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In most men, fat is often redirected to be stored in the belly, or the chest rather than thighs and hips. Fat storage in the chest can lead to what most people call man boobs. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising, and eating right, you can get rid of your man boobs and bulk up with muscle!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

The Basics

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  1. Start by walking for 2 minutes before you run at a comfortable speed for 2 minutes. You can do intervals for whatever amount of time you want, as long as you do equal amounts of walking and running. Repeat this for 30 minutes so you have time to elevate and normalize your heart rate. [1]
    • Practice walking up a hill and then running and jogging downhill.
  2. . Start by doing 3 sets of 10 push-ups. Do the first push-up with your knees on the ground to warm up if you can’t do a proper push-up. Try other exercises like sit-ups, dips, bicycle kicks, and planks. As you work out more, you’ll burn fat in your chest and stomach. [2]
    • Start small by doing a few exercises a day and then add more to your workout when you feel comfortable.
  3. Eat healthy foods . The best way to a slimmer core is eating lean meats and more vegetables in small frequent meals. Incorporate fish, beans, and nuts in your diet to maintain your protein levels and have a small serving of fruit or veggies with every meal. [3] [4]
    • Cut soda and sugary drinks from your diet and replace them with water.
    • Keep track of your calorie intake. You have to burn more than you eat in order to lose weight.
  4. Start doing chest exercises like bench presses . [5] Start by doing basic bench presses using a weight that you comfortably lift. Have someone be your spotter in case the weight is too much. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and lift the bar until your arms are fully extended. Press the bar down to your chest and repeat for 10 reps. [6]
    • Always have someone spot you in case you’re overwhelmed by the weight.
    • After mastering the bench press, incorporate squats and deadlifts into your routine.
  5. You may feel like doing these exercises are tough or even impossible, but that is because you have fat. As you keep exercising and shedding fat, doing these exercises will become as easy as counting to ten!
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Improving Your Diet and Nutrition

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  1. Simply put, your calories give you energy. You get calories from everything you eat, but the amount of calories you consume impacts your weight. If you get too many calories, your body will convert leftover energy to fat. If you eat too few, you won’t build muscle. Aim to hit your caloric target every day to lose weight while building muscle. [7]
    • For example, if you weigh 180 pounds (82 kg), multiply 180 by 15 to get 2700 calories. You’ll need to convert your weight to pounds if you use kilograms.

    Tip: If you’re really trying to cut weight quickly and safely, take your daily caloric target and cut it by 500-1,000 calories. This will speed up the process without risking your health.

  2. Fish, chicken, turkey, tofu, and eggs are great options. You also get protein from beans, grains, and veggies, so don’t assume you need meat with every meal. Your body needs protein to repair muscles, keep blood moving, and produce several important enzymes, all of which will help you build muscle. [8]
    • A great protein-rich meal could be a chicken breast with some broccoli, or some baked flounder with quinoa.
    • On days when you’re working out, it’s okay if you go a little overboard with the proteins. The protein will help your muscles rebuild and give you an energy boost while you’re lifting. [9]
  3. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy, and they help regulate your brain, heart, and muscles. However, not all carbs are good for you, and the starchy carbs, like white bread, pasta, and potatoes, should only make up 30% of all the carbs you eat. Aim to eat more healthy carbs from beans, grains, sweet potatoes, and whole wheat breads. [10]
    • Eat a healthy carb with every meal to keep your energy levels consistent throughout the day.
    • Other examples of good carbs include pumpkin, brown rice, quinoa, bell pepper, kiwi, banana, and avocado. You also find healthy carbs in basically every vegetable.
  4. Healthy fats are really key; they help your body process vitamins, produce energy, and protect your heart. However, you shouldn’t overdo it. Keep healthy unsaturated fats at 5-10% of your diet. Avoid the saturated fats found in junk food and red meat to ensure that you don’t put any weight back on. [11]
    • You can also find good sources of fat in olive oil, avocado, nuts, and soybeans. Cheese is also a great source of healthy fat so long as you don’t overdo it.
    • If you have a sweet tooth, dark chocolate is a great snack that’s generally high in healthy fats and low in refined sugars. Just stick with higher quality brands and don’t eat more than a single piece.
  5. High levels of synthetic estrogens can make it hard to shed excess chest weight. Some canned foods are shipped in containers made with bisphenol A, also known as BPA. [12] It’s a type of epoxy resin that acts like estrogen when you accidentally ingest it. To avoid this, try to limit how often you eat foods that come in a can. [13]
    • BPA can also leak into your drinking water if you reuse plastic water bottles. Switch to a reusable water bottle if you find yourself taking the bottled stuff to the gym!
  6. Certain seafoods are often injected with dyes and pesticides that disrupt the way your body regulates hormones. These chemicals are called endocrine disruptors. They’re typically found in tilapia, salmon, eel, and precooked shrimp. [14] Limiting these foods can help you maintain steady hormone levels and avoid unwanted weight gain around your chest. [15]
    • You won’t have a problem with any seafood that is wild caught and labelled “organic” in the grocery store. This is typically a problem with the low quality stuff.
  7. Heavy use of alcohol is associated with lower levels of testosterone. If your testosterone levels are suppressed, you may notice a decrease in energy levels, sex drive, and you may put some unwanted weight back on. Try to stick with less than 1-2 alcoholic beverages a night, and only drink 1-2 times a week to avoid overdoing it. [16]
    • If you do drink, stick with wine or unsweetened cocktails. Beer tends to be very high in calories.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Training to Target Specific Muscles

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  1. You don’t need to work out every day to see the benefits, and it’s really important that you take days off to give your muscles time to repair. To get into the habit of working out regularly, pick 2-3 days a week to hit the gym and always take a day off in between workout sessions. Aim to keep your workouts under 1 hour to avoid straining or hurting yourself at first. [17]
    • You may notice an increase in energy levels throughout the day if you work out first thing in the morning.

    Tip: The two best exercises to trim down on chest weight are pushups and bench presses. To supplement that, you may want to target specific muscles to get the definition and look you’re aiming for. Mix up your workout routine and develop a set of exercises that works for you.

  2. Find the inclined bench at your local gym and grab a set of 20–40 lb (9.1–18.1 kg) dumbbells based on what you can lift. Lie back on the bench and space your feet out on either side. Bend your elbows and raise the dumbbells to your chest. Then, lift them straight up slowly while exhaling. Inhale as you lower the dumbbells back to your chest to complete one rep. [18]
    • To start off, do 2 sets of 5-10 reps each. Work your way up to heavier weights over time.
    • Keep your back as straight as possible while you’re doing this to get the best results.
  3. Find the pulley machine at your gym. Slide the pins down on each side of the machine to set it to 20–30 pounds (9.1–13.6 kg) to start. Grip the handles with each hand while facing away from the machine and step forward. With your palms facing out, slowly pull the handles together in front of you. Lower them back to your side to complete 1 rep. [19]
    • Begin by doing 2 sets of 10 reps. You can also use a lower weight and do 20 reps a set to do some resistance training if you’d like.
    • Low cable crossovers [20]
  4. Do this one at home. Grab a soft towel and fold it into a 2 by 2 ft (0.61 by 0.61 m) square. Get down on all fours on a slick tile or wood surface and place your knees on the cloth. Keep your knees in a 90-degree position and use your hands to push your body back until your arms are locked. Then, slide your body back into its original position to do 1 rep. [21]
    • There are two ways to approach this one. You can do 10-20 reps if you’re doing these in a rotation with other exercises, or complete them until failure, meaning that you get so tired you can’t complete any more reps.
    • This is a great way to supplement pushups, pullups, or other home workout routines on days you can’t get to the gym.
    • Once you’ve mastered this movement, you can try a more advanced exercise for building your shoulders like doing a pull-up or chin-up.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 698 wikiHow readers and 59% of them agreed that the best exercise for building upper-body mass is a pull-up. [Take Poll]
  5. The rowing machine is perfect if you’re looking for a full-body workout. Find the rowing machine at your gym and sit down on the platform. Place your shoes on the footrest and grip each handle. Push yourself back with your feet and pull the handles back. Keep them parallel to the floor and stop once your hands reach just under your chest. Slowly let yourself slide forward to complete 1 rep. [22]
    • This is a great warm up or cool down exercise since it isn’t too rough on your muscles. Do 20-40 reps with every workout.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I make my chest workouts more effective?
    Christopher Carreiro
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Christopher Carreiro is a Certified Personal Trainer and the Founder of Aum Training Center in Boston, Massachusetts. With over 10 years of experience, Chris specializes in helping busy people look and feel years younger. He does so by integrating holistic nutrition and mindfulness into life-changing transformation programs. In addition to being a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Coach, Chris is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). He also has a Master’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in life coaching.
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    The best way to train the chest is to work the musculature from different angles and with a variety of different rep ranges and tempos. For example, pairing incline chest presses with other exercises like flat bench chest presses, single-arm chest exercises, and push-ups is going to hit the muscles from different angles. Also, doing different rep ranges is helpful. I believe in having some heavy days and some more moderate days, which will help promote bigger muscles.
  • Question
    As I lose weight, I notice my skin is sagging. What do I do to tighten up my loose skin?
    Community Answer
    Eat around 150 grams of protein a day, and focus on the chest when you go to the gym.
  • Question
    What kind of push-ups are best?
    Community Answer
    You could do push-ups with your feet elevated for additional challenge, or put your thumbs and forefingers together into a diamond shape while doing them.
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      • It takes time to lose weight and build muscle. Don’t worry if you don’t see results overnight. Just stick with it and you’ll see the results over time!
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      • If you work out regularly and eat right for 2-3 months but don’t notice any changes you’re your chest, see a doctor. You may have gynecomastia, which is a hormone imbalance in men that often causes weight gain around the chest. It’s extremely treatable and you may be able to take a medication for the condition. [23]
      • Stay away from dietary supplements and fad diets. They may be tempting if you’re trying to lose weight fast, but many of them are not safe and you’re more likely to gain the weight back over time. [24]

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