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Interpret subtle signals from the universe to find a soulmate
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You’ve met someone amazing and think they might be the one—but how can you tell if they’re really your soulmate? Soulmates are people whose souls naturally click with yours; when you’re together, the connection you share feels like magic! Luckily, when you meet your soulmate, the universe usually sends signals to tip you off and let you know you’ve finally met the person you’re destined to be with. Read on for a comprehensive list of spiritual signs that your long-awaited soulmate is standing right in front of you.


You naturally connect with them

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  1. Whether you’ve known your soulmate for a few seconds or several days, you may feel deeply bonded to them. [1] It may feel like something in the universe is demanding you pay attention to them, or you know that you belong together after a single conversation. You may gravitate toward them without thinking because your souls are so entwined!
    • Listen to your gut. Even if you know, rationally, that you’ve never met them before or don’t know them very well, your heart and natural instincts may reveal a profound connection with this person.
    • Do other people pick up on what a great match you are together? When you meet your soulmate, you may find that others pick up on your bond and mention that you two look like you’re made for one another.
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You can’t stop thinking about them.

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  1. Does it feel like you just can’t get this person out of your head? You might catch yourself daydreaming about them, thinking up fun things for you to do together, or texting them to say something even though you just saw them an hour ago. Soulmates are so deeply connected that they often end up thinking about one another, even if it’s totally involuntary. [2]
    • It may feel super distracting to have your soulmate on your mind all the time, but it’s also a strong sign that they’re thinking about you too. When the energy between you gets really intense, it may drown out other thoughts!

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  1. If you feel an inexplicable familiarity with them from the moment you meet, like you’ve known each other forever, it may be a sign that they’re your soulmate. [3] Kindred souls are thought to seek one another out across lives and timelines, so a feeling of intense yet comforting familiarity could be your soul telling you that it has found its match.
    • If the two of you decide to see a psychic, they may be able to confirm that you’re soulmates. #*Of course, you also don’t need to do that—if you’re seeing the signs on your own and sensing a deep, powerful connection with them, that may be all the proof you need. It’s up to you!
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You share similar past experiences.

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  1. Even if you’re from a completely different background than your soulmate, you may find that the two of you have a lot in common when it comes to personal history. You might discover that your families had similar dynamics or issues, you both did similar activities, or you both suffered a similar kind of trauma as kids. [4]
    • For example, when discussing your childhoods, you might find that both of you played soccer as kids or broke your legs at age 13.
    • Remember that even soulmates don’t have everything in common, and that’s okay too! Look for the similarities in your pasts, but embrace your differences as well, and talk about them to better understand one another.

wikiHow Quiz: Is He the One?

You look over at your man and think: ''is our love temporary, or is he the one?'' Will this be the guy you share your life with—or just another boyfriend? The truth is, you’ve probably collected all the clues you need already. If you look closely at your relationship, the answer might be clearer than you’d think. Ready to find out if you’re dating your soulmate? Take this quiz!
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How long have you been together?


You have a strong empathic connection.

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  1. You may find that you’re always in tune with what the other is feeling, what kind of day they had, or what might be on their mind. You’re on the same emotional wavelength—and may even be able to finish each other’s sentences. Soulmates often don’t need words to express their feelings because they can intuitively sense one another’s moods. [5]
    • You may also have a lot more empathy for them than you do other people. You feel what they’re feeling and influence each other’s emotions.
    • Keep in mind that absorbing one another’s emotional energy isn’t always ideal. Be mindful and practice separating your emotions from theirs sometimes.
      • For example, if your soulmate is feeling crabby, you may not want to pick up on that energy. Try cheering them up instead!
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You’re physically drawn to them.

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  1. Physical chemistry is also important for soulmates. [6] Pay attention to how your body feels when you’re near this person: does your stomach get butterflies? Does your chest or face feel warm and fuzzy? Does your heart skip a beat? You may even notice that the two of you share lots of intense, heated eye contact , which makes it hard to focus on anyone else.
    • Locking eyes with your soulmate is thought to be an almost psychic experience. You may be able to interpret one another’s thoughts with a simple knowing look or make one another feel safe and comfortable with a loving gaze.

You help one another grow.

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  1. The most significant relationships in your life are the ones that push you to grow as a person in ways you might not otherwise. Therefore, the universe connects soulmates who can teach one another valuable life lessons. [7] Consider this person’s effect on your life: do they encourage you to be a better person and bring out the best in you? If so, they may be your soulmate.
    • Your soulmate is also someone who won’t give up on you, even when you make mistakes, and you won’t give up on them, either. In short, the two of you are committed to helping one another grow!
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You met at just the right time.

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  1. When you’re meant to be with someone, it’s believed that the universe makes that connection happen at the best (and easiest) time. [8] If you meet someone who you have an inexplicably intense connection with, and the timing lines up perfectly for the two of you to get close to one another and (hopefully) date, then you may be soulmates.
    • For example, you might meet your soulmate as a different relationship is ending or right around the time that you feel ready to start dating and putting yourself out there emotionally.
    • Essentially, if it’s meant to be, everything will fall into place. If it doesn’t fall into place, then it’s safe to assume you weren’t meant to be after all.

You support one another.

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  1. Essentially, your soulmate is—ideally—someone who can give you all the love and encouragement you need in life. [9] Does this person pump you up before important events or encourage you to apply to dream jobs when you feel unsure of yourself? Are they always ready with a supportive word for you? If so, they may be your soulmate.
    • For example, a soulmate might pull out all the stops to help you prepare for a presentation at work, letting you practice your speech, giving advice—and, of course, reassuring you that you’re going to do an amazing job.
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You resolve conflicts quickly.

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  1. When you meet your soulmate, you may notice that arguments are fairly uncommon—and when you do argue, you work together to reach a solution rather than leaving the problem unresolved. As soulmates, you respect one another; you’re both devoted to understanding each other and settling disputes in a way that leaves both of you feeling satisfied. [10]
    • Every couple has ups and downs, and soulmates are no exception. You may have to work through the odd problem in the long run, but at the beginning of your relationship, you might be surprised by how easygoing it is.

You can be your true self with them.

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  1. Your soulmate is the kind of person who won’t try to change you; because your souls are spiritually bonded, it’ll feel like you have an innate understanding of one another. Around your soulmate, you’ll feel comfortable being yourself because you know they love you unconditionally for exactly who you are. [11]
    • Unconditional love isn’t always a good thing—after all, partners shouldn’t be expected to put up with toxic behavior for the sake of unconditional love.
    • However, true soulmates rarely encounter this problem; their deep understanding and acceptance of one another make them capable of sharing healthy unconditional love.
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Your energies align.

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  1. Souls with similar energies and vibrations are thought to be drawn to one another. When you meet your soulmate, you may feel instantly soothed without really knowing why, like there’s a sense of peace and happiness radiating out from your soul. This is a sign that you’ve met your perfect match, and your soul senses it! [12]
    • In short, when your energies align with your soulmate’s, that immediate connection you share will give you all the peaceful, positive vibes! It feels good to be with them because they’re the person you’re meant to be with.

They’re your best friend first.

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  1. You might not fall right into a romantic relationship with your soulmate. It’s possible you may start dating soon after meeting, but also very likely that they’ll become your best friend before becoming your lover. Regardless, your soulmate is supposedly the one person you want to be around more than any other—so they’re best friends as well as lovers. [13]
    • Pay attention to the way you act even after you start dating. Do you talk about everything and act like best friends as much as you do lovers? A soulmate is that special someone who knows you better than anyone.
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You share the same lifestyle and goals.

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  1. You may find that you and your soulmate want the same things out of life when it comes to both short and long-term goals. [14] While the two of you are still separate people and personalities, if you’re soulmates, you’ll often discover that you naturally align in terms of your preferred lifestyle.
    • For example, you may both want to get married and have four kids, or you may both dream of traveling around the world and experiencing different cultures.
    • Whatever your preferred lifestyle, you shouldn’t have to compromise on your dreams to be together—which is why your soulmate's preferences will likely be a great match.
    • In some instances, you might find that your soulmate ticks a lot of the boxes on this list but doesn’t have an identical lifestyle to yours. In that case, the universe may be trying to open you both up to a new and unexpected lifestyle!

Spending time with them is effortless.

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  1. Think about how it feels to be around this person. Is it as effortless as breathing? [16] Does it feel like you can co-exist with them without any strain or second thoughts? If you and your soulmate are destined to be together, then being with them will often feel simple and comfortable no matter what.
    • It may also be easy to make time for them in your schedule, even if you work very different hours or have busy social lives. When the universe is backing you up, it often feels like everything just falls into place for the two of you.

Silences feel easy and comfortable.

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  1. When you fall silent after talking for a while, does the silence between you feel comfortable? Can you roll with it without needing to find something else to say? When you’re so comfortable with them that you can simply sit, relax, and enjoy being together in those moments of silence, that’s a strong sign you’ve met your soulmate. [17]
    • It’s also a sign that you really trust one another. You aren’t afraid that silence is going to make things awkward or make your soulmate stop having fun with you. You love being around each other, even if you don’t have much to say!
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You share spiritual beliefs and ideas.

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  1. It’s very rare to find soulmates who don’t agree on matters of religion or spirituality. If you’re an atheist, they probably are too. If you’re highly religious, they likely are as well. There may be slight differences in your beliefs, but overall, you’ll likely find that you and your soulmate are on the same page right from the start. [18]
    • Remember that it’s never okay to force your ideas of spirituality on someone else. Even if you and your soulmate don’t totally believe in the same things, you can’t make one another change.
    • Sometimes soulmates change their beliefs over time to better match one another, but that happens naturally of their own will—in other words, they don’t force it!

Your intuition tells you they’re the one.

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  1. At the end of the day, your intuition (or “gut feeling”) has your best interests at heart—so don’t ignore it! Let your intuition lead the way. When your gut tells you that you’ve found your soulmate, believe it because that means somewhere deep in your mind, you already know with certainty that it’s true. [19]
    • Some people ignore their gut instincts because they feel that things must make logical sense to be right, but that’s not always the case.
    • Sometimes, things don’t make sense. It’s impossible to get tangible proof that you’ve found your soulmate, but you don’t need that—because your intuition will tell you everything you need to know.
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The universe sends you hidden signals.

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