Everyone’s got their vices, and we all give in to those 7 deadly sins every now and then. But which deadly sin is your guilty pleasure? Sloth? Greed? Lust? Something else?
Give your honest answer to these quick personality questions, and we’ll tell you which vice you love to indulge!
Questions Overview
- An all-you-can-eat buffet of my favorite foods.
- An exclusive, fancy restaurant where it's impossible to get a reservation.
- A greasy drive-thru that's dirt cheap.
- I don't care, as long as I'm not paying for it.
- Patience
- Justice
- Loyalty
- Humility
- Snooping someone's social media.
- Binge-watching trash TV.
- Checking myself out in the mirror.
- I don't believe in guilty pleasures. Pleasure's just pleasure.
- I hide it away. If anyone wants it, they have to complete a series of puzzles.
- I give it to my friends and family. It's only right.
- I donate all of it to various charities.
- I don't know, and I don't care. I'm dead. Let everyone else figure it out.
- I play a sport right now!
- Sure, but not anymore.
- I never have, no.
- Bats
- Crocodiles
- Snakes
- Spiders
- Ursula, the diva of the deep.
- Cruella De Vil. A fashion icon!
- Scar, the weird uncle.
- Captain Hook, the crooked commander.
- Twitter / X / Bluesky / Threads
- I don't really use any of these.
- People who are too beautiful.
- People who've found true love.
- Overachievers.
- Underachievers.
- Some rest. I need some peace and quiet.
- Some fun. I need to let loose.
- Some connection. I need to link up with someone.
- Some progress. I want to achieve something.
- Slasher
- Home intruder
- Supernatural horror
- Monster movies
More Quizzes
stuff<\/i> in this life, and how can you tell what kind of stuff you like until you see someone else with it? Maybe it's clothes, tech, good looks, personality traits. You're like someone window shopping in a mall, deciding what to keep and what to pass on by, and that's not a crime. It's just good taste! Some have it, some don't, and boy you sure have it. Or at least, you want it.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits"}],"link_data":[{"title":"What Is a Guilty Pleasure? 39 Relatable Examples","id":14402901,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples","relUrl":"\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/29\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples-Step-42.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Guilty-Pleasure-Examples-Step-42.jpg","alt":"What Is a Guilty Pleasure? 39 Relatable Examples"},{"title":"How to Get Rid of Bad Habits","id":585598,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits","relUrl":"\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f8\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits-Step-20-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits-Step-20-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Get Rid of Bad Habits"}],"minimum":0,"image":"Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-3-Version-3.jpg","image_url":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/60\/Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-3-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-460-329-439px-Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-3-Version-3.jpg"},{"number":6,"text":"You got Pride!","meaning":"You seem like someone who likes yourself, and that's certainly not a bad thing! You've accomplished a lot, and been through a lot, and look at you now. You're a bigger, better person, and you did that all on your own. Hey, maybe you're even better than other people? Sure, pride can be a vice when you make other people feel small, but it's a good thing when it's more focused on achieving something great and giving other people something to look up to. Why make yourself small for other people? Spread the love! You're all that, and if you don't appreciate yourself, who will?","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits"}],"link_data":[{"title":"What Is a Guilty Pleasure? 39 Relatable Examples","id":14402901,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples","relUrl":"\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/29\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples-Step-42.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Guilty-Pleasure-Examples-Step-42.jpg","alt":"What Is a Guilty Pleasure? 39 Relatable Examples"},{"title":"How to Get Rid of Bad Habits","id":585598,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits","relUrl":"\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f8\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits-Step-20-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits-Step-20-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Get Rid of Bad Habits"}],"minimum":0,"image":"Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-1-Version-3.jpg","image_url":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/b2\/Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-1-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-460-329-439px-Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-1-Version-3.jpg"},{"number":7,"text":"You got Wrath!","meaning":"You seem like someone who's got a whole lot of passion, and often, that passion comes in the form of anger. You can't help it. Don't you just want to get mad sometimes? Doesn't everyone? You'd have to be truly twisted if this world doesn't make you angry. It's true that anger can be destructive, but it can also be productive<\/i> when it's used for the right thing. You don't seem like someone who throws a fit when you don't get your way. Instead, you seem like someone who stands up for what's right, and uses your passion and outrage to make changes that help other people. That's good anger. That's justice, and the world could use more of that right about now.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits"}],"link_data":[{"title":"What Is a Guilty Pleasure? 39 Relatable Examples","id":14402901,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples","relUrl":"\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/29\/Guilty-Pleasure-Examples-Step-42.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Guilty-Pleasure-Examples-Step-42.jpg","alt":"What Is a Guilty Pleasure? 39 Relatable Examples"},{"title":"How to Get Rid of Bad Habits","id":585598,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits","relUrl":"\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f8\/Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits-Step-20-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Get-Rid-of-Bad-Habits-Step-20-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Get Rid of Bad Habits"}],"minimum":0,"image":"Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-5-Version-3.jpg","image_url":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/45\/Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-5-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-460-329-439px-Know-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins-Step-5-Version-3.jpg"}]" class="quiz_results_data"/><\/picture>","alt":"Am I a Sunrise or a Sunset Quiz"},{"title":"Who Was I in a Past Life Quiz","id":13714519,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Past-Life-Regression-Test","relUrl":"\/Past-Life-Regression-Test","image":"
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What’s a deadly sin, anyway?
Most people know about the deadly sins, and most people could probably name them all, if they had to, but where did they come from? Why are there seven of them? Why are these sins, in particular, deadly? We’re here to answer all this and more, but first, a quick refresher:
The 7 Deadly Sins:
- Pride , or self-satisfaction
- Greed , or uncontrolled desire to possess
- Wrath , or unchecked anger
- Envy , or uncontrolled desire (in general)
- Lust , or sexual desire
- Gluttony , or overconsumption and waste
- Sloth
, or laziness, or apathy
Where did the 7 deadly sins come from?
Originally, a monk in the fourth century, Evagrius Ponticus, made a list of eight severe acts of sin, hoping to categorize all the ways man can commit evil. Ponticus’ list looked a little different than the one we have today and included Gluttony, Fornication, Greed, Sadness (at someone else’s good fortune), Wrath, Dejection, Boasting, and Pride. Then, one of Ponticus’ students, John Cassian, wrote about these sins and contemplated them. Eventually, Pope Gregory I took up the idea and distilled the sins into his own list of 7, which we know today as the 7 Deadly sins.
Why are they called “deadly?” The sins are “deadly” because they’re pretty serious, essentially. Religious scholars proposed that they were the “capital” sins, or main sins, and every other sin you can name is actually just a form of one of the 7 deadly sins. Others say that if you commit one of the 7 deadly sins, it brings eternal death to the soul and that they’re one-way tickets to damnation. Whether or not that’s true depends on what you believe.
Want to learn more?
For more information about the 7 deadly sins, check out these cool resources: