Not been here much, but I'll try again. Trying to make every minute count. Tell your family you love them every day, because you never know when will be their last. I love you Papa ❤️ You can get through this Papa, you just have to believe. I know you think you're not going to win, but you can. Even if anything does happen to you, don't let it be because you gave up. I have framed the photo of me on your shoulders in the ocean by my bed, and I look at it every night and pray for you. Let's make every day count. Add me on Instagram- @underratedprofile or on tiktok @embarrassing_tiktoker

My wikiHow Stats

5 Articles Started
394 Article Edits
347 Edits Patrolled
115,278 Article Views
40 Questions Answered

Articles Started (5)

Article Name Rising Featured Views
Not Want to Change Yourself
Cope with the Loss of a Horse
Distract Yourself from Depression
Deal with Homesickness in College if You're Autistic

Thumbed Up Edits

Article Name Date
Use the Megaphone in Animal Crossing: New Leaf 4 years ago
Buy a Nitro Remote Control Vehicle 4 years ago
Contact Groupon 4 years ago
Beat Sans in Undertale 4 years ago
Pass Verbal Reasoning Tests 4 years ago
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Questions Answered (40)

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My Stats

My wikiHow Stats
My Readership:
The 7 articles I have started have been read 115,278 times.

Articles I Have Started:
The most recent 5 articles I have started are:

  1. Not Want to Change Yourself
  2. Cope with the Loss of a Horse
  3. Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a TikTok Account
  4. Distract Yourself from Depression
  5. Deal with Homesickness in College if You're Autistic
Recent Changes Patrol:
I have patrolled 347 edits on wikiHow.


There are 254,444 , of which 7 I started.

👧🏻😃About me😃👧🏻

Hello! My name is Anada Martinez and I am 15 years old.I love training horses. In my spare time I enjoy helping my sister,(who is my best friend )train horses. I also am a recognized showjumper for competitions. The highest I've ever jumped on a horse is 170 centimetres! I have gone through a lot in my life , and am so glad to be so unique and beautiful in my own way, just like everyone else.I have learnt so much through the years and Many people have supported me my entire life. I love learning new languages ; i can speak fluent English, Portuguese, French, Italian and German. On Wikihow, you can usually find me either writing a new article, fixing spelling or answering questions. The questions that I answer the most are about languages and translation.


  • From Snowflakeiesta on 25/05/2020

Hi Anada 💛, You are an amazing contributor on wikiHow, and you've been here for only a day! Here, you deserve this:-

  • From Jasmine on 25/05/2020

  • From Snowwy

😋Random Stuff😛

wikiHow Tip of the Day

Ever wonder how to make both bold and italic words? Italic is made using two single quotation marks on either side of a word, sentence or paragraph. Bold uses three. So, by combining five on either side, '''''this''''' would look like this ! It's one way to make words stick out on wikiHow.
Word of the Day:

Arachibutyrophobia: the fear of peanut butter sticking to the top of the mouth.
Did You Know...?

In the movie Babe, the piglet was played by over 30 different piglets because they outgrew the part so quickly during the production of the film.
Historic Fact of the Day

Historians named the Americas after Amerigo, an explorer that accidentally wrote that he arrived in the New World before Columbus. Therefore, America should have been called Columbia.
Update Status

Can you read this?
A sutdy sowehd taht olny 25% of poelpe can raed tihs.
Olny the frsit and lsat ltetres of a wrod hvae to be in oedrr; the in-beweten lteetrs can be ttolaly mxeid up in the wrod.
The sduty shoewd taht the hmaun biran deos not raed the wolhe wrod, but olny prat of it.
If you are one of the 25% taht can raed tihs, put {{Can you read this}} on yuor uspergae.
I can raed tihs, so I'm in the 25% - sewet!


Forty-two percent of all teens have tried smoking marijuana.

If you have not, add {{Important}} to your user page.


A black man walked into a caf­è early one morning and noticed he was the only African American there. As he sat down he noticed a white man sitting behind him. The white man tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Colored people aren't allowed in here."

The black man replied, "When I was born I was black, when I'm sick I'm black, when I go in the sun I'm black, when I'm cold I'm black, when I die I'll be black, but you sir... when you were born you were pink, when you are sick you are green, when you stay in the sun you are red, when you are cold you turn blue, and when you die you turn purple! And yet you have the nerve to call me colored!"

Put {{Noracists}} on your User Page if you are against racism.

This author is multilingual, meaning they can speak multiple languages fluently.
This author thinks British punctuation is best for quotation marks. Do you?

This author has cleaned up after a horse.
This author is a fan of Lionel Messi.
This author prefers reusability over convenience any day.

This author has been personally attacked before.
This author believes in fate, wish and love!
Anada Martinez has made 394 contributions
This user's page has been viewed 2,469 times