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A quick guide to turning on the footsteps notification in Fortnite on all platforms
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Do you want to see footsteps of enemy teams around you in Fortnite? This is made possible with Fortnite's accessibility feature for visualizing sound effects. You'll be able to see when an enemy player runs or sprints nearby, which is helpful if you rely on visual cues. This feature also allows you to see other actions, such as nearby chests, players healing, Glider usage, and more. This wikiHow will show you how to turn on visual sound effects to show footsteps in Fortnite using your computer, Android, PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo Switch.

Things You Should Know

  • You can see footsteps in Fortnite using the built-in accessibility feature.
  • Launch Fortnite and click the three-lines icon to access the "Settings".
  • Go to the "Audio" tab and toggle on "Visualize Sound Effects".
  1. Launch Fortnite . Fortnite is available on PC/Mac, mobile, PlayStation, Xbox consoles , and Nintendo Switch.
    • You can use Fortnite's accessibility feature to see "footsteps" and other actions around you.
  2. Select the three-lines icon in the top-left corner of the screen, and then select the cog icon in the bottom-left corner of the panel. In the Menu , select Settings . [1]
  3. This looks like a speaker icon. You can find this at the top, between the controller icon and arrow keys icon. [2]
  4. This will be underneath the Sound header, below Subtitles . [3]
  5. This will apply your changes. You can now queue up for a game solo or with friends . [4]
    • This feature can help you improve at Fortnite , especially when you're in a region that is difficult to navigate.
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