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Going through a breakup is never easy, and if you’re regretting how things ended up, you might be wondering what you can say to get your ex-girlfriend back. If you think that giving your relationship another chance would be good for both you and her, sending her a message is the first step to starting over. But what should you say? We’re here to help with this guide on how to text your girlfriend after a breakup.

Messages to Text Your Ex Girlfriend

  • "I know you might need some space, but I just wanted to let you know that I still love and care about you."
  • "I loved being with you, and I want you to know I wish you all the happiness in the world."
  • "I'm sorry I didn't treat you the way you deserved when we were together. I understand why you were upset, and I hope you are doing okay."
  • "I'm so happy we are on good terms after the break-up, and I was wondering if you would be interested in spending some time together again."

Give her some space.

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  1. As hard as it might be, wait for a few weeks after your breakup to text her, unless she messaged you first. She’ll need time to process what happened, as will you. After a few weeks have passed, it’s okay to get in touch, so long as she didn’t tell you she wanted to go no-contact after you broke up. [1]
    • If she doesn’t want to text after the breakup, accept her decision. Breakups are hard, and she deserves to heal in whatever way she thinks best. [2]
    • Keep yourself busy during this time so you aren't focused on your breakup. [3]
    • If she takes a day or so to respond to your messages, do the same—it’ll keep you from seeming overeager.
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Remind her of a happy memory.

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  1. After a breakup, feelings can be pretty raw, and sometimes people dwell on the bad memories. By sending your ex a message about the good times you had together, you can try to change how she sees the relationship. Try sending her a message like:
    • “I was just walking past the restaurant we had our first date at. Remember when I spilled water all over the waiter? Stupid. Anyways, it just reminded me of how special that night was.”
    • “Went to the beach the other day, and thought about the trip we once took there. I remember it as being a pretty perfect day.”
    • “Just watched the new Marvel movie. Remember how excited you were to watch The Avengers? It makes me laugh thinking about it—I had a great time that night.”

Send her an apology.

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  1. Accepting the role you played in the breakup is an important part of demonstrating to her that maybe the relationship deserves a second chance. Be specific about the mistakes you made and tell her that you’ve learned from them. For example: [4]
    • “I’m sorry that I got so caught up in my friends that I didn’t treat you with the priority you deserve. I realize now that our relationship was special and needed to be treated with more care.”
    • “I’m sorry that I didn’t care for your emotional needs in the way you deserved. I understand why you felt ignored and hurt during our relationship.”
    • “I’m sorry that I was disloyal to you during our relationship. I had somehow thought that texting other girls was innocent, but I was completely wrong. It was completely disrespectful to you, and I understand that now.”
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Let her know you want the best for her.

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  1. It can be pretty awkward post-breakup when you don’t know where you stand with your ex. By reassuring her that you still want what’s best for her, she’ll feel more comfortable speaking with you. Tell her something like:
    • “Just wanted to say I loved being with you, and wish you all the happiness in the world.”
    • “I know we ended things rough, but I want you to know that your happiness is still really important to me. I hope you have it with whatever you do in the future.”
    • “If our breakup was what you needed, I accept it. I still think you’re an amazing person who deserves everything the world has to offer.”

Ask her for advice.

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  1. Asking someone for advice is a sign that you care about what they have to say, and can often be pretty flattering. Asking your ex for advice is a much better way to start a conversation than a simple “How are you?” since the conversation has a purpose. Try saying something like:
    • “Wanted your input on something: can you think of any good gift ideas for my little cousin?”
    • “Quick question: I want to take my uncle out to a good restaurant tonight. Any ideas?”
    • “Any study tips? I’m really nervous about my French exam tomorrow.”
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Ask her for a favor.

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  1. If you need an extra pair of hands or eyes for something, try seeing if your ex would be willing to help out. Have a backup plan and don’t take it too hard if she says no—she might still need some space. But if she does say yes, it’s a great way to rebuild your relationship. Try saying something like: [5]
    • “I’m trying to write a cover letter for this job—could you take a look at it? You’re the best writer I know.”
    • “Any chance you could drive me to the airport this weekend? No worries if you’re too busy, but I was wondering if you’re available.”
    • “I’m heading out of town for the weekend—do you think you could take care of the dog for me for a little? I’m happy to return the favor.”
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Tell her someone else mentioned her.

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  1. Everyone likes knowing when they’ve been talked about, so sharing this information with her will definitely pique her interest. It’s also a less pressure-filled way of saying that you’ve been thinking about her. Say something like:
    • “My mom couldn’t stop talking about you at dinner last night. I think she really misses you!”
    • “Was hanging out with some friends last night and they kept talking about how good you were at Mario Kart. I think they want a rematch.”
    • “My English teacher told our class about your essay. She said it was one of the best she’s read in her entire teaching career.”

Show her that you’ve changed.

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  1. If she’s considering giving your relationship another chance, she’ll need to know that the same issues that drove you apart last time won’t happen again. Let her know that you’ve been working on the things that she disliked about you by saying something like: [6]
    • “You were right—I have been kind of a slob. Wanted to show you this photo of the house freshly cleaned. Thanks for giving me the kick in the pants I needed.”
    • “Went to the mountains for the hike last weekend—here’s a pretty cool photo I took. Thought I’d share it with you, since you were always the one who encouraged me to be more active.”
    • “Just wanted to say thanks for motivating me to have more ambition. I’ve got a job interview lined up tomorrow—would mean a lot if you’d wish me luck.”
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Be honest about your feelings.

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  1. Wait until you’ve already established yourselves as friends again before telling her how you feel about her—otherwise, it could feel like too much pressure after the breakup. But if she’s given you signs that she’s okay with talking about your relationship on a deeper level, being honest about your feelings gives her a chance to do the same, and maybe bring you together again. Say something like:
    • “I know that we’re still working on being friends, but my feelings for you still haven’t gone away.”
    • “I know that you might still need space, but I still love and care about you.”
    • “You’ve always been an amazing person, and no surprise, but I still have feelings for you.”

Ask her out again if she seems interested.

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  1. If she’s been really positive about your attempts to get back in touch with her, and she’s been initiating contact herself, it might be time to broach the subject of getting back together. Getting back with an ex isn’t uncommon, and hopefully you’ve both learned enough from the last time you were together to avoid the same pitfalls. Keep your request simple and pressure-free, and accept her decision if she says no. Say something like: [7]
    • “I know last time didn’t work out so well, but what do you say about trying again? Could I take you out to dinner on Friday?”
    • “I’ve really loved talking to you again, and am happy that we’re on pretty good terms. Would you want to start spending time together again?”
    • “I’m not sure how you feel about this, but I’ve plucked up enough courage to ask. We’re getting along pretty well now, so what do you say to taking another shot at a date?”
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Why do I miss my ex-girlfriend so much?
    Amy Chan
    Relationship Coach
    Amy Chan is a Relationship Coach based in New York, New York. She is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing after the end of a relationship. She has over 12 years of experience helping clients work on their relationships with strategies rooted in the psychology and science of relationships and personal development. Her team of psychologists and coaches at Renew Breakup Bootcamp has helped hundreds of individuals in just 7 years of operation, and the Bootcamp has been featured on CNN, Vogue, the New York Times, and Fortune. Her book based on her work, Breakup Bootcamp, was published in 2020 and was featured by the New York Times.
    Relationship Coach
    Expert Answer
    When you start dating someone, you feel really excited and get a lot of feel-good hormones flowing. During a breakup, the reverse happens, which leaves you feeling sad. It's normal to miss the good feelings you had with your ex, and this can tempt you to pursue her again. However, it's not always wise to do this. Fortunately, you'll feel much better when time passes. Make sure you're taking great care of yourself during your breakup and spending time doing things you enjoy.
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