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Even for accomplished swimmers, swimming in the ocean can be disorienting and even intimidating. Knowing proper ocean and swimming safety before you swim is good to ensure you have the safest, and most comfortable time in the water. Before you swim in an ocean, make sure you check out the conditions of the beach, the weather, and anything else that may alert you to safety precautions.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Improving Your Front Crawl

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  1. Aim to keep your body as flat as you can so you can streamline through the water. Position your hips and legs so they are just slightly underwater. Keep your stomach flat and level to support your back and as near to the surface of the water as possible. Position your head so that it is inline with the body and the water level meets your hairline and eyebrows, with eyes looking forward and down. [1]
    • In this position you want to keep your head and spine as still and relaxed as possible. For momentum, rotate your hips and shoulders. Your head should only join the movement when you come up for breath. Your hips should not rotate as much as your shoulders.
  2. Your kicks should alternate and start at the hip with a slight knee bend. Your legs should be close together with ankles relaxed. Do a steady small motion with most of the pressure on your feet. You still should be moving your whole leg, but your feet should be moving up and down with the movement of your legs. [2]
    • Make the kicks long and fast, but with very little splash.Try to do six kicks in every arm cycle, so three kicks per arm movement. [3]
  3. One hand should follow the other hand into the water above your head. The elbows first exit the water half a foot to a foot or so. Make spear motions with your arm, with your palms turned facing out, causing your thumb to enter the water first. Make one spear with your arm through the water and as you pull the other elbow up out of the water, move the first arm back through the water to your body. [4]
    • Don't start pulling your arm back as soon as your hand is in the water. Allow your arm to reach forward, forming the spear, before you begin to pull it back to your body. When your hand enters the water, sweep your elbow forward, then pull it back towards the center of the body and then out towards the thighs. [5]
  4. Breathing in front crawl can be difficult, but it is important for the stroke. Try to breathe after every three strokes. Smoothly turn your head to the side and lift your mouth out of the water as you enter the opposite arm into the water. Try not to lift your head too much out of the water, because the more your head raises the more your feet and legs will sink. [6]
    • As you breathe, one side of your face should still be in the water. You may want to stretch your mouth some to one side to keep water from getting in it.
    • The regularity of breathing is not the same for everyone. If you need to breathe more often then do so. Just aim to keep your same position and try to make your breaths regular.
  5. This swimming technique is perfect for swimming in the ocean for many reasons. It helped Adam Walker, record breaking swimmer who swam across the English Channel, prolong his swimming career. This stroke is good for anyone: children and adults, open water swimmers and channel swimmers.
    • To change up your stroke for more endurance in the water, alter your movements in these ways:
      • Instead of using your chest and shoulders to drive your hand and arm into the water, focus on using your core. Imagine turning your hips and using your hips to propel you through the water.
      • Enter the water early. Use the same motion with your hand, but as you lift your elbow from the water, enter you hand into the water closer to your head. On a regular front crawl your hand would enter the water a foot or so in front of you, but with this stroke you want to enter the hand into the water a few inches in front of your head.
      • Hold your recovery arm in place. In a normal stroke, as you begin to enter one hand into the water, you will already be pulling your other arm back. In this stroke, keep your arm extended out in front of you until your other hand is just about to enter the water. Then, pull it back.
      • Only pull your arm back to your hip. On a regular stroke you would pull your arm back to your thigh, but on this one, only pull it back to you power section: your hips.
    • Some of the benefits of this technique are: [7]
      • Uses correct muscles
      • Maximizes speed and efficiency
      • Saves energy and prevents injuries
      • Relaxes your body, which helps relax your mind
      • Improves stability in rough water
      • Helps you keep your form in your stroke even when tired
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Taking Safety Measures at the Beach

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  1. If you are going to the beach and just plan to wade in the water, you probably need to know the basics of swimming. However, if you want to really swim out far into the ocean, you need to make sure you are a strong swimmer. Waves can be difficult to swim in, and the tide can often carry you far away from your original location, so be prepared to work hard while swimming.
    • If you don't feel confident in your swimming skills to swim out in the ocean, take some time to practice in a local pool. Make sure you have the basic motions down, and you can learn a few strokes as well. The stronger swimmer you are the easier and more enjoyable it will be to swim in the ocean.

    If you'll be in a boat in the ocean, have everyone wear a Coast Guard-approved life vest.

    Brad Hurvitz

    Certified Survival Swimming Instructor
    Brad Hurvitz is a Certified Swimming Instructor for My Baby Swims, an adolescent swimming school based in La Jolla, California. Brad is trained as an Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) instructor with ISR's Self-Rescue® program. He specializes in training children aged six months to six years of age survival skills like floating on their back to breathe and swimming back to the wall, while also educating parents on how to better keep their kids safe. He has a Master of Business Administration from Oregon State University.
    Brad Hurvitz
    Certified Survival Swimming Instructor
  2. When you swim out into the ocean and are only surrounded by blue water, it can be easy to lose sight of where you started. Before you go out to swim, try to choose a large landmark so that you'll know what to swim back to. You'll likely drift with the current, so it's important to remember how to get back.
  3. Before you go to a beach to swim, it's wise to check what the weather forecast is for the day. If it is mostly sunny you are safe to swim at the beach. However, if the forecast shows thunderstorms or lots of rain, today might not be the best day to take a swim. [8]
    • You can usually visit a beach if it's light rainfall all day, but keep in mind that it may be harder to see while you swim, so it could be dangerous.
  4. Beaches often place signs out to instruct swimmers and guests of the current conditions at the beach. For example, a beach may have a sign explaining that there is a lot of seaweed recently, that the tides are higher, the riptide is stronger than usual, or that there have been shark sightings. It's good to take a look at these signs so you are aware of the conditions of the water at the beach and so that you can follow the rules set.
    • Another good reason to read the signs is they may share information about where it is safe to swim in the water. Before visiting a beach, it may be good to look up the location on the internet. Many beaches, especially if they are public, will post warnings or give information on their website about the current condition of their beach and the water.
  5. In addition to reading the beach signs, it's good to be familiar with what certain flags mean. Not all beaches have these flags, but some will use them to alert visitors of current conditions. Some of the flags you might see are: [9]
    • Red and yellow flags: This means that the lifeguards are patrolling the areas that the flags have marked. These are usually the safest areas to swim in at a beach.
    • Red flags: This means danger. Don't enter water when this flag is flying, or ask a lifeguard or worker if it is safe to swim.
    • Black and white checkered flags: The area is safe for watercraft like kayaking or surfing. It's usually not safe to swim or use body boards in the areas this flag has marked.
    • Orange windsocks: There are dangerous wind conditions. You can usually swim in these conditions if you are a strong swimmer, but avoid using a floaty as you can get swept out with the current.
  6. If you are an adult and feel confident in your swimming skills, you probably don't need a lifeguard at your beach. However, if you are taking a child to the beach or feel safer with someone watching you, it could be good to swim near a lifeguard or at a beach where lifeguards regularly work. That way if something happens, you know someone is there to take care of it. [10]
  7. A rip current is a strong, narrow current that often occurs in the ocean in large open spots of water or near structures like piers and jetties. Rip currents cause deaths every year on beaches, so it's important to know what to do if you get caught in a current. Some safety tips to follow if you are swept up in a rip current are: [11]
    • Don't fight the current. Try to stay calm.
    • Swim parallel with the shore, not towards it, until you are out of the current. Once you are out of the current you can begin swimming towards shore.
    • If you are unable to swim towards shore, try to tread water or float until you are out of the current.
    • Stay 100 feet away from jetties and piers.
    • If you don't think you will make it to the shore, draw attention to yourself by waving and calling so that a lifeguard can come rescue you.
  8. The safest thing you can do when you visit the beach is bring a friend along with you. If you plan to go out deep into the water, it's best to have a friend go alongside you. That way, if something happens to either one of you, the other person can help out or go get help. Swimming alone can be dangerous, especially if you plan to swim far out into the ocean.
  9. While it is unlikely you will be attacked by a shark at the beach, it can still happen. Sharks tend to attack when they are trapped by a sandbar or low tide near shore, or where there is a great drop off, because that's where they find a lot of their prey. Follow these safety precautions to minimize your risk of a shark attack:
    • Don't swim too far from shore.
    • Swim in groups -- sharks are more likely to attack a solitary individual.
    • Sharks are most active during twilight and when it is dark, so avoid being in the water during these times.
    • Don't enter the water if you have a bleeding wound. Sharks have a strong sense of smell.
    • Avoid wearing shiny jewelry in the water. The reflected light resembles fish scales.
    • Avoid brightly colored swimsuits -- sharks can see contrast.
    • Don't live in fear at the beach of a shark attack. You are 30 times more likely to be killed by lightning and three times more likely to drown at the beach than die from a shark attack. Also, very few sharks ever kill their victims. It's more of a hit and run circumstance. If this doesn't exactly comfort you, just remember that it's very unlikely to happen to you or anyone you know, but it's good to be cautious either way.
  10. Out of 2,000 species of jellyfish, only 70 species can seriously harm you. However, if you are stung by other jellyfish, it can still hurt. Check the beach signs before entering the water for any information on jellyfish -- some beaches may have a large population at certain times.
    • If you get stung by a jellyfish, treat the wound with a wash of vinegar or rubbing alcohol. It may sting but it's better than water because water alone can cause the wound to release more poison. You can also sprinkle meat tenderizer or a baking soda water paste. If you are near a lifeguard, ask them to give you first aid.
    • Don't touch jellyfish that have been washed up on shore. The tentacles can still sting you if they are wet. Even tentacles that have been torn off can still sting you, so stay away from all jellyfish on the sand.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Packing for a Beach Trip

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  1. Even though you are surrounded by water at the beach, you can become easily dehydrated, especially if it is sunny. Make sure you pack enough water to last you for your trip, and try to drink it somewhat frequently. The last thing you want to happen is that you become dehydrated while you are swimming in the ocean. [12]
    • Bring along a cooler to store your drinks in so that you can keep them cool. Also, try to avoid drinking too much alcohol without drinking any water. If you are going to drink alcohol at the beach, make sure you drink enough water and eat enough food to counteract the effects of the alcohol. Swimming in the ocean while being buzzed or drunk can be very dangerous.
    • Before you bring drinks, look at the local beach's rules. Some beaches may not have any regulations when it comes to what you can bring but many prohibit their guests from bringing glass bottles.
  2. If you are spending hours at the beach without sunscreen, you will most likely get burned. Make sure you apply sunscreen before you go to the beach, but pack some too so you can apply it regularly throughout the day. Water and sand are major reflectors, so they reflect the sun's rays, increasing your chance of burning. Apply more sunscreen than you would think, just to be safe. [13]
    • Try to use a waterproof sunscreen so that it doesn't wash off in the water. Aim for a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher with broad-spectrum protection that protects skin from UVA and UVB rays.
    • Apply your sunscreen at least thirty minutes before going out in the sun, and then every two to three hours that you are outside.
    • Don't forget to apply sunscreen to all areas exposed to the sun. Wear lip balm with an SPF, and try to apply sunscreen to your ears and scalp if possible. Even if you are wearing a t-shirt in the water, apply sunscreen to your body.
  3. If you are going to be at the beach a while, it may be a good idea to pack a lunch or bring snacks to munch on throughout the day. Some beaches, the more crowded ones, will have concession stands or vendors selling foods, but many beaches do not. It's important to make sure you eat enough food and drink enough water throughout your visit to the beach.
    • Although there is no evidence that suggests exercising after you eat can give you cramps, you should still probably wait twenty or thirty minutes before you enter back in the water after you've eaten. This is mainly because eating a full meal and then doing intense exercise can make you nauseous, and that's not a great feeling to experience when you are swimming. If you plan to just splash around in the water don't worry about when you have eaten. However, if you are going to swim out far in the ocean vigorously, it may be wise to wait until your food has digested. [14]
  4. After you've spent a day at a beach and have gotten sand all in your swimsuit, you may not want to sit in your car. That's why packing a change of clothes is always handy. There are usually showers and restrooms at a beach, so when you are about to leave, visit a shower to clean off the sand and change your clothes before getting into your car.
  5. If you are spending extended time at the beach, you may want some time to relax in the sun. Pack a beach chair and a big umbrella so that you can stay out of the sun and in the shade when you aren't swimming. Use this time to apply another layer of sunscreen and hydrate. [15]
    • Remember that your eyes can suffer from sun damage too, so when you are relaxing in your chair or on your towel, wear sunglasses.
  6. Maybe you want to spend the whole time swimming, but it's likely that you may want to relax on the sand and in the sun for a bit. Pack some things to do when you are out of the water like reading a book, playing on your iPad, or throwing a football. You can also bring toys to build a sandcastle if you are taking kids along with you to the beach.
    • You can also pack things for fun in the water like a snorkel and fins, goggles, boogie boards, and anything else to make your time more fun.
  7. This is especially helpful if you are bringing along children or babies to the beach. Children can scrape themselves with the seashells or rocks on the beach, or they could get stung by a jelly fish. Either way, it's handy to have a first aid kit ready in case something happens. [16]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Is it dangerous to swim in the ocean?
    Alan Fang
    Former Competitive Swimmer
    Alan Fang swam competitively for over 7 years, through high school and into college. He specialized in breaststroke events, and participated in events such as the Speedo Championship Series, the IHSA (Illinois High School Association) state championships, and Illinois Senior and Age Group state championships.
    Former Competitive Swimmer
    Expert Answer
    Sometimes, yes. Even if you're a really great swimmer, the undertow and the current in the ocean are very, very strong. It's important not to be arrogant.
  • Question
    What should you do at the beach if you can't swim?
    Brad Hurvitz
    Certified Survival Swimming Instructor
    Brad Hurvitz is a Certified Swimming Instructor for My Baby Swims, an adolescent swimming school based in La Jolla, California. Brad is trained as an Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) instructor with ISR's Self-Rescue® program. He specializes in training children aged six months to six years of age survival skills like floating on their back to breathe and swimming back to the wall, while also educating parents on how to better keep their kids safe. He has a Master of Business Administration from Oregon State University.
    Certified Survival Swimming Instructor
    Expert Answer
    If you're not a confident swimmer and you end up in the ocean, roll onto your back and float until help arrives.
  • Question
    What are the best things to have in a first aid kit?
    Velana Valdez
    Community Answer
    The best things to have in your typical first aid kit include: plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapes; small, medium and large sterile gauze dressings; at least two sterile eye dressings; triangular bandages; crêpe rolled bandages; safety pins; disposable sterile gloves; tweezers.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To swim in the ocean, start by checking the local weather forecast and planning your visit on a sunny day, which is the safest time to swim. When you get to the beach, look for any signs or flags with safety warnings and current water conditions, such as shark sightings or high tides. Additionally, stay close to the shore unless you're a strong swimmer. If you do plan on going out deep into the water, try to bring a friend along so one of you can get help if there's an emergency. For more tips, like how to reduce your risk of a shark attack, read on!

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