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Keeping a personal diary can help you work out your feelings, keep track of the good things in your life, and just get you to write more. Buying diary supplies that you like and will use, setting a writing schedule that helps you commit to writing every day, and deciding what to write can all help you get started on a new diary. Always be committed. do not fear that if you lose track you can't write anymore

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Diary Supplies

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  1. 1
    Use Zebra pens. Zebra pens are useful in diaries, use them however you want
  2. There are plenty of options for keeping a diary – you don’t need to stick with just a paper version. You can keep a traditional paper diary, but you can also use a website or blog that is private and password-protected. You can also simply use a document on your computer . [1]
    • Paper notebooks give you total control and privacy, but you won’t have a backup option unless you make copies. [2]
    • Keep in mind that anything you store online is susceptible to hacking, so even if your online diary is password-protected or private, there’s always a chance someone could get in. [3]
  3. If you choose to keep a paper diary, you must purchase one. You can use any paper notebook as a diary, even something as simple as a one-subject spiral notebook or a composition notebook. But you can also go a little bit fancier and choose a leather bound notebook or a notebook with thicker, higher quality paper.
    • Some great options for paper diaries include the 'Leuchtturm' 1917 notebook, Moleskin notebooks, or Whitelines notebooks. [4]
    • Most stores have a notebook section – browse the shelves and see if anything pops out at you. If you don’t love your diary, you probably won’t write in it.
    • To increase the security of a paper diary, you can purchase one with a lock on it. Just make sure you keep the key in a secure place.
  4. You have a lot to choose from when it comes to selecting what you’ll use for writing in your diary. You can use a regular ballpoint pen or a pencil, including those you might have at home. You can also mix it up with colored pens, fountain pens, and even colored pencils and markers. The more you enjoy what you’re writing with, the more likely you’ll write regularly.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Writing Schedule

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  1. If you want to ensure that you write every day, schedule specific writing time. Maybe you’ll like to write first thing in the morning about the day before, or maybe writing in your diary at the end of the day is a good way for you to decompress. When you write is not as important as making sure that you write every day. [5]
    • To make sure you stick to your writing schedule, you can use a smartphone, your watch, or your computer to set a reminder to write every day at the same time.
  2. On some days you might find it hard to write and other days you might have so much to say you feel like you could write all day. Setting a time limit can give your writing structure and make it easier to turn into a daily routine. Start with ten to fifteen minutes per day. If you find you are always running out of time, you can always increase the amount of time you spend writing. [6]
    • Setting a timer can help you write within the time limit without having to check your watch every few minutes.
  3. Writing in the same location every day can help you stay committed to writing regularly. If you’re going to the same location every day to write, it will create a pattern and give your writing even more structure. It doesn’t matter where you write – it can be at a coffee shop or a room in your home – as long as you always write in the same place.
    • Take things further. If you are writing at home, sit in the same armchair or at the same table each time.
  4. It can be easy to give up on keeping your diary if you put too much pressure on yourself. It’s okay if you occasionally skip a day or two – once you get back into writing, simply jot down short summaries of the days you missed. [7]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Content Ideas

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  1. Sitting in front of a brand-new, blank diary can be a little bit intimidating. If you find yourself stuck, start by writing down one of your favorite quotes or poems. This can help you feel inspired and also takes the pressure off of you to write the first entry in your diary.
    • You can also copy down new poems or quotes as you go.
  2. Make sure you date every entry you make in your diary. This can be useful if you’re trying to remember when a specific event happened or just to see how your writing – and therefore your life – have evolved over time. How you date the entries is up to you. [8]
    • If you want to get fancy, write out the full date, like: July 14, 2018.
    • If you want to keep things simpler, try: 7/14/2018 or 7/14/18.
    • If you plan on keeping multiple journals, one for each year, you can write 7/14.
  3. Once you begin writing in your diary, don’t feel like you have to commit to one particular type of entry all the way through your diary. Your diary should be a place for you to record your thoughts, and your thoughts might take different forms on different days. Try some of the following: [9]
    • Traditional paragraph-like entries
    • To-do lists
    • Drawing
    • Poetry
    • Stories
  4. You don’t need to write pages and pages every time you sit down to write in your diary. One paragraph that sums up your day is plenty, especially when you first start writing.
    • You don't always have to write short entries, however. Sometimes you'll find you have a lot to say about your day or something in particular that happened. It's okay to write long entries in those cases.
  5. Some days you might have so much - or so little - on your mind that it’s hard to even know where to begin. Try by writing “So right now, I’m…” and just write down whatever comes to your mind first. This can be a great way to get started and you might find that the words flow a lot more easily after that.
    • Look online for "writing prompts." The internet is a great resource for these type of thing.
  6. Sometimes you might wish you could say certain things to certain people. Maybe it’s someone you can’t or don’t talk to anymore, or maybe it’s someone you don’t see regularly. Maybe there are things you need to tell yourself. Using a diary entry to write to other people can bring you closure and help you work out your feelings. [10]
    • If you're not quite sure how to start this type of entry, simply format it as if you're actually writing a letter, with the date and address of the person you're writing to at the top.
  7. This sounds counterintuitive, but if there’s an event you’d like to forget, it might actually help to write it down. Once you get it out of your head and onto paper, your brain might not hold so tightly to it.
    • For example, let's say something really embarrassing happened to you at school or work. Writing down all the details helps you get them all out of your head, and might prevent you from reliving the event over and over.
  8. A great way to add to your daily entries is to list the things that you’re grateful for that day. It also helps you keep track of the good things in your life.
    • These can be as simple as “the sun was shining” or as detailed as a conversation that you had with a friend.
  9. The best part of keeping a diary is that you can be brutally honest in it without having to worry about being judged. You can write down your deepest fears and biggest secrets without worrying that your diary is going to tell someone else. If you feel like you have to edit yourself, you might be less likely to use the diary, so staying open is key. [11]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Does it have to be in pencil?
    Community Answer
    No. You may use colored pencils, pens or markers - any writing tool as long as you like it,
  • Question
    How can I get better at sticking with my diary? I have trouble writing consistently.
    Community Answer
    A good place to start is to decorate. Decorate the cover with gel, glitter, washi tape, stickers, anything. Draw or paste a small calendar on the first or last page and write birthdays or days to look out for. Believe it or not, personalizing something helps you form a bond with it. Then comes the fun: writing. Write a little or a lot, things that happen during the day, thoughts, poems, or stories. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to write a lot or to write perfectly. Draw or paste if you don't feel like writing. Take it everywhere with you. It is your personal place to write the good or bad, wishes and secrets, without anyone finding out.
  • Question
    What do I do when people find out about it and make fun of me?
    Community Answer
    Ignore them. They probably have one and are making fun of you, so that people think that they don't have one. Or they are just jealous, but don't worry about it. People can be rude.
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      • Don't tear out the pages of your diary. You will regret it when you're older and want to look at your diary.
      • If you are struggling to get ideas of what to write in your diary, you can read books like Dork Diaries or Diary of a Wimpy Kid . These books will provide you with some awesome ideas and inspiration for writing a diary!
      • You don't always have to write in your diary. If you find that you can express your feelings better through sketching or drawing or doodling, that's fine, too.
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      • If you wrote secrets in your diary that you don't want people to find out about, make sure to hide it well.
      • Writing "My Diary" or "Top Secret" only attracts attention. Don't do it if you don't want it to be read.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to start a diary but you’re not sure where to start, try jotting down one of your favorite quotes or poems on the first page. On the next page, write the date at the top of the page, then write down a few lines about what happened that day. Try to set aside a few minutes at the same time each day to write down your thoughts, which will help you be more consistent in keeping a diary. For instance, you could write each morning about the previous day, or you could reflect on each day in the evening. Keep reading to learn different ways you could format your entries, like creating to-do lists or bulleted entries!

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