On wikiHow over 1 month!
Meet a Community Member

Meet Iris8989, a wikiHowian of over 5 years. She enjoys patrolling recent changes, editing, writing articles and welcoming new contributors.
Why they contribute to wikiHow:
"I love contributing to wikiHow because it is such a welcoming community! The wikiHow system is pretty easy to navigate. I like editing articles to polish them and to improve them. Furthermore, there are always enough wikiHow articles to edit, so I don't get bored of it! If I can't find an article, I can always write one, and others can improve it as well, which is good teamwork."
Their advice to new editors:
"Don't worry if you make a mistake! Other websites might expect you to know a bunch of complex rules, but wikiHow is not like that. You can always ask the users on here or the admins for help! A good way to start is by categorizing articles. Then, if you get the hang of it, you can try other tools like patrolling changes, editing, and writing new articles. In the future, these skills will help you grow as a contributor. Soon enough, you might become a featured author, welcomer, booster, or even an admin!"