Paws and Claws
Personality Profile
Your personality type is The Anti-Hero.
The Anti-Hero
Your core traits are:
  • Complicated
  • Loyal
  • Pure of heart
What does it mean to be The Anti-Hero?

You do what you want, when you want. You’re a brave, clever, and complicated person. You follow your own rules, think for yourself, and abide by your own personal moral code.

On the outside, you might seem aloof, but deep down, you’re the ultimate hero. When push comes to shove, you always end up saving the day with a kindhearted sacrifice—and that’s why you’re so beloved.

Why do you have The Anti-Hero archetype?

Your nature is reflective of The Anti-Hero, as you possess a complicated and loyal spirit, exemplified by your result of being a Spy. Your alignment with Gryffindor indicates bravery, while receiving Anger as an emotional result suggests a passionate, deeply felt response to challenges. Your more reserved nature as an introvert, coupled with your acts of service as your love language, illustrates a complex persona that balances a desire for connection with a strong personal moral code. Ultimately, beneath your intriguing exterior lies a kind heart, ready to step up when it matters most.

You’re Anger.
Human Emotion
You’re Anger.
You’re a Spy.
Main Char. Type
You’re a Spy.
Your aura is pink.
Color Aura
Your aura is pink.
You’re a Soldier.
Soldier, Poet, King
You’re a Soldier.
You’re in Gryffindor.
Hogwarts House
You’re in Gryffindor.
You’re an introvert.
You’re an introvert.
You have a Gray Dating Style.
Dating Personality
You have a Gray Dating Style.
Your love language is acts of service.
Love Language
Your love language is acts of service.