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Do you have trouble paying attention during lectures or find yourself distracted while communicating with others? Does concentrating to complete a task take special effort? If you find yourself zoning out a lot in life, you have probably gotten negative feedback in relationships, at work, or at school. What’s worse, failing to maintain attention can cause you to waste precious time and can even lead to more mistakes. Decrease the pesky habit of zoning out by learning active listening skills, practicing mindfulness, and addressing the underlying issues that contribute to your attention problem.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Improving Your Attention Skills

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  1. Distractions are at the bane of meaningful and attentive conversation or productive work. Yet, in today’s society, they are everywhere. Wherever you look, there’s something vying for your attention, which can make sustained attention skills difficult to develop.
    • You can maximize the success of active listening by decreasing distractions and cutting out multitasking. [1] For example, if you are planning to have a serious conversation with someone, put your phone on silent and inform others that you are unavailable for a short time. [2]
    • There are also apps for your computer, like Self Control, which can be downloaded to help you stay on task at work. They might block social media notifications, silence new emails, or count the amount of time you spend on work-related tasks for rewards. [3]
    • In addition, it might help to reduce sensory stimuli. Clear your desk of clutter so you aren't distracted by the need to tidy up or so you don't find yourself tossing around a paperweight instead of working.
    • However, while it’s definitely a good idea to give someone your full attention while they’re speaking, other cues like making eye contact and asking questions may be more helpful.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 368 wikiHow readers and only 8% of them agreed that the best way to show someone you’re actively listening is by avoiding distractions . [Take Poll]
  2. If you're trying to cram for a big test, or finish a work project, you might find yourself distracted or zoned out. Sometimes, this happens simply because we are forcing ourselves to sustain attention for unrealistic time-frames. Ensure that you are truly focused when reading or working by taking regular breaks. [4]
    • Set a timer for 30 minutes or an hour and give the task at hand your full attention. Then, once the timer goes off, take a short break for 5 to 15 minutes. Get a glass of water. Feed your appetite for social media. Go for a walk. Or, you can even use this time to take a quick nap. Once your break is over, return to the task fully attentive.
  3. Body language is central to effective communication. Plus, you can show your attentiveness by the way you position your body. Think about the most skilled public speakers you know. It’s not just what they say, but how they say it that makes an impact. And, listeners would be able to clearly tell when they have zoned out. If you are trying to improve your listening skills, don’t exclude body language.
    • If you talk to someone who has crossed arms and a tapping foot, you might get a sense of impatience and feel rushed to get your point across. This type of body language is closed, and deters from effective communication. Instead, strive for open body language, which involves leaving your arms and legs relaxed at your sides and your body turned towards the speaker to indicate you are paying attention.
    • If you are staring off blankly, the other person will think you have zoned out. In addition to displaying open body language, you should also make appropriate eye contact with the speaker to demonstrate your attention. Continuous eye contact can be intimidating, and even suggest disrespect, so do look away occasionally. [5]
  4. When you are truly practicing active listening, your engagement in the conversation prevents you from zoning out. Even if you are not currently speaking, you can demonstrate that the other person has your attention by giving visual cues.
    • Indicate you are listening by offering silent feedback to what the speaker saying. This might include actions like nodding your head to show agreement or bucking your eyes in amazement. [6]
  5. Active listening implies that you are listening to understand rather than listening to respond. The best way to show understanding is by giving the speaker a brief summary of what you heard. Summarizing demonstrates understanding, but it also gives the original speaker an opportunity to correct any part of the message that was misunderstood.
    • Summarizing generally starts with phrases like “So it sounds like you’re saying…” or “From what I hear, you are… ” Include various facts from the speaker’s message that allow you to check for understanding. [7]
  6. If you get the sense that you are not getting the speaker’s intended message, you can ask questions to clarify. Ask clarifying questions to ensure understanding. Plus, knowing that you may have to verify the message also helps you stay engaged in the conversation.
    • Let’s say a friend tells you “I was so upset by Jared today. I nearly lost my head.” An appropriate clarifying question might be “Jared is the new guy at work, right?” [8]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Learning Mindfulness

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  1. Mindfulness is the art of bringing awareness to the present moment. Consider how many tasks you do on autopilot, not fully aware of what you’re doing. On the other hand, consider the number of activities you try to perform simultaneously. In a busy, distracted world, mindfulness improves your ability to slow down and savor the here and now.
    • Practice mindfulness with the little tasks you do each day. For instance, you might brush your teeth in the morning paying special attention to the sensation of the toothbrush in your mouth. Notice the smell and taste of the toothpaste. Hear the sounds of running water from the faucet.
    • For however long it takes to brush your teeth, fully focus on the task. Redirect your mind if it wanders to other competing thoughts.
  2. One of the main reasons people so frequently zone out in everyday life is they have so few moments of silence. A typical attention span at the peak of a person’s life is really only about 20 to 30 minutes maximum. People absorb information, and remember things better when they take the time to take frequent breaks. To prevent your mind from wandering during important tasks or conversations, give yourself a few daily breaks for silence.
    • Choose a time when you won’t have any distractions and simply sit. You might do this in the morning when you wake and drink coffee or tea. Don’t talk to anyone. Don’t read or plan the day ahead. Just sit there and bring awareness to your body and the surrounding environment. [9]
  3. Another way to improve your attention skills, and reduce stress in the process, is by practicing mindful breathing. [10] This form of breathing stimulates the body’s natural stress response. It can be helpful when you are feeling anxious. However, mindful breathing also helps improve focus and empowers you to turn off autopilot and become an active participant in your surroundings. [11]
    • Take a few deep breaths to get started. Roll your shoulders and get in a relaxed position, either seated in a chair or on a floor cushion. Breathe in deeply through your nose for a few counts. Hold the breath for a few counts. Then, slowly exhale the breath from your mouth. Repeat this exercise for several cycles. Only focus on your breath. When your attention wanders, refrain from judging yourself and simply refocus on your breath. [12]
  4. If you’re like many people today, you probably eat while doing an array of other activities like talking on the phone, watching TV, typing an email or driving your car. Our detachment from eating is one of the reasons researchers say people struggle with overeating. Bringing your full attention to the basic act of eating can help you become more aware of what you’re putting into your body and notice when you are actually full.
    • Remove any distractions. Set a timer for 20 minutes, which is the amount of time required to consume an average-sized meal. Fully engage your senses. Cut your food into bite-size pieces. Take small bites and carefully chew. Try counting to 20 as you chew before swallowing. Lower your fork or spoon between bites. [13]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Addressing Common Attention Problems

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  1. If you find yourself constantly zoning out, you may need to practice better sleep hygiene. Attention problems can arise when your brain and body aren’t getting proper rest. Develop a sleep routine that suits your schedule and stick to it.
    • Try going to bed at the same time each night so your body adjusts to your bedtime. Perform a special winding-down ritual like taking a relaxing bath, performing self-massage (or trading massages with partner), lighting a lavender-scented candle, and reading a book.
    • Lower the thermostat so your sleep environment is comfortable. Use black-out curtains. Reserve the bedroom for bedroom activities only. No doing work in bed or watching TV. Shut off your phone, TV and/or tablet at least an hour before bed since the blue light in these electronics keep you awake. [14]
  2. What you’re fueling your body with can have a positive or negative impact on your mental health and functioning. Making some slight tweaks to your diet may help you concentrate better in school or work.
    • Clean up your diet by choosing whole foods that are closer to their original source. Opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein, nuts and seeds, and low-fat dairy. In addition, vitamins B, C, and E as well as beta carotene and magnesium have been shown to improve cognitive functioning. To benefit from these nutrients, include dark green, leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and carrots in your diet. [15]
    • Caffeine is widely known for helping improve concentration, but this substance may interfere with sleep quality. If you consume caffeine, do so before the lunch hour.
  3. If you are overwhelmed by stressful events or situations, it can be hard to stay focused. One effective way to limit zoning out is to address the stress in your life. Easing stress can open up the door for many other positive choices since excess stress can result in insomnia and overeating. Therefore, finding healthy coping mechanisms for stress can help you reduce other factors affecting your concentration.
    • Stress can be managed through relaxation exercises. Progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, yoga, intentional and focused deep breathing, and visualization are all practical ways to reduce tension and help you relax. [16]
    • If you are around others and unable to escape immediately to release your tension, try clenching and releasing your fists by your sides. Similar to yoga or any other exercise, this will help you to relieve any kind of tension in your body. Do this several times, again focusing on the release of tension while you count backwards with each tightening and release.
    • You can also ease stress by regularly performing self-care. Treat yourself to a movie outing. Phone a friend. Watch a hilarious YouTube video. Go to the salon and get your hair done. Run a warm, bubble bath. Do whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.
    • When you meet with your friend, if it is appropriate, and you feel comfortable talking about your concerns, then talk. You don't have to provide details, but if they know that you’re distressed they will be more forgiving if you zone out during the conversation.
    • Allow yourself forgiveness. Life happens and you can't control everything.
  4. Nearly every aspect of modern life can be linked to technology usage. When you are constantly in tune with everything that’s happening in the world around you, you can get bogged down with stress and neglect your physical and mental health. If you are suffering from attention or concentration problems, it may help to unplug for a while.
    • Choose a short time to conduct a digital detox. It can be a 12-hour period or an entire weekend. During this time, avoid watching TV, checking emails, or logging on to social media. If possible, shut off your smart phone. Reconnect with the people in your life. Go outside and get some fresh air. Engage in physical or creative pursuits that don’t involve smart devices. [17]
  5. A wandering mind at work or school could be a tell-tale sign of burn out. A type of psychological stress related to working too much and/or not getting adequate sleep, burnout can rob you of productivity, push your thoughts in a negative direction, and jeopardize your health and wellness.
    • Signs of burnout include feeling drained on most days, getting sick often, having headaches or other aches, feeling detached from your environment, having no motivation, procrastinating, and using alcohol, drugs, or food to cope.
    • You can reduce burnout by decreasing your responsibilities at work or school, connecting more with your social group, pursuing hobbies or passions, or going on a vacation. Extreme cases of burnout may require the attention of a mental health professional or career counselor. [18]
  6. Research tells us that occasional episodes of zoning out may be beneficial to idea generation, creativity, and goal-setting. Still, if you regularly find yourself disengaged from your environment or having difficulty concentrating, you may need to see a professional. A mental health therapist or psychologist can assess your situation and determine the cause of your zoning out.
    • Furthermore, a therapist can help you implement lifestyle changes that help you to become more present in your daily life.
    • You may also need to visit with your primary care physician for a check up and examination. Zoning out can be linked to some medical and mental health conditions, adverse reactions to medications, increased stress, lack of sleep, poor exercise, and diet.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What are some common mistakes people make when trying to concentrate on their studies?
    Ted Coopersmith, MBA
    Academic Tutor
    Ted Coopersmith is an Academic Tutor for Manhattan Elite Prep, a test prep and academic tutoring company based in New York City. In addition to general academic advising, Ted has expertise in preparing for the ACT, SAT, SSAT, and ASVAB tests. He also has over 30 years of financial controller advising and consulting experience. He holds a BA from the City University of New York (CUNY) and an MBA from Pace University.
    Academic Tutor
    Expert Answer
    People tend to generalize their abilities, which sometimes keeps them from focusing on particular comprehension issues or subject weaknesses. Rather than saying "I can't do algebra" or "My reading comprehension is not good," it's better to peel back the onion while focusing and building on your areas of strength. So, rather than saying "I can't do algebra," redefine the problem by saying, "I get confused by simplifying expressions."
  • Question
    How can you prevent zoning in class?
    Kirsten Thompson, MD
    Board Certified Psychiatrist
    Dr. Kirsten Thompson is a Board Certified Psychiatrist, Clinical Instructor at UCLA, and the Founder of Remedy Psychiatry. She specializes in helping patients with mental health conditions such as major depressive disorder, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, OCD, PTSD, and postpartum depression. Dr. Thompson holds a BS in Operations Research Industrial Engineering from Cornell University and an MD from The State University of New York, Downstate College of Medicine.
    Board Certified Psychiatrist
    Expert Answer
    If you followed the tips abode and find that your difficulty concentrating is still negatively affecting your ability to function at school or home, consider speaking to your doctor about treatment.
  • Question
    How can I not lose my concentration so easily?
    Kirsten Thompson, MD
    Board Certified Psychiatrist
    Dr. Kirsten Thompson is a Board Certified Psychiatrist, Clinical Instructor at UCLA, and the Founder of Remedy Psychiatry. She specializes in helping patients with mental health conditions such as major depressive disorder, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, OCD, PTSD, and postpartum depression. Dr. Thompson holds a BS in Operations Research Industrial Engineering from Cornell University and an MD from The State University of New York, Downstate College of Medicine.
    Board Certified Psychiatrist
    Expert Answer
    Try to identify any patterns associated with your zoning out. Are there specific things that trigger it? Is there something you frequently think about? Does it happen at a particular time in the day? Once you identify patterns with your zoning out, you can set preventative measures to disrupt those patterns.
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