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Studying for exams can be stressful, especially if you have no idea how to study for a specific subject. English exams can vary widely depending on the focus of your class, whether it is a composition course, a literature class, or a more comprehensive humanities class. However, there are some universal strategies that can help you be successful on exams in English courses.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Memorizing Vocabulary Words

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  1. Flashcards are one of the best ways to memorize vocabulary words. Write down the word on one side of an index card and the definition on the other side. [1] You can quiz yourself or have someone else quiz you.
    • You can use electronic flashcards too. There are computer programs and smartphone apps that are specifically made for studying information on flashcards: you enter the “front” and “back” of the cards and scroll through them.
  2. One way to study vocabulary more quickly and effectively is to know common root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Being able to identify these can help you make educated guesses about vocabulary words instead of just having to memorize a long list of words that have little meaning for you. [2]
    • The prefixes un, in, il, and ir often indicate “not.”
    • The suffixes –ive, -ative, and –itive indicate that a word is an adjective- one that describes a noun.
    • The prefix man usually has to do with using your hands.
    • The suffix phobia indicates a fear of something.
    • The prefix re means back or again.
    • The prefixes sur, sub, suc, sup, and sus often mean under, below, or secretly.
    • The prefix psyche indicates a relationship to the mind.
    • The prefixes mono (one) and poly (many) indicate a number or amount.
    • The suffixes log, logo, and ology suggest the study of something.
  3. Even if you do not have flashcards, the act of writing down the words and definitions will help you remember them.
    • If you have time, try writing the words and definitions more than one time.
    • If you have a visual memory, try using different colors. You may be able to remember the color of the word and visualize the definition during the exam.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Reviewing Literature

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  1. Any poems or short stories that you studied in class should be re-read. For longer texts like full-length novels, be sure to re-read any sections that seem really important or that your teacher spent a lot of time talking about in class.
    • If you took notes while discussing the texts, review the notes first, then re-read the text.
    • Be sure to consult your syllabus to remind yourself about all of the texts that you read.
    • Reviewing the chapter titles and the first and last sentences of each chapter of novels can help refresh your memory about the specifics of the novel.
  2. If you used a traditional textbook for your class, read the introductory material and any footnotes that accompany the poems or stories you read.
    • These items, often overlooked when initially reading the texts, often provide context and overviews that can be very helpful for essay questions.
  3. If you took notes in class, re-read them. If you don’t normally take notes, you should try to make an effort to do so in the future. This is the best way to remind yourself about what you talked about in class. Teachers rarely ask exam questions that were not directly discussed in class, so being able to review information from class time is the best study guide you can have. It is also good to review class work. 
  4. Many essay questions about literature will have to do with the theme, or the “big picture” messages of a text. If you have trouble identifying themes on your own, try searching online for the name of the text plus the word “theme.” You will likely find some useful overviews and study guides. Knowing common themes in literature may help you identify them in specific texts: [3]
    • Humanity versus nature
    • Humanity versus a hostile society or God/the gods
    • The fleeting nature of time
    • The inevitability of death
    • The state of Alienation
    • The danger of ambition
  5. There are many websites devoted to providing students with summaries and study guides for canonical (popular and famous) texts. These can be great tools for studying, but they should never be used as a substitute for reading the text in the first place.
    • If you choose to use an online guide, use a reputable one written by experts. Avoid using personal blogs and websites that don't say they're written by experts.
  6. Though you may not be asked specifically to identify characters’ names and relationships to each other on the exam, these are details that will come in handy while taking the exam.
    • Getting characters’ names wrong or mixing up characters can undermine even otherwise great responses to test questions.
    • Use flashcards (either paper or electronic cards) to memorize characters’ names and details about them. [4]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Determining Exam Content

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  1. The best way to prepare for an exam is to consult and fill out your entire study guide. Most teachers who give out a study guide are basically handing the class a key to the test. Becoming familiar with everything on the study guide can ensure success on the test.
    • If your teacher does not provide a study guide, this option may not be available to you. You could try visiting your teacher before or after class or during her office hours and asking for a guide or for tips about where best to focus your studying.
  2. If your instructor hands out a course syllabus or calendar, read over it. Often, the instructor’s philosophy about exams is part of a detailed syllabus. [5] This can also serve as a reminder about specific texts you read or items that you focused on.
    • Anything that your teacher spent more than one day of class on is sure to be important.
    • Most syllabi include a section about exams. At the very least, you should be able to determine what percentage of your overall grade each exam makes up, which can help you determine how long you should spend studying for it.
  3. For some exams, you may need to be able to provide definitions of key concepts or literary movements. For others, you may need to be able to talk about how a theme is explored in various works. Look through your notes to check for definitions, lists, and any theme or topic that comes up more than once; this is usually a good sign that these may be on the exam.
  4. Often, the day or days before the exam are the best times to attend class. Your teacher will likely preview the exam and indicate directions of focus that you should study. This is also when teachers usually distribute study guides.
    • If you must miss class, ask a friend or reliable classmate for copies of any handouts or her notes from class. If she knows that you will be gone ahead of time, she is more likely to take thorough notes instead of just listening.
    • As a last resort, contact your teacher to find out what materials you missed in class. It is best to let her know you will be gone ahead of time, and tell her that you have tried to have another student take notes for you. Don't phrase your request by saying you wanted to know if you missed anything or if anything important was covered; this may offend your teacher. Instead, ask if your teacher will share with you what she went over in class.
  5. If your teacher does not volunteer a study guide or information about the exam, ask her about it towards the end of class one day. It is best to be very polite and just ask for guidance about studying rather than demanding to know what the content of the exam will be.
    • It’s also important to know whether the exam is cumulative, covering everything from the beginning of the semester, or if it is only covering material since your last exam.
  6. If this is not your first exam for the course, look at the last test you took. Many teachers use similar formats for each exam, so an earlier test can serve as a study guide or at least give you an idea about what to expect for the format of the exam.
  7. In addition to asking about the content of the exam, you should ask your instructor about the format of the exam. Knowing, for example, whether an exam will be multiple choice or entirely essay can help you decide how to study.
    • Knowing whether you will be taking the test on a computer or with pen and paper will also help you determine how best to study. A computer with word processing software may negate the need to spend a lot of time studying the spelling of vocabulary words, for example.
  8. Be sure that you will be prepared for the exam by bringing the appropriate materials for the exam. If your exam will be administered on a computer, you may not need to bring anything with you at all.
    • Find out if you need a pen or pencil, paper or a test booklet, and if you will be able to use your textbook or novels that you read while taking the test.
    • Some teachers may even allow you to use a notecard or a study guide while taking the test.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Forming a Study Group

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  1. You are likely not the only person who wants to study for the English exam. Asking before or after class if anyone wants to meet for a study group can be a great way to increase the effectiveness of your studying.
    • You are more likely to be able to put together a study group if you do not wait until the day before the exam to suggest it: plan ahead.
  2. Everyone takes class notes differently, so circulating or comparing notes can be a good way to remember details about specific class discussions. This can also be a good way to review any material from days that you were absent from class.
    • Remember that your group members were not planning to share their notes, so be kind about their handwriting, messy notes, and/or doodling on their notes.
    • Don’t be embarrassed about the state of your class notes. You weren’t expecting to share, and even messy notes can be helpful to someone who doesn’t have any.
  3. A lively debate about the texts is a good way to get you interested in them and to review the content. Be sure you back up your discussion by looking at the text and finding opportunities to use “evidence” from the text to back-up your points.
  4. If your classmates are comfortable sharing the results of previous tests in the class, you can compare to see what types of responses seem to be the most successful for your particular teacher. Knowing, for example, if your teacher tends to give higher marks to longer, more detailed responses or to responses that are direct and to-the-point can help you determine how to approach answering questions on the test.
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    How do I improve my composition writing?
    Community Answer
    To improve writing, your first step should be to read more. This will give you more ideas and enhance your creativity. Before writing your answer, make a small column on the side and list all the points you want to make. Then arrange them in the proper order so that there is cohesion. If you are unsure about the meaning or spelling of a word, don't use it. Use a synonym. Make sure that you do not change tenses in your composition, and leave yourself enough time to read it over and fix any mistakes you might have made.
  • Question
    What do you do if you can't focus on studying?
    Community Answer
    Take a short break to refocus. You might also move somewhere else if your current environment is problematic for studying.
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    What if I have too many topics to study for the test? Meaning, I only have a day to study when my test is the next day?
    Community Answer
    In that case, break up the material into topics. Then study them with short breaks in between. Study the most important points in every single topic, accepting that depth isn't going to be as useful as breadth.
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      • Don't stress! Stressing will reduce the chance of getting a good grade.
      • Do not wait until the last minute to study. Cramming is rarely an effective approach for an exam.
      • When studying grammar, revise all of the parts and figures of speech. That is for example, malapropism and concord errors, etc.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To study for an English exam, start by figuring out what material the test will cover and what format the exam will be in. If you aren't sure, you can ask your teacher! Next, review your notes and be able to explain key concepts, definitions, and themes related to the material. If your exam is on literature, be sure to re-read short selections of text and memorize details like characters’ names and their relationships to each other. Also, try to attend class on the days leading up to the exam, since your teacher will likely be reviewing the exam material! For more study tips, like using flashcards and forming a study group, read on!

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