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Plus, how to validate the pride you feel for yourself
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Showing pride and appreciation toward someone’s achievements is one of the best ways to make them feel cherished. In this article, we’re providing the ultimate list of ways to say “I’m so proud of you,” whether you’re speaking to a child, family member, significant other, or coworker. We’ll also include helpful tips on how to express pride in yourself without sounding boastful.

Alternative Ways to Say “I’m So Proud of You”

  1. You’ve outdone yourself.
  2. No one does it better than you!
  3. I’m proud of you because you didn’t give up.
  4. You have every reason to be proud of yourself.
  5. I feel an overwhelming sense of pride every time I think of you.
  6. That’s a major accomplishment! You really knocked it out of the park.
  7. “I am so proud of you that it makes me proud of myself.” —Gloria Steinem
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Short “I’m So Proud of You” Quotes

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  1. Whether you know someone who just graduated, started a new job, or is making a positive change in life, celebrate their success with some supportive words. These short messages recognize their hard work and efforts, plus lets them know you’re proud of all they’ve accomplished:
    • I knew you could do it.
    • You’ve outdone yourself.
    • You’re an absolute rockstar!
    • You are so loved and admired.
    • No one does it better than you!
    • You’ve done a phenomenal job.
    • Congratulations on your success.
    • You have every reason to be proud of yourself.
    • I’m proud of all you are, not just all that you do.
    • When it comes to you, I couldn’t be more proud.
    • I am so proud of you for embracing your authentic self.
    • You’re an inspiration to us all. Be proud of who you are.
    • What have you done to make me proud? Everything and then some.
    • That’s a major accomplishment! You really knocked it out of the park.
    • Your hard work has definitely paid off—you should be proud of yourself.
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“I’m So Proud of You” Quotes for Kids

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  1. One of the best feelings in the world is making your parents feel proud, so flip the script and share what you admire about your son or daughter. Highlight specific traits you love about them to boost their self-esteem , or bring up their accomplishments to remind them that they’re capable of achieving anything they want in life. [1]
    • Never question if we are proud of you. The answer will always be “yes.”
    • I’m proud of you because you didn’t give up. You are wise beyond your years.
    • Being your mom/dad is the best part of my life. Everything you do fills my heart with pride.
    • I’m in awe of your strength and determination. Keep reaching for the stars and making your dreams come true.
    • I will always be your biggest cheerleader. You are so smart and special, and I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
    • I’m so proud of the person you are becoming. You have achieved so much, while still remaining kind, humble, and honest. Keep it up!
    • Nothing brings me more joy and pride than seeing you shine. Don’t be afraid to chase your wildest dreams, and always shoot for the stars.
    • I feel proud of the person you are every day. You bring out the best in others and light up every room you walk into. Thank you for making it so easy to support you.
    • It has been a privilege to watch you transform into a sharp young man/woman. From teaching yourself to code to landing a job at Google, I’m so proud to be your parent.
    • As I look back on the past few years, it warms my heart to see how you’ve grown into such a kind and compassionate person. I’m excited to see you accomplish everything you wish for. You are destined for greatness!
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“I’m So Proud of You” Quotes for Friends

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  1. Want to make your friend feel moved and strengthen your connection ? Express how proud you are to be their friend, and mention any obstacles they had to overcome to get to where they are today. It’s guaranteed to brighten their day and make them feel seen, valued, and appreciated. [2]
    • Cheers to you, my friend! I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
    • I feel an overwhelming sense of pride every time I think of you. You’re absolutely killing it!
    • Be proud of all you have accomplished…because you’re doing WAY better than you think.
    • In case you needed a reminder…you’re doing amazing, sweetie! Know that I’m proud of you and keep pushing forward.
    • If everyone had 1/1000th of the positivity you have, the world would be a much better place. You have no idea how lucky and proud I feel to call you my friend.
    • Never compare yourself to others. You have overcome so much adversity, and you should be proud of how far you've come. I know things will get better soon.
    • You’re my best friend, biggest inspiration, and the sweetest person I’ve ever known. I cannot be more proud of watching you become the best version of yourself.
    • If you believed in yourself as much as I do, you could dominate the world. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come, and I can’t wait to see what amazing things you accomplish.
    • The world isn’t ready for your brilliant ideas, but don’t be afraid to stand out and make your mark. You’re a legend in the making, and I couldn't be more proud to be your friend.
    • I know it’s taking longer to achieve your goals, but you’re so close to the finish line. You have what it takes to reach the top, and I’ll be cheering you on every step of the way. I’m so, so proud of you, bestie!
    Brene Brown, Author & Professor of Social Work

    Real friends celebrate each other. "Good friends aren’t afraid of your light. When something good happens to you, they celebrate your flame. When something good happens to them, you celebrate their flame."

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“I’m So Proud of You” Quotes for Family

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  1. Express how proud you are to be part of such a loving group of people, and explain how special it is to share a close bond with one another. Showing pride in your family is the perfect way to feel close, especially when you’re physically apart. [3]
    • Out of everything I’m proud of, our family tops the list.
    • I’m so honored to be a member of this incredible family.
    • I need another heart to house all the pride I feel for our family.
    • I couldn’t be more proud of this family’s resilience and compassion for each other.
    • One thing that sets us apart from other families is the pride we have for one another.
    • I’m proud of everything we’ve been through as a family…and everything we have yet to achieve.
    • If you ever feel alone, know that we will always have each other. That is something to be proud of.
    • How lucky are we to love and support each other unconditionally? We should take great pride in our bond as a family.
    • Through the highs and lows, I’m so proud of everything we have achieved as a family. We’ve proven that good things are worth fighting for and waiting for.
    • Every step forward is a huge accomplishment. We might not have everything figured out now, but I’m proud of our positive outlook in life. This family means everything to me.
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“I’m So Proud of You” Quotes for Significant Others

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  1. If you want to deepen your relationship and give your partner a boost of confidence, stress how smart, strong, and capable they are. Encourage them to dream big and take risks, and remind them that you’ll be supporting them every step of the way. [4]
    • Nothing makes my heart swell with pride more than watching you do what you love.
    • I’m unbelievably proud to play a small part of the greatness that is you. Keep being your amazing self!
    • You are my biggest role model, and you continue to be a source of pride to everyone in your life. Thank you for being you.
    • The journey was filled with setbacks, but you handled each obstacle with grace. You make me so proud to be your partner.
    • Congratulations on your promotion, baby. Think about how proud you are of yourself, and know that I am twice as proud. I love you.
    • It’s been a pleasure to watch you transform into the best version of yourself. Words can’t describe how lucky I feel to know you and do life with you!
    • I’m proud of you for challenging yourself and stepping out of your comfort. No matter what happens, you deserve all the praise in the world for that alone.
    • Whenever life knocks you down, remember that I believe in you! I’m so proud of the person you are becoming, and I can’t wait for the exciting adventures that await us.
    • Somehow, you always manage to outdo yourself, but I could not be more proud of you than I am right now, at this moment. Here’s to even more incredible accomplishments in the future!
    • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I have the best partner on the planet. You always find the silver lining in any situation, and I’m in awe of your optimism and strength. You deserve everything and more!
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“I’m So Proud of You” Quotes for Coworkers

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  1. According to research, employee recognition can lead to a 14% increase in productivity and performance. [5] Highlighting someone’s accomplishments in a team makes them feel like they’re a part of something bigger and encourages them to continue growing. Instead of a simple “good job,” be specific about their contributions and show appreciation regularly.
    • I just saw your sales for this week. Fantastic job!
    • The client was thrilled with your proposal. Well done!
    • Your customer analysis was spot on. Excellent work on this!
    • Great job handling that account. You should be proud of yourself.
    • I couldn’t have done it better myself. You’ve done an outstanding job!
    • No one has ever completed the project ahead of schedule. Way to go!
    • The improvements in your work are undeniable. Keep up the good work!
    • You absolutely aced that presentation. Thank you for your hard work and commitment!
    • Working with this client under such tight deadlines is no easy feat. You make it look so easy.
    • Completing the code in less than a week is remarkable. I couldn’t have done it better myself.
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Famous “I’m So Proud of You” Quotes

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  1. Struggling to find the right sentiments? Choose an author, celebrity, or public figure that the other person admires, and write down their words to show your support. Whether you opt for something heartfelt or inspirational, adding a quote is a great way to make someone feel cared for .
    • “I am so proud of you that it makes me proud of myself.” —Gloria Steinem
    • “You are enough. Be proud of the person you are becoming.” —Tara Westover
    • “Proud moments are the building blocks of confidence and self-belief.” —Deepak Chopra
    • “Proud of you for staying committed to your dreams even when things get tough.” —Mel Robbins
    • “Proud moments are not just for big accomplishments but also for small victories along the way.” —Jay Shetty
    • “If you can look in your mother’s eyes and she’s proud of you, then you’re a champion.” —George Foreman
    • “Proud of you for embracing challenges and turning them into opportunities for growth.” —Jack Canfield
    • “Don’t dim your light to make others comfortable. Be proud of who you are and shine brightly.” —Michelle Obama
    • “Being proud of who you have become is not a destination but a journey of self-acceptance and self-love.” —Eckhart Tolle
    • “Your best champion and cheerleader is yourself. Always be proud of your accomplishments, big or small.” —Ayanna Howard
    • “Being proud of who you have become doesn’t mean you’re perfect; it means you’re aware of your growth and potential.” —Elizabeth Gilbert
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How to Express Pride in Yourself

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  1. If you’re not getting positive reinforcement or encouragement from the people around you, life coach Sandra Possing recommends “finding validation within yourself.” You can build self-confidence by getting to know yourself and practicing self-care , or by looking at an inspirational quote everyday to remind yourself that you’re strong, worthy, and bound for success! [6]
    • To express pride in yourself in a humble way, repeat positive affirmations aloud and recognize your achievements. You might say, “I’m really proud of how the project turned out. I spent months researching our customers, and I believe all my efforts paid off.”
    • Remember, boasting about yourself isn’t inherently bad, but think about your motivations before expressing your achievements. If you’re bragging about something to impress others, for example, that will likely come off as arrogant. If you’re expressing an accomplishment after enduring struggles, on the other hand, that’s more likely to be perceived as inspirational.
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Is it okay to say “I’m proud of you?”

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  1. While many people view praise as a positive thing, saying you’re proud of someone may imply they’re not good enough unless they “improve” or accomplish a goal. [7] Instead, try saying that you’re happy for their achievements to show support. This statement expresses appreciation for their hard work and efforts, which is more meaningful than saying a simple “I’m proud of you.”
    • For example, if your child tells you they passed their exam and you only say “I’m so proud of you,” they might equate their worth to their grades. Rather, you could say, “I'm so happy because you studied so hard” or “Congratulations—you deserve it after all your hard work!”
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