Yol Verinrii
Greetings all, I'm Verin!๐Ÿ™ƒ. I found wikiHow as a kid by browsing random articles as an anon, reading whatever I thought might've been interesting, and would often save articles to read offline if I didn't have the time. After formally joining, I generally try to improve articles that peak my interests where I can, and love doing bold edits (even though they take forever *groans*). I'll also approve and answer questions on different article where I can. I'm a bit of a nerdy bookworm sometimes (still enjoy reading wikis๐Ÿ˜†), who loves music, science, and gaming among other things, and can often be found hanging out in the forums.

My wikiHow Stats

439 Article Edits
667 Edits Patrolled
280 Questions Answered

Articles Started

Article Name
None yet!

Thumbed Up Edits

Article Name Date
Pop Your Clutch Into a Wheelie on a Motorcycle 3 years ago
Pop Your Clutch Into a Wheelie on a Motorcycle 3 years ago
Tame Foxes in Minecraft 3 years ago
Keep a Pet Turtle in Minecraft 3 years ago
Locate and Raid a Minecraft Bastion 3 years ago
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Questions Answered (280)

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This author has bold-edited 8 wikiHow articles.

<(-^.^<) <(-^.^-)> (>^.^-)>

Help Kirby dance! Just add {{Kirby Time}} to your user page!

Make Kirby happy! <(-^.^-)>

Can you read this?
A sutdy sowehd taht olny 25% of poelpe can raed tihs.
Olny the frsit and lsat ltetres of a wrod hvae to be in oedrr; the in-beweten lteetrs can be ttolaly mxeid up in the wrod.
The sduty shoewd taht the hmaun biran deos not raed the wolhe wrod, but olny prat of it.
If you are one of the 25% taht can raed tihs, put {{Can you read this}} on yuor uspergae.
I can raed tihs, so I'm in the 25% - sewet!

This author loves music!

This author uses wikiHow everyday.

This author is an Agnostic.

This author thinks black cats are good luck.
This author likes science.
This author loves everything-wolf.
This author likes Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
This author believes in equality for all.
This author is confused!
Verin has made 439 contributions
This user's page has been viewed 2,280 times