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This wikiHow teaches you how to delete the Facebook Messenger app from your iPhone or Android. Deleting the Facebook Messenger app will automatically sign you out of Messenger on your smartphone, but you'll still be able to chat with Messenger users by using the Facebook website. If you want to remove yourself from Facebook chat completely, you'll have to delete your Facebook account as well.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using iPhone or iPad

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  1. This app icon resembles a blue speech bubble with a white bolt of lightning in it. You'll find it on one of your iPhone's Home Screens.
  2. Doing so will cause all of the apps on the screen to begin shaking.
  3. It's in the top-left corner of the Messenger app icon.
  4. This will remove the Facebook Messenger app from your iPhone.
    • You can re-download Messenger from the App Store for free if you like.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using the Settings App on Android

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  1. Tap the Settings app icon, which resembles a white gear on a light-blue background.
    • On Samsung Galaxy phones, the Settings app icon resembles a stylized, white gear on a purple background.
  2. It's near the top of the menu, though you may have to scroll down to see this option on some phones. Doing so opens a list of your currently installed apps.
    • On some phones (such as a Samsung Galaxy), this menu just says Apps .
  3. Scroll through your available apps until you find the Facebook Messenger app, then tap it.
    • You may have to tap See all apps or App info before you can find the Facebook Messenger app. [1]
  4. It's usually near the top of the screen.
    • If you just see DISABLE here, tap it instead.
  5. This will remove the Messenger app from your Android.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using the Google Play Store on Android

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  1. Tap the Google Play Store app icon, which resembles a multicolored triangle on a white background.
  2. It's in the top-left corner of the screen. A pop-out menu will appear.
  3. This option is in the pop-out menu. Doing so opens a list of your Android's apps.
  4. You'll find this at the top of the screen.
  5. Scroll down until you find the Messenger option, then tap it. Doing so opens the Messenger app page.
  6. It's at the top of the Messenger app page.
  7. Doing so will confirm your choice and remove Facebook Messenger from your Android.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I delete the version of messenger that came installed on my phone?
    Community Answer
    For Android, go to all apps, the look for messenger and uninstall or reset; it cannot be removed but it can be turned off to save space. For an iPhone, you simply press down on the app for a few seconds and an x will appear over it. Click the x and you will be asked if you want to delete the app. Confirm that you want to delete it and you are done.
  • Question
    I deleted Messenger but I am still getting messages. How can I stop getting messages?
    Community Answer
    Delete the Facebook App, too. Reinstall both and log in. if you're on an iPhone, go to settings and find Messenger. You can turn notifications off so you still get the messages, just not the notifications.
  • Question
    How do I delete just one conversation?
    Community Answer
    Open the conversation, tap the options cog, then tap "delete conversation."
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      • You can use Facebook Messenger without a Facebook account.
      • The iPhone steps in this article will also work for an iPad, while the Android steps will apply to any tablet running Android 7 (Nougat) or later.
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      • Some apps, such as System apps or pre-installed apps, cannot be deleted from Android phones. If Facebook Messenger came pre-installed on your factory-new Android phone, you may not be able to remove it.

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