential for love, she’ll be set on you. Win her heart by gushing over her with words like: [16]
    • “I absolutely adore you. ❤️ You’re the woman for me.”
    • “You bring so much magic to my life. ✨ I want to hold onto what we have.”
    • “You set my soul on fire. ❤️‍🔥 I am inspired by you every day.”

Say you’ll stand by her side.

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  1. Once she does express a desire to commit, you’ll have a great chance for a lifelong partnership. So, if you’d like to hold onto this air sign for good, say you’ll support her even when life gets stormy. Make her glow with joy by reassuring her with something like: [17]
    • “I’m in it for the long haul. 🛣️ We’re going to have an amazing journey together.”
    • “I’m here for you, rain or shine! 🌧️☀️ You can always count on me.”
    • “When we have each other, everything will stay balanced. ⚖️ We’re a team.”
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Learn How to Attract a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. This expert series will help you learn what makes Libras tick and how to attract the Libra of your dreams.

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